Q. After coming to power will your party operate freely or will it still remain underground?
中文: 问:在你们党取得政权以后,你们的活动是自由的呢,还是仍然保持地下状态? 更详细进入...
What procedures are in place to ensure that all unusable inventories (e.g., expired or spoiled) are written-off?
中文: 采取什么程序以保证所有不能销售的存货(如过期,损坏)均已从帐务上注销? 更详细进入...
For many years we have heard about the impending death of URLs that are difficult to type, remember and preserve.
中文: 由于传统URL难于输入,记忆和保存,多年来,人们一直在构想新方式以取代它。 更详细进入...
What procedures are in place to ensure that all valid changes to the inventory management master file are input and processed?
中文: 采取什么程序以保证所有对存货管理主文件有效的变更均已输入和处理? 更详细进入...
Yet historians have documented the murderous path that Chiang Kai-shek led in his efforts to win, then keep, and ultimately lose power.
中文: 但是历史学家们纪录了蒋介石以残杀手腕,赢取,保有,最终失去权力的过程。 更详细进入...
Color Sampler: Added options to the color sampler to sample the true paint color and from a single layer if required.
中文: 取色滴管:取色滴管现在多一个选项,可以取样真实色彩以及单层的色彩。 更详细进入...
A program under which claimants are periodically contacted to review their eligibility for benefits, work search activities, and reemployment needs.
中文: 一个用于定期联系申领人以便审查他们领取保险金的资格、求职活动以及再就业需要的计划。 更详细进入...
Xiamen and Jinjiang cities also cancelled outbound flights, Xinhua said.
中文: 新华社继续报导,厦门,晋江也取消发出航班。 更详细进入...
Study on the Differentiation of Human Gastric Adenocarcinoma Cell Line Induced by the Extract of Human Embroy Chorion in Vitro
中文: 人胚绒毛膜提取物诱导人胃腺癌细胞分化 更详细进入...
中文: 深海浮游微生物浓缩保压取样技术 更详细进入...
Keep an open mind when listening to the opinions of others.
中文: 在听取别人意见的时候要保持虚心。 更详细进入...
It is in moving into a loveless dream founded upon monetary gain and technological gadgets that leads to dissatisfaction, drug use, alcoholism, depression and strife as well as disease.
中文: 就是因为走入一个基于金钱获取和科技设备的无爱之梦中,所以导致了不满、毒品、沮丧、冲突以及疾病。 更详细进入...
While templates can be saved and to ensure that the next transaction.
中文: 同时模板可以保存,以保证下次使用。 更详细进入...
But it is the art director and copywriter who must oversee that work, to guarantee that it is true to the concept they developed.
中文: 但是,美术指导和文案撰稿人是监督工作以保证他们观点正确被执行的人。 更详细进入...
We'll bring up the rear and keep an eye out for any surprises.
中文: 要是你们收到了导航电波,就请以最大速度行进。我们将跟在后面保持警戒。 更详细进入...
Again the same dilemma, and I decided to force a draw as it secured qualification for the next round.
中文: 再一次面临两难局面,我决定强制和棋因为那足以保证我取得下一轮的资格。 更详细进入...
The Master shall take necessary measures to protect the ship and all persons on board, the documents, postal matters, the goods as well as other property carried.
中文: 船长应当采取必要的措施,保护船舶和在船人员、文件、邮件、货物以及其他财产。 更详细进入...
This book holds all the secrets to acquiring money, keeping money, and making money earn more money.
中文: 这本书掌握着如何获得金钱,保持金钱,以及用金钱赚取更多金钱的全部秘密。 更详细进入...
Domestically, US leaders eschew religious intolerance.
中文: 在国内,美国领导人采取宗教上的宽容政策。 更详细进入...
The database has been exported successfully.
中文: (数据库已成功导出。) 数据库公用程序已成功导出数据库。 ?无需采取措施。 更详细进入...