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Domestically, US leaders eschew religious intolerance.

Domestic violence is closely linked with cultural stereotypes and inequalities in allocation of rights within marital relationships. 摘要家庭暴力是与婚姻关系中的文化观念和权利分配不公平息息相关的。
Domestic violence shall be prohibited. 禁止家庭暴力。
Domestic yak dwelt is in Qinghai-Tibet plateau in China and is regarded as “the boat on plateau”. This animal feeds on leafy vegetation. 牦牛生长于青藏高原海拔3000米以上的独有的纯草食动物,享有“高原之舟”的美称,牦牛鞭是雄性牦牛的生殖器.
Domestically funded enterprises that invest in pillar industries need requisition of land may enjoy 20%-50% refunding from the paid-in land transfer fund. 投资支柱产业的国内投资企业需新征土地的,按20%-50%的比例返还其所缴纳的土地出让金。
Domestically funded enterprises that requisition land in this city may enjoy 10%-30%refunding from the paid-in land transfer fund. 国内投资企业在本市新征土地的,按10%-30%的比例返还其所缴纳的土地出让金。
Domestically, US leaders eschew religious intolerance. 在国内,美国领导人采取宗教上的宽容政策。
Dominance by location; extent of view. 控制定位控制;观察的范围
Dominated by blacks, grays and olive greens, cinematographer Tom Stern's images have a grave elegance, a drained quality that places the events cleanly in history without diminishing their startling immediacy. 斯特恩拍摄的形象拥有一个深沉的雅致,一种耗尽的特点,真实再现了历史事件,没有缩小他们令人震惊的真实性。
Dominating methods in wheat gene cloning include homology-based cloning, map-based cloning, suppression subtractive hybridization, DDRT-PCR etc. 目前,小麦基因的克隆方法主要有同源克隆、图位克隆、差减杂交、差异显示等。
Dominating the band is a dark streak that resembles a snake. 统治该云带是一个暗条纹就像条蛇。
Domination ammo now has the correct graphic. 主天使弹药将会显示正确的图形。

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