Coerces the target to perform an action.
中文: 强制目标行动(似乎和媚惑不一样--?? 更详细进入...
Under the blue sky, enjoy the sunshine.
中文: 在蓝色的天空下,在明媚的阳光下。 更详细进入...
it sheds its brightness everywhere.
中文: 好情绪犹如明媚的阳光,普照四方。 更详细进入...
A committee of members elected to administer the temporal affairs of a parish.
中文: 教区委员会被选举出的委员会,管理一个教区的世俗事件 更详细进入...
She has no gold piece which the world values above anything else, but she has clean hands which God values still more.
中文: 她无世俗所重视的黄金,可是,他却有上帝更为重视的清白。 更详细进入...
So also we, while we were children, were held in bondage under the elemental things of the world.
中文: 加4:3我们为孩童的时候、受管于世俗小学之下、也是如此。 更详细进入...
On the one hand, you tell me that I am cornered in every way, in my life, in teaching, in politics, that I've become a dirty hit star, that in any case it won't last forever and that I'll never get out of the rut.
中文: 一方面,你说我彻底走投无路,我的一生、我的教学、政治、我已经成为媚俗地哗众取宠,而且不会得意很久,甚至我也永远无法自拔。 更详细进入...
I was sitting in the garden enjoying the sunshine.
中文: 我坐在庭院里享受明媚的阳光。 更详细进入...
This complex of buildings was built by Shah Abbas I the Great at the beginning of the 17th century.
中文: 这是各复合式的建筑物,由阿拔斯一世在17世纪所建。 更详细进入...
Flattery and real compliments are very different.
中文: 谄媚与(真的)赞美是很不一样的。 更详细进入...
Flattery corrupts both the receiver and the giver.
中文: 谄媚同时腐蚀接受者和给予者。 更详细进入...
The Arabs are famous for their horses and camels.
中文: 阿拉伯人以马和骆驼而闻名于世。 更详细进入...
In costumes more extravagant than any Gaultier concert frocks, he revealed an actor's narcissism, neediness, daring.
中文: 角色浓艳戏服下,他抖出了一个演员的自恋、需索和毋视世俗。 更详细进入...
The day begins gloriously: a bright sky, a fresh wind, the houses newly washed.
中文: 这天一开始便景色宜人:明媚的天空。 更详细进入...
A new homeowner in North Carolina makes a dreaded discovery.
中文: 北卡罗莱纳,一位刚买了房子的户主发现了一件惊世骇俗的事。 更详细进入...
No rose, no diamond ring, that's the simple and romantic love stories in college.
中文: 没有玫瑰的芬芳,没有钻戒的世俗,这就是大学恋情——纯情而唯美。 更详细进入...
Objections to the view that secularism has been Western history's driving force come easily enough.
中文: 与世俗主义已成为西方历史动力相反的观点很容易就被抛出。 更详细进入...
To benefit from your gain is ordinary. To benefit from your loss is wisdom.
中文: 能从所得中获益,世俗之凡愚也;能从损失中获益,升华之大智也。 更详细进入...
The trailing green villus leans on the wind, smiling and waving hand to me, calling for me to spread my loose sleeves like wings; together with fairies, we fly to the green land outside the world.
中文: 蔓绿绒倚风媚笑,向我招手,向我呼唤,诗心顿展起双翼,与绿衣仙子同舒广袖,飞往绿油油的世外。 更详细进入...
A prayer of Moses the man of God. Lord, you have been our dwelling place throughout all generations.
中文: 诗90:1(神人摩西的祈祷。)主阿,你世世代代作我们的居所。 更详细进入...