I felt a sharp pain , and I was pinned to the mast by my shoulder .
中文: 我感到一阵剧痛,我的肩膀被钉在桅杆上。 更详细进入...
He has hardly fallen asleep when he felt a soft touch on his shoulder.
中文: 他刚要入睡,却感到肩膀上被轻轻碰了一下。 更详细进入...
The speeding car missed us by inches.
中文: 那辆开得飞快的车从我们身边擦肩而过。 更详细进入...
He ran at me and grasped my hair and my shoulder .
中文: 他朝我直扑过来,揪住我的头发,抓住我的肩膀。 更详细进入...
He gives me the cold shoulder these days.
中文: 这几天他对我的态度很冷淡(给我冷的肩膀). 更详细进入...
If you stand on my shoulders you will be able to see over the wall.
中文: 如果你站在我肩膀上,你就能看见墙那边了。 更详细进入...
The shoulder is another axis of rotation, and this axis is used in computing Shoulder Pull.
中文: 由于我们还借助肩膀的力量把球往上拉,肩部可以看成是第二个转动轴。 更详细进入...
The narrow street is full of the assorted vending booths, which features the folk custom all in it.
中文: 狭窄的街畔,各色摊点挨挨挤挤摆在两旁,赶集的人熙来攘往,踵击肩摩,民风民俗皆在其间。 更详细进入...
Continue to work upward so that the top of the igloo is about shoulder height with the person working inside.
中文: 继续向上垒直到有里面工作的人的肩膀那么高。 更详细进入...
Darrow had whispered, throwing a reassuring arm round my shoulder.
中文: 达罗搂着我的肩膀,在我耳旁嘀咕几句,叫我放心。 更详细进入...
Your muscular shoulder and chest impress me deeply.
中文: 你肩膀和胸部肌肉发达,这给我留下很深的印象。 更详细进入...
B: Well, he had a bad fall and broke his shoulder. So he had to take some days off.
中文: 他摔了一跤把肩膀跌坏了,所以他得休息几天。 更详细进入...
She woke him anxiously shaking at his su urnt shoulders.
中文: 她焦急地摇着他被太阳晒黑的肩膀,唤醒了他。 更详细进入...
She woke him anxiously shaking at his sunburnt shoulders.
中文: 她焦急地摇着他被太阳晒黑的肩膀,唤醒了他。 更详细进入...
The Maestro lifts the boy off the other boy's shoulders.
中文: 『迈斯卓把男孩从另一个男孩的肩膀上抱下来。』 更详细进入...
The task of fixingthe problem rested squarely on the shoulders of the relatively new FCC.
中文: 定象任务问题方形地基于相对地新FCC的肩膀。 更详细进入...
We then shrugged and went off to bed.
中文: 我们觉得莫名其妙,便耸耸肩膀又上床睡觉了。 更详细进入...
He was about to tell me the secret when someone patted him on the shoulder.
中文: 他正要告诉我那个秘密,这时有人拍拍他的肩膀。 更详细进入...
It has black fur on ears, eye patches, muzzle, legs, and shoulders.
中文: 它有黑毛耳朵,黑眼睛圈,黑鼻头,黑色四肢和肩膀。 更详细进入...
Body aches and pains, especially in the neck, shoulder and back .
中文: 身体各处的疼痛,尤其是在脖子、肩膀和背部的部份。 更详细进入...