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    It is a new multi-functional advertising medium, which cannot be broken, and it applies the backlight model setting that is formed by light guide plate and integrates various material of frame.

    中文: 超薄导光板灯箱是采用导光板所形成的背光模组,组合多种多样的外框材料而制成的一种多功能的新的打不破的广告载体。 更详细进入...
    Chiffon is a kind of thin, almost transparent fabric.

    中文: 雪纺绸是一种几乎透明的丝质薄织物。 更详细进入...
    It is the best quality procelain—the famous egg-shell China.

    中文: 这种瓷器质量最好,是著名的薄胎瓷器。 更详细进入...
    Analysis of 6 Kinds of Serum Protein by Cellulose Acetate Membrane Electrophoresis

    中文: 6种血清的醋酸纤维素薄膜电泳分析 更详细进入...
    An Improved Method for Ultrathin-Gel Electrophoresis of Protein

    中文: 一种改进的蛋白质超薄凝胶电泳方法 更详细进入...
    It's important to make an informed decision.

    中文: 广泛收集信息再做决定重要非常。 更详细进入...
    A classified advertisement is one of the simplest advertisements.

    中文: 分类广告使最简单的一种广告. 更详细进入...
    Classify advertisement is the most simply advertisement.

    中文: 分类广告是最简单的一种广告。 更详细进入...
    A thin disk, especially in a microphone or telephone receiver, that vibrates in response to sound waves to produce electric signals, or that vibrates in response to electric signals to produce sound waves.

    中文: 膜片,振动板一种薄的圆盘(尤其是在麦克风和电话收话器里那种)响应声波振动产生信号或者响应电信号振动产生声波 更详细进入...
    Hotel workers depend on tips to augment their usually small salaries.

    中文: 饭店的工作人员主要靠小费来增加他(她)们平时微薄的收入。 更详细进入...
    The more I read,the more I meditate;and the more I acquire,the more I am enabled to affirm that I know nothing.

    中文: 我读得越多,思考越深入;收获越大,越使我确信自己浅薄无知. 更详细进入...
    The simplest kind of advertising is the classified ad.

    中文: 最简单的一种广告就是分类广告。 更详细进入...
    For FM stereo, connect the stereo headphones to the 2 (headphones) jack.

    中文: 收听FM立体声广播时,请接立体声耳机于2(耳机)插孔收听。 更详细进入...
    A small, thin, crisp cake, biscuit, or candy.

    中文: 华夫饼干一种小而薄、脆的饼、饼干或糖果 更详细进入...
    A thin skin or film, such as an organic membrane or a liquid film.

    中文: 薄皮,薄膜如生物膜或液体膜等细薄的皮或膜 更详细进入...
    People used to listen in regularly before the days of television.

    中文: 在电视出现以前,人们经常收听广播。 更详细进入...
    Revenue from TV advertising has decreased enormously in the last few years.

    中文: 最近几年,电视广告的收益急剧下挫。 更详细进入...
    He listened to every news bulletin on the radio.

    中文: 他收听电台广播的每一条简明新闻。 更详细进入...
    Wide applications in thin plank manufacture,pipe installation,mould repair,petrochemical industry,architectureal decoration etc.

    中文: 广泛适用于薄板制件、管道安装、模具修理、石化行业、建筑装饰工程等。 更详细进入...
    Early sow, early mow.

    中文: 【谚】早种早收。 更详细进入...

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