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    It is no use to blame the looking glass if your face is awry.

    中文: 假如你的脸是长歪的,责怪镜子是没有用的。 更详细进入...
    Debate plays a very important role in encouraging one to get to the bottom of a matter.

    中文: 切莫以大人的逻辑思考来反驳孩子的「歪理」。 更详细进入...
    My cap had gone awry, my apron was stained, my feet ached.

    中文: 我的帽子歪了,围裙上污迹斑斑,两脚疼痛难忍。 更详细进入...
    Unluckily, one year ago, Chen's elder son Chen Liguang who is grade one of primary school sometimes acted indescribably, including walking unsteadily, running his head against the wall or stumbling suddenly meanwhile his hands are out of control and conti

    中文: 然而好景不长,一年前,当时年仅9岁,就读小学一年级的大儿子陈立光有时会做出一些莫名其妙的举动,走路时东倒西歪,有时还会碰壁、跌倒,学习写字时双手老是不听使唤,写起字来歪歪斜斜。 更详细进入...
    [KJV] The LORD hath mingled a perverse spirit in the midst thereof: and they have caused Egypt to err in every work thereof, as a drunken man staggereth in his vomit.

    中文: 耶和华让歪曲的灵搀入埃及当中,以致他们使埃及一切所作的都有谬误,好像醉酒的人呕吐的时候,东倒西歪一样。 更详细进入...
    Staggering along, the drunkard plumped against a tree on the roadside.

    中文: 那个醉汉东一斜西一歪,猛地撞到了路边的树上。 更详细进入...
    That newspaper accounts of international affairs are sometimes distorted.

    中文: 那家报纸对国际事件的刊载有时是歪曲事实的。 更详细进入...
    Wind stroke is an emergency case manifested by falling down in a fit with loss of consciousness,or hemiplegia,slurred speed and deviated mouth.It is characterized by abrupt onset with pathological changes varying quickly like the wind,from which the term“

    中文: 例18中风是以突然昏仆,不省人事,或半身不遂、语言不利、口角歪斜为主的一种疾病.因其起病急骤、变化多端,与风性善行数变的特征相似,故类比称为“中风”. 更详细进入...
    The government was accused of having systematically distorted the protester's case.

    中文: 政府因为有计划地歪曲抗议者的观点而受到责难。 更详细进入...
    I hope to clarify many points that have been distorted through the years.

    中文: 我希望澄清随着时间的推移而被歪曲了的许多观点。 更详细进入...
    Ge is so conceited that when she refused his invitation, it really put his nose out of joint.

    中文: 他很自负,她没接受他的邀请可把他的鼻子气歪了。 更详细进入...
    He's so conceited that when she refused his invitation, it really put his nose out of joint.

    中文: 他很自负, 她没接受他的邀请可把他的鼻子气歪了. 更详细进入...
    He's so conceited that when she refused his invitation, it really put his nose out of joint.

    中文: 他很自负,她没接受他的邀请可把他的鼻子气歪了. 更详细进入...
    Let all crooked scruples vanish, let me hopelessly lose my way.

    中文: 让一切歪曲的顾虑消亡吧,让我无望地迷失了路途。 更详细进入...
    You know I would never speak ill of you; he was just perverting my words.

    中文: 你知道我不会讲你的坏话,他只是在歪曲我的意思。 更详细进入...
    Andy: His nose is out of joint because we forgot to invite him to the party.

    中文: 安迪:因为我们忘记邀请他参加聚会,他鼻子都快气歪了。 更详细进入...
    And these also reel with wine and stagger from strong drink: The priest and the prophet reel with strong drink, They are confused by wine, they stagger from strong drink; They reel while having visions, They totter when rendering judgment.

    中文: 赛28:7就是这地的人、也因酒摇摇幌幌、因浓酒东倒西歪.祭司和先知因浓酒摇摇幌幌、被酒所困、因浓酒东倒西歪.他们错解默示、谬行审判。 更详细进入...
    But they also have erred through wine, and through strong drink are out of the way; the priest and the prophet have erred through strong drink, they are swallowed up of wine, they are out of the way through strong drink; they err in vision, they stumble i

    中文: 赛28:7就是这地的人、也因酒摇摇幌幌、因浓酒东倒西歪.祭司和先知因浓酒摇摇幌幌、被酒所困、因浓酒东倒西歪.他们错解默示、谬行审判。 更详细进入...
    He doesn't deliberately mislead, but I think what he says should be received with a grain of salt.

    中文: 他并没有故意歪曲事实,可是我认为对他的话应该打打折扣。 更详细进入...
    You're an attorney. It's your duty to lie, conceal and distort everything, and slander everybody.

    中文: 你是一名律师。说谎,掩盖,歪曲一切,诽谤每一个人是你的职责。 更详细进入...

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