I break the silence now because I want the facts known. If I am to be judged by those who come after me, let me be judged by the truth.
中文: 我之所以打破缄默是因为我想将事实公布于众。倘若后人要评判我,我唯愿他们据实以判。” 更详细进入...
Class warfare is out of fashion, the ideological line between Britain's two main parties has blurred and voter turnout, at 61% in the 2005 general election, is near a post-war low.
中文: 阶级斗争早已过时,英国两大政党之间意识形态的鸿沟也已模糊,2005年大选的结果是61%,离战后的最低点不远了。 更详细进入...
A deep furrow or ditch.
中文: 深沟一条深的沟或犁沟 更详细进入...
I got only a fleeting glimpse of them.
中文: 我只惊鸿一瞥地看到他们。 更详细进入...
If not, do you facilitate collective bargaining or communication with management?
中文: 如果没有,你们是否协助劳资双方就工资等问题同管理层谈判或沟通? 更详细进入...
The undeveloped telecommunication technology in the developing countries is due to their shortage of advanced S & T and talented people; it's also the key point we should take into the consideration when we try to solve the “digital gap”.
中文: 发展中国家知识和人才的短缺是造成其在信息技术方面落后的主要原因,也是解决“数字鸿沟”应重点考虑的一个环节。 更详细进入...
They are not interested in communications and are often incorrectly diagnosed as dyslexic or hyperactive.
中文: 他们对沟通不感兴趣,而且通常都会被错误判断成阅读困难或过于好动。 更详细进入...
When a land falls into the hands of the wicked, he blindfolds its judges. If it is not he, then who is it?
中文: 24世界交在恶人手中。蒙蔽世界审判官的脸,若不是他,是谁呢? 更详细进入...
His original name is Xu Hongjun.
中文: 原名徐鸿钧,苗族,贵州凯里人。 更详细进入...
Martin Luther King, Letter from a Birmingham Jail.
中文: 马丁路德金《伯明翰监狱来鸿》。 更详细进入...
Xu Beihong is a great artist.
中文: 徐悲鸿是一个伟大的艺术家。 更详细进入...
Feather is very light, so that we sayas light as a feather.
中文: 羽毛很轻,因此我们说“轻如鸿毛”。 更详细进入...
Critically to examine the nature of technologically-assisted communication, focusing somewhat on professional communication among scientists and engineers.
中文: 批判性地审视科技辅助交流的本质,聚焦于科学家和工程师之间的专业沟通。 更详细进入...
She was a far cry from the elegant girl we used to know.
中文: 和以前那个我们所认识的文质彬彬的女孩相比,她已是判若两人。 更详细进入...
Everyone hates him; his death is as light as feather.
中文: 每个人都仇恨他,他的死轻如鸿毛。 更详细进入...
As GM crops multiply in the landscape, unprecedented numbers of researchers have started fanning into the fields to get the missing information.
中文: 由于基因改造作物在大地上占据的面积不断倍增,已经有数量空前的科学研究人员散入田野,搜集资讯,填补我们的知识鸿沟。 更详细进入...
Abstract: The negotiation is an art of communication, it is a communicate action between two or more sides.
中文: :谈判是在沟通的基础上演变而来的一门艺术,它是具有厉害关系的双方或多方为谋求一致而进行协商洽谈的沟通协调活动。 更详细进入...
[KJV] They have spoken words, swearing falsely in making a covenant: thus judgment springeth up as hemlock in the furrows of the field.
中文: 他们说很多话,起假誓,又立盟约;所以审判像毒草一般在田间的犁沟中生长起来。 更详细进入...
I wish you much luck with the approaching academic year.
中文: 祝你们在未来的学年中鸿运当头。 更详细进入...
A cause for another Jedi at another time, Obi-Wan would say.
中文: 若要欧比万来评判,他准会说那是另一位绝地在另一个时刻的事务。 更详细进入...