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    Roles of the central nucleus of amygdala in the cardiovascular response elicited by the paraventricular nucleus of hypothalamus

    中文: 杏仁中央核在下丘脑室旁核心血管反应中的作用 更详细进入...
    Kindness will creep where it may not go.

    中文: 仁慈可进入任何禁地。 更详细进入...
    Kindness is one of her attributes.

    中文: 仁慈是她的特性之一。 更详细进入...
    Reproductive Habits of Rana huanrenensis Liu, Zhang,

    中文: 桓仁林蛙的繁殖习性 更详细进入...
    All culture values fame, loyalty, trust, kindness and other virtues.

    中文: 所有的文化都尊重名誉、忠心、诚信、仁慈和其他美德。 更详细进入...
    The practice of love and compassion is primarily related to the mental attitude that comes from one's heart.

    中文: 对仁爱与慈悲的修持,主要与内心的精神态度有关。 更详细进入...
    If the buyer is brave enough to break into their pricey purchase, he or she will find it contains many peach and apricot chocolates along with pralines.

    中文: 如果购买者忍心将这个价格不菲的彩蛋打开探个究竟,他(她)会发那里还藏着很多蜜桃、杏仁巧克力和果仁糖。 更详细进入...
    The baby prince, who has not yet been named, is expected to be the 128th Emperor of Japan after his grandfather, Emperor Akihito, his uncle Crown Prince Naruhito, and his father, Prince Akishino.

    中文: 这个尚未命名的小皇子,将是继他祖父明仁、他伯伯德仁皇太子和他父亲二皇子文仁之后,第一百二十八位日皇。 更详细进入...
    Our dedicated and ethical medical practitioners provide all sectors of the society with high quality imaging &diagnosis service, clinical laboratory testing and professional examinations that meet international standards.

    中文: 他们以仁心仁术、高尚医德及医风爲社会各界人士提供正规而高水准的医疗服务、与国际接轨的现代化影像诊断、临床化验和各项配套专业检验。 更详细进入...
    Charge Mixture:Polished glutinous rice powder, polished round-grained rice powder, red bean sand, white granulated sugar, plant oil, candied date, peach kernel, Guaren, cherry, Raisin.

    中文: 配料:糯米粉、梗米粉、红豆沙、白砂糖、植物油、蜜枣、桃仁、瓜仁、樱桃、葡萄干。 更详细进入...
    He is a kind man at heart.

    中文: 他实际上是个仁慈的人。 更详细进入...
    I am bless him for his kindness.

    中文: 我为他的仁慈而祝福他. 更详细进入...
    I am blessing him for his tolerance.

    中文: 我为他的仁慈而祝福他. 更详细进入...
    I bless him for her mercy.

    中文: 我为他的仁慈而祝福他. 更详细进入...
    I blessed him for his kindness.

    中文: 我为他的仁慈而祝福他. 更详细进入...
    I congradulate him for his mercy.

    中文: 我为他的仁慈而祝福他. 更详细进入...
    I pray for him for his mercy.

    中文: 我为他的仁慈而祝福他. 更详细进入...
    Spell and pronounce names and titles correctly.

    中文: 熟记同仁的职称与大名。 更详细进入...
    Research Progress of the Functions of Amygdala

    中文: 杏仁核的功能研究进展 更详细进入...
    Study on Chemical Constituents of Eucommia Kernel

    中文: 杜仲种仁化学成分研究 更详细进入...

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