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All culture values fame, loyalty, trust, kindness and other virtues.

All crew members perished in the disaster. 飞船上所有机组成员全部遇难。
All crew reported to station ,carried out fire drill. 航海日志)全体船员在集合地点集合,进行消防演习。
All crit rate adjusting abilities, items, and talents add the flat % to the base % crit rate. 所有的暴击率包括基础暴击率和技能,物品,天赋的加成。
All critical functions of the product have been implemented and tested. 是否所有关键的功能都已经开发出来并且已经测试?
All crows are equally black, all wolves eat meat. 天下乌鸦一般黑,老狼都是吃肉的。
All culture values fame, loyalty, trust, kindness and other virtues. 所有的文化都尊重名誉、忠心、诚信、仁慈和其他美德。
All cultures at some time have had dances to bring rain ,goodhealth,or to drive ill spirits away. 所有文化在某些时候,都通过跳舞来祈求雨露、健康并驱走疾病。
All cunt and a glass ass in which you can read the history of the Middle Ages. 全是阴户和一截直肠,你可以坐在里面看中世纪史。
All cups have a lid which only opens when the cup reaches the measuring position, preventing loss of sample through evaporation. 所有的杯子都带有盖子,并且盖子只能在杯子放置到测量位置时才能打开,防止样品蒸发。
All current liabilities shall be accounted for at actual amount incurred. 各项流动负债应当按实际发生数额记帐。
All customers are our emperor. 我们的宗旨皆是客户至上。

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