This result was very surprising; it cast doubt not just on the gas-infall model but on the entire theory of bar waves.
中文: 这结果令人非常惊讶,因为它不只诘难这个气体坠入模型,也质疑整个棒波理论。 更详细进入...
A flutter of a flitting touch brushed me and vanished in a moment, like a torn flower petal blown in the breeze.
中文: 一霎飞触的撩乱扫拂过我,立刻又消失了,像扯落了的花瓣在和风中飘扬。 更详细进入...
I think a charming girl should know a thing or two about English and Chinese and think learning English and Chinese is like shooting fish in a barrel.
中文: 我认为魅力女生应该通晓英语和汉语。认为学习英语和汉语非常容易,就像瓮中捉鳖。但当她稍胜同学一筹时,她应从不飘飘然,脚不点地,走在半空中,她应该知道她不是一个全才。 更详细进入...
Acts 1:18 (Now this man acquired a piece of land with the wages of unrighteousness; and falling headlong, he burst in the middle, and all his inward parts gushed out.
中文: 徒一18这人用不义的工价买了一块田,以后他倒头坠下,肚腹迸裂,肠子都流出来。 更详细进入...
Minutes later, the plane crashed, 80 miles southeast of Pittsburgh, just after 10 a.m. ET. The aircraft had been scheduled to fly from Newark, N.J. to San Francisco.
中文: 几分钟后飞机在匹兹堡东南80英里处坠毁,时间刚过10点。飞机是飞向三藩市的。 更详细进入...
Officials in Cameroon say all 114 people aboard the Kenya Airways jet that crashed in Cameroon Saturday are dead.
中文: 喀麦隆官员说,星期六在喀麦隆坠毁的肯尼亚航空公司客机上的114人全部遇难。 更详细进入...
When the engine fails, an alarm will sound and the rotors will begin to spin down. You cannot let them spin down, else you'll crash and burn hard.
中文: 当发动机失效时,飞行会旋转着掉落并发出警告,你必须采取措施,否则就会坠毁。 更详细进入...
Remote complications and side effects were vasitis node(0.%), epididymal deposit (.8%), dragging pain in scrotum (0. 9%)and the pain in epididymis and spermatic cord (0. 0%).
中文: 远期的并发症和副作用:痛性结节(0.%)、附辜淤积(.8%)、阴囊坠痛(0. 9%)、附睾精索痛(0. 0%)。 更详细进入...
Your voice,my friend,wander in my heart,like the muffled sound of the sea among these listening pines.
中文: 我的朋友,你的声音飘荡在我的心里,宛若海水的低吟,萦绕在聆听着的松林间。 更详细进入...
Your voice , my friend ,wanders in my heart , like the muffled sound of the sea among these listening pines .
中文: 我的朋友,你的声音飘荡在我心里,宛如那海水的低吟,萦绕在聆听着的松林间。 更详细进入...
It was covered with yellow handkerchiefs——20 of them, 30 of them, maybe hundreds, a tree that stood like a banner of welcome billowing in the wind.
中文: 20块,30块,也许有好几百块,这棵树站在那儿,就象一面欢迎的大旗,在风中飘扬。 更详细进入...
It was one of those blustery summer days.The clouds chased each other across the sky and begged to be watched.
中文: 夏天,一个有风的日子。天空中飘浮着很多好看的云朵,它们千姿百态,争奇斗艳。 更详细进入...
Let my thoughts come to you,when I am gone like the afterglow of sunset at the margin of starry silence.
中文: 当我走后,让我的思念飘到你那里去,像那落日的余晖,映照在沉寂的星空边缘。 更详细进入...
The initial sweetness floated her in the mid air, but she had to stand on the ground with both feet after all.
中文: 最初的甜蜜,让她在半空中悬浮和飘游,可是,人们的双足,却终究是要踏在地面。 更详细进入...
Fall in love with Off-Broadway's long-running hit I Love You, You're erfect, Now Change!
中文: 与这部非百老汇的取得长期成功的戏剧共坠爱河吧……我爱你,你很完美,但一切已变。 更详细进入...
In 467 BC, Roman historians recorded the extraordinary fall of a meteor to the earth.
中文: 早在公元前467年,古罗马的历史学家就曾记录下流星坠落地面的不同寻常的陨落。 更详细进入...
The raindrop whispered to the jasmine,Keep me in your heart for ever.The jasmine sighed,Alas,and dropped to the ground.
中文: 雨滴对茉莉花低语:“把我永远刻在你心上吧。”茉莉花叹息一声,飘落到了地上。 更详细进入...
This is how the star spangled banner was meant to be flown on the end of a pole of its own, free to wave majestically in our own free air.
中文: 美国国旗应当挂在旗杆上,自由自在地在美国领土的上空美丽庄严地飘扬。 更详细进入...
At present, our company is engaged in manufacturing rings, bracelets, pendants, and badges, which can be inlaid with gold, silver and diamond, as well as carved and engraved with all kinds of patterns.
中文: 我厂目前的产品有戒指,手链,吊坠,手牌等系列,可镶金,银,钻石等,也可雕刻各类图案。 更详细进入...
Before him was a depressing place dark and stormy, full of inhabitants living in run-down13) shacks.
中文: 他面对的是一个充满疾风骤雨的黑暗所在,到处都是住在摇摇欲坠的破屋里的人。 更详细进入...