Ningbo Zhongping Electronics CO.,LTD. was established in 1987, specializes in the production of CATV and electronic communication equipments.
中文: 宁波市中平电子有限公司创建于一九八七年,是专业生产电讯及有线电视配件的厂家。 更详细进入...
[KJV] And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.
中文: 那先前在、现今不在的兽,就是第八位。他也是出于那七位中的一位的,并且正在走向灭亡。 更详细进入...
12 When scaffold material is stored on-site, it is advisable to store the material under dry conditions.
中文: 当脚手架材料在现场储存时,建议把材料储存在干燥条件下。 更详细进入...
He rubbed his back against a tree while he scratched his chest and arms with his hands, and his legs with his feet.
中文: 他用手挠着前胸和胳膊,用脚挠着两腿,还靠在树上蹭着后背。 更详细进入...
Whitman declined to name the test markets or to speculate if supply would be sufficient in 2007 or 2008.
中文: 惠特曼不愿公布试销市场是哪些,也不愿臆测是否二00七年或二00八年新油就会足够。 更详细进入...
Article 58: The list of claims prepared in accordance with Article 57 hereof shall be submitted to the first creditors' meeting for verification.
中文: 第五十八条?依照本法第五十七条规定编制的债权表,应当提交第一次债权人会议核查。 更详细进入...
The above mentioned issues miht also be dissde during the visit of official deldgation of the city of Nanjing in Krakow in August2007.
中文: 以上提及的事情将会在二零零七年八月南京代表团到克拉科夫访问时进行讨论决定. 更详细进入...
In the first seven months of this year, the INC seized more than 3,000 pieces.
中文: 今年的头七个月里,INC缴获了3000多件文物贩子手中的文物。 更详细进入...
Low sensitivity (61.5%) in the imaging studies was noted in our series.
中文: 七位病患合并肿瘤自主性出血,只有一位接受肾保留手术。 更详细进入...
As regards people's satisfaction with the freedom of the press in Hong Kong, the latest figures registered in mid-August (August 14-19) showed that 56% were satisfied, 17% expressed dissatisfaction, while 22% said half-half, fairly similar to those obtain
中文: 另外,市民对香港新闻自由的满意程度,八月中(八月十四至十九日)的数字为五成六满意,一成七不满,二成二谓「一半半」;与五月中的数字相差不大。 更详细进入...
Proper provisions must be made for the safe lifting of scaffold fittings, poles and boards.
中文: 必须使用合适的设备来安全提升脚手架的配件、支柱和板材。 更详细进入...
To bring the action of eyes, hands, feet and breath into one single coordinated action.
中文: 每个动作中,眼、手、脚和呼吸要保持协调一致,原本它就是一体。 更详细进入...
Each foot has five toes.
中文: 每只脚有五个脚趾头。 更详细进入...
10 Exhale slowly bending forward, touching the earth with respect until the hands are in line with the feet, head touching knees.
中文: 第十式吐气,左脚缩回,弯腰,双手贴地,双脚并拢与地面垂直,额头尽量贴近双膝,小腹与胸贴大腿,与第三式相似。 更详细进入...
Hunters there are who fail to return to the camp, and hunters there have been whom their tribesmen found with throats slashed cruelly open and with wolf prints about them in the snow greater than the prints of any wolf.
中文: 一些猎手一去不复返,还有一些被发现时,喉咙已被无情地割破,周围地上的狼的脚印比任何狼的脚印都大。 更详细进入...
A parent who takes a career break to raise their child will get 67 percent of their last net income — up to 1,800 Euros (NT$76,773 per month) — tax free for up to 14 months.
中文: 父母一方若请假照顾小孩,可领到原本收入净值的67%,每月上限为一千八百欧元(约新台币七万六千七百三十三元),而且免税,最多领十四个月。 更详细进入...
In early August, I had written that the trickster aspect of the program was going to play another hand.
中文: 八月初,我已经写了程序的魔术师外貌正要玩弄另一门手艺。 更详细进入...
Susan really did a number on her hair. It looks like an orange porcupine is lying on her head.
中文: 苏珊在头发上大动手脚,看起来象只橘红色的豪猪躺在她头上。 更详细进入...
Eight times eight equals sixty-four.
中文: 八乘八等于六十四。 更详细进入...
A hen's claw has three toes.
中文: 母鸡的脚爪有三个脚趾。 更详细进入...