Severe weather has claimed the lives of at least 7 people across the country.
中文: 恶劣天气已经造成全国至少七人丧生。 更详细进入...
Analyse the Component of Dastarcus longulus Sharp’s Fatty Acid by Gas Chromatogram
中文: 气相色谱法分析花绒坚甲脂肪酸成分 更详细进入...
中文: 紫茎泽兰精油的香气成分及应用研究 更详细进入...
Analysis of essential oil from Alpinia officinarum Hance by GC/MS
中文: 高良姜挥发油成分气相色谱-质谱分析 更详细进入...
Sampling and Analyzing of Volatile Odorant of Plant
中文: 植物挥发气味物质成分的收集与分析 更详细进入...
A scorned woman, Jenny/G-Girl unleashes on her ex the full fury of her super-powered wrath as she sets out on a no-holds-barred mission to bust up Matt's budding romance with his co-worker Hannah (Anna Faris).
中文: 结果这位“超人女友”狂发飙,出尽浑身招数,全力以赴完成任务——破坏马特和工作伙伴汉娜还在蓓蕾中的感情,让“负心汉”吃尽苦头。 更详细进入...
Tourists flock to see the red sand, making Red Beach one of Santorini's most popular beach destinations.
中文: 游客络绎不绝来此一睹红沙,使得红海滩成为圣托里尼最有人气的海滩景点之一。 更详细进入...
The Liapunoff oscillation stability theory is used to investigate the stable cross section of surge chamber in hydropower stations working in electric system.The method for determination of stable section is proposed for chamber design.
中文: 金秋十月,我们在成都举办全国水电农村电气化标准宣贯班,这是今年水电农村电气化工作中的一件大事. 更详细进入...
Annie sighs because she is unhappy about her exam results.
中文: 安妮在叹气,她因为考试成绩而不高兴。 更详细进入...
His meanness has become something of a standing joke.
中文: 他的小气已成了经常引人发笑的笑料。 更详细进入...
There are three kinds of meaning in Qi: producing, life and organism's habits.
中文: 气具备三个基本的内涵:生成、生命、生态。 更详细进入...
Effects of gaseous components in plant cell suspension cultures
中文: 气体成分对植物细胞悬浮培养的影响 更详细进入...
Recently, London England has successfully introduced a policy on cities to reduce automobile exhaust pollution of the atmosphere, some European countries are starting to follow suit too.
中文: 最近,在英国伦敦成功实施征收进城费的政策以减少汽车尾气对大气的污染后,欧洲一些国家也纷纷效仿。 更详细进入...
Soft and ripe, with tangy pear, fig, apple and spice flavors that linger on the palate. Full and round, the finish is smooth and rich with well-integrated oak overtones.
中文: 柔软的和成熟的,藉由强烈的西洋梨子,无花果,苹果和香料在上颚上逗留,其中滋味久久不能散去。混为一体的橡木香味让您的口感感到平滑顺畅和浓郁浑厚。 更详细进入...
The milk miraclecame days after thousands of people in the financial hub of Mumbai drank water from a murky Arabian Sea creek as they thought it had miraculously turned sweet and could cure illnesses.
中文: 在“神像喝奶奇迹”发生数天之前,印度金融中心孟买有成千上万人去喝阿拉伯海的一条支流里的浑水,他们认为这条支流的水奇迹般地变甜了,喝了可以治病。 更详细进入...
If it reaches a critical value of about three million volts per meter, called the breakdown field, the air becomes a conductor and a discharge occurs: current bridges the gap.
中文: 一旦达到每公尺约300万伏特这个临界值(称为崩溃电场),空气即成为导体并开始放电──电流连系了空气的间隙。 更详细进入...
This paper deals with the formation of reductive environment in Xinchang oil &gas field and discusses the formation mechanism from analysis of micro-organism related to seepage of the oil &gas, pyrite occurring at the ground surface and hydrocarbon dissol
中文: 对新场气田还原环境的形成进行了研究,初步探讨了这种还原环境的形成机制;并从与油气渗漏有关的微生物、气田地表黄铁矿的分析、井水中水溶烃的分析三方面来说明气田地表的还原环境的形成。 更详细进入...
The success of character education should not depend solely on schoolteachers; instead, all adults should show children and adolescents the value of honesty, integrity, courage, and so on.
中文: 品格教育的成功不能单单依靠学校老师来达成,相反的所有的成人都应该展现诚实,骨气,勇气等的价值给孩童及青少年看。 更详细进入...
This paper, based on previous study of deep basin gas, concluded the characteristics of deep basin gas, the reservoir forming conditions, the reservoir forming principle, the reservoir forming patterns and the distributed regularity.
中文: 在总结前人关于深盆气研究的基础上,对深盆气藏特征、成藏地质条件、成藏机理、成藏模式及分布规律进行了详细的厘定。 更详细进入...
A police official told the paper the man was carrying an air pistol, pieces of cardboard rolled up to resemble dynamite and a remote control.
中文: 一位警员对报方称,该男子身上有一支气手枪,还藏有一个用纸皮折成的假炸弹和一个假遥控器。 更详细进入...