The vast champaign was covered with thick snow.
中文: 广袤的平原被厚厚的雪覆盖着。 更详细进入...
They postponed sending an answer to a request.
中文: 他们耽搁了对一项请求的答覆。 更详细进入...
This cover 'protects' the petroglyphs.
中文: 这种覆盖是对岩石雕刻的“保护”。 更详细进入...
s surface is covered by water.
中文: 大部分的地球表面被水覆盖着。 更详细进入...
Pharmacognostical Studies on the Chinese Drug Fupenzi I;
中文: 中药覆盆子类的生药学研究Ⅰ 更详细进入...
Analysis of volatile oils in Rubus chingii Hu by GC-MS;
中文: 覆盆子挥发油成分的GC-MS分析 更详细进入...
A Changes into E Subversion of Superb Office Buildings
中文: A变E 顶级写字楼标准的颠覆 更详细进入...
Pharmacognostical Studies on the Chinese Drug Fupenzi I
中文: 中药覆盆子类的生药学研究Ⅰ 更详细进入...
A DNA Solution for Minimal Vertex Covering Problems of Graph
中文: DNA计算图的最小顶点覆盖问题 更详细进入...
Said Andre Agassi in an interview after he was beaten by the Finnish player Nieminen at French Open due to a backache.
中文: 因背伤复发,阿加西在法网公开赛男子单打首轮较量中被芬兰选手涅米宁淘汰出局.在随后的采访中他这样说道. 更详细进入...
The Nile catfishms upside down, and therefore has developed a light back and a dark belly, the reverse of the usual fish color scheme.
中文: 尼罗河的鲇鱼在水中是反着身子游的,因此它们的背部是浅色的,而腹部却是深色的,和一般鱼的颜色布局相反。 更详细进入...
2 vessel or carft being-stranded grounded sunk or capsized.
中文: 船舶或驳船搁浅、擦浅、沉没或倾覆。 更详细进入...
More than two thirds of the earth's surface is covered by water.
中文: 地球表面三分之二以上为水覆盖. 更详细进入...
The fishing junk nearly keeled over in the crosswind.
中文: 渔船由于侧面吹来的风,几乎倾覆。 更详细进入...
They have had English grammar hammered into them.
中文: 他们强制自己反覆学习英语语法. 更详细进入...
Study of the Micro-encapsulation of Coupling Agent and Its Effect on the Stability of Red Phosphorus;
中文: 偶联剂包覆赤磷及其安定性研究 更详细进入...
Loss of chromosomal region at 8q was demonstrated to be at least ×0 - m (?cM). Conclusions:Tenascin staining occurrs in the dysplastic crypts.
中文: 8q处的缺失证实至少覆盖 × 0 -m (cM)。 更详细进入...
Study on phenomena and mechanism of land use/cover change in Beijing
中文: 北京土地利用/覆盖变化机制研究 更详细进入...
Chemical Constituents of Inula lineariifolia Turcz.
中文: 线叶旋覆花的化学成分研究(英文) 更详细进入...
This Hill has the same concept of The Vietnam Veteran's Memorial Wall.
中文: 家庭追思丘乃仿造自越战纪念碑的追思墙,并具有类似的功能。 更详细进入...