Administrative intervention also results in harmful monopolization in some sectors that eliminates fair market competition.
中文: 行政干预还在一些部门导致有害的垄断行为,排除了公正的市场竞争。 更详细进入...
Do you think raising a child can stabilize a family? Is a child necessary for an ideal family?
中文: 小孩会让一个家庭更稳固吗?你的理想家庭中包括小孩吗? 更详细进入...
When the case goes on appeal, the appellate court will consider the recordmade in the court below.
中文: 当案子进入到上诉阶段,上诉法庭将考虑下级法庭的纪录。 更详细进入...
A circuit court held by itinerant royal justices in medieval England.
中文: 巡回法庭中世纪英国由巡回的皇家法官主持的巡回法庭 更详细进入...
A court ruled this week that the city has to find them another place to live, although it does not have to be in the centre of town.
中文: 本周下达的一项法庭裁定要求该市必须为迁出的住户找到其他居住地,但不要求一定是城镇中心。 更详细进入...
Their story is counterpointed by a subplot involving housewife Edda Barends, who is kidnapped.
中文: 同一时间,在城市的另一端,一位家庭主妇因不明原因被绑架,遭囚期间,男子不断以拍摄其照片取乐。 更详细进入...
Although the tourism industry would like to sell Macau as a racy, modern city, its real appeal it that it offers a very quiet, relaxing contrast to Hong Kong.
中文: 虽然旅游部门推崇澳门是个有生气的现代化城市,但与香港相比,其真正的魅力在于它的宁静和令人放松的气氛。 更详细进入...
11 Established by Quanzhou Municipal People's Government, marine pollution treatment leading group with leaders in charge of these affairs as its group heads as well as the subordinate units such as Municipal Oceanic &Fishery Administration, environmental
中文: 11泉州市政府成立了以分管领导为组长,市海洋与渔业、环保、海事、港务等部门及沿海各县(市、区)政府为成员单位的海域污染整治领导小组,统一领导全市海域污染整治工作。 更详细进入...
Well understanding of the market potential of pneumatic on/off valve and ventilation door industries, as well as related design institutes. Develop and well maintain business contacts.
中文: 熟悉,了解气动开关阀门及风门行业的市场情况及与之相关的各大设计院;建立并维护良好的客户及伙伴关系。 更详细进入...
If you are wise, your wisdom will reward you; if you are a mocker, you alone will suffer.
中文: 12你若有智慧,是与自己有益。你若亵慢,就必独自担当。 更详细进入...
The Hang Seng is now up 1.23 per cent since the start of the year, performing about in line with Singapore's benchmark Straits Times Index, but lagging behind most other major Asian markets excluding Japan.
中文: 琤肏?数比年初升了百分之1.23,表现和新加坡海峡时报指数相若,但比其他亚洲市场(除日本)落后。 更详细进入...
Through the investigation on the present situation of national forest farm directly under Jiangmen City, this paper analysed the position and actions of national forest farm in the economic construction of Jiangmen City, focused the discussion on the expe
中文: 摘要通过对江门市直属国有林场现状的调查,简要分析了国有林场在江门市经济建设中的地位和作用,重点探讨了该市直属国有林场改革的经验与优势及存在的问题,并提出了可行的改革对策和思路。 更详细进入...
Based on exceptional technologies and reliability, Williamson Valve Group strived for research and development of new products and its valvesacquired ABS certificate and CE marking for Europe market.
中文: 凭借阀门产品领先的技术和可靠的性能,威廉姆森阀门集团致力于新产品的研发,阀门产品取得了美国造船协会的ABS证书和进入欧洲市场的CE认证。 更详细进入...
Well this is indeed another innovation, we see that Voice over IP becomes a very important, new market, and in essence, Voice over IP is about reinventing the home communication category.
中文: 这是一个好创新,我们看到知识产权成为重要,新市场,本质上,知识产权在家庭通讯种类重复开发上。 更详细进入...
The Analysis of Homegarden Plant Diversity at the Mongolian Household Level in Horqin Sandy Land——A Case Study in Horqin Left Wing Real Banner of Inner Mongolia
中文: 科尔沁沙地蒙古族户级水平庭园植物多样性分析——以内蒙古通辽市科尔沁左翼后旗的研究为例 更详细进入...
Lisbon, Portugal, 12 Dec – Portuguese Prime Minister José Sócrates, said Saturday in Lisbon that Portugal could be China‘s “gateway to Africa.
中文: 葡萄牙里斯本12月12日电-葡萄牙总理若泽?苏格拉底星期六在此间称,葡萄牙可以成为中国的“非洲之门”。 更详细进入...
Unrequited love cannot last. Stolen wealth will disappear. A boaster's fame will fade away. Unearned rank will be censured.
中文: 感情若是一厢情愿,则难天长地久;财富若是巧取豪夺,必有败坏之虞;名声若是哗众取宠,终将遭人唾弃;地位若是坐享其成,便会引起非议。 更详细进入...
Family balance: Family is the social unit that is based on marriage and bloodline relations.
中文: 六、家庭平衡:家庭是以婚姻和血统关系为基础的社会单位。 更详细进入...
He will not be allowed to make his submission: the court has ruled against it.
中文: 不会再允许他向法庭上诉了,法庭已对此作出否定裁决了。 更详细进入...
Something seems to be preoccupying her at the moment.
中文: 她此刻若有所思. 更详细进入...