I've never seen such a cabbage.
中文: 我从没见过这么呆头呆脑的人。 更详细进入...
Nobody will get over excited.
中文: 因为没有人会因此而兴奋过头。 更详细进入...
A drunkard came home and had just laid down when a woman crazily smacked him.
中文: 一个酒鬼回家刚躺下,就挨了女人没头没脑一阵揍。 更详细进入...
Make a visual examination of the breasts and nipples, looking for changes in their contour, shape, colour and skin texture and any evidence of discharge from the nipples.
中文: 观察乳房和乳头的轮廓、形状、颜色和质感有没有改变,乳头有没有分泌物流出的迹象。 更详细进入...
Report on cases of myiasis in the new-borns
中文: 新生儿蝇蛆病例报告 更详细进入...
Construction of SNF1A Gene Transgenic Flies
中文: SNF1A转基因果蝇的构建 更详细进入...
The Visual System of Drosophila Larva
中文: 果蝇幼虫的视觉系统 更详细进入...
A New Record of the Tephritidae(Diptera) from Yunnan,China
中文: 云南实蝇一新记录种 更详细进入...
Study on Culture of leaf from Dionuea musciputa Ellis
中文: 捕蝇草叶的组织培养 更详细进入...
RAPD Analysis Among the Mutants of Drosophila
中文: 果蝇突变体的RAPD分析 更详细进入...
And Moses said, I am now going out from you, and I will entreat Jehovah that the swarms of flies would depart from Pharaoh, from his servants, and from his people tomorrow; only do not let Pharaoh deal deceitfully anymore by not letting the people go to s
中文: 29摩西说,我现在从你这里出去;我要祈求耶和华,使成群的苍蝇明天离开法老、和他的臣仆、并他的百姓;只是法老不可再行诡诈,不让百姓去献祭给耶和华。 更详细进入...
If present, these signs include pallor, weakness, lightheadedness, yawning, nausea, diaphoresis, hyperentilation, blurred ision, and impaired hearing immediately before the syncopal eent.
中文: 晕厥发生前,可立即出现面色苍白、虚弱无力、头晕、打哈欠、恶心、出汗、过度通气、视力模糊和听力下降。 更详细进入...
You are looking rather pale, are you ill?
中文: 你的脸色有些苍白,你生病了吗? 更详细进入...
Embryo Culture and Propagation of Atractylodes lancea
中文: 茅苍术胚培养与快速繁殖(简报) 更详细进入...
She went as white as a sheet when she heard the news.
中文: 她听到这个消息顿时脸色苍白。 更详细进入...
What's wrong with you? You are looking green.
中文: 你怎么了?你脸色看起来很苍白。 更详细进入...
Why So Pale and Wan?
中文: 为什么这样子苍白、憔悴,痴心汉? 更详细进入...
Your f ace is pale and blue, a tearful ile.
中文: 君面容苍白,神情凄切,含泪而笑。 更详细进入...
Study on the antibiotic resistance and AmpC β-lactamase of Ochrobactrum anthropi
中文: 人苍白杆菌耐药性及AmpC酶研究 更详细进入...
Stuies on bacteriostastic comparison of Rubus tephrodes Hanceand Xanthium sibiricum Patrin
中文: 灰白毛莓、苍耳的抑菌作用研究 更详细进入...