In August Lego reported pre-tax profits of DKr238m for the first half of 2006, compared with a loss of DKr202m for the same period last year.
中文: 八月份的时候,乐高宣布2006年上半年公司税前盈利达到2亿3千8百万丹麦克朗,与之成对比的,去年同期乐高亏损了2亿2百万丹麦克朗。 更详细进入...
Apparently a farce but actually an intensely emotional film, letting its performers excel with star charismas.
中文: 表面上是无聊笑料实则是饱满的激情,使得明星们都得以在表演上超越自己的“星味”。 更详细进入...
The company in line with strives for perfection, take honestly as this, customer is supreme principle. Decides can the product and the service which brings to you extremely satisfies.
中文: 公司本着精益求精,以诚为本,顾客至上的原则。定能给您带来最最满意的产品和服务。 更详细进入...
Across much of the Muslim world, Ramadan began on Thursday, although Libyans and Nigerians began the fast one day before.
中文: 在穆斯林世界,斋月是周四开始的,利比亚和尼日利亚则提前一天开始入斋。 更详细进入...
The prime minister insisted he had merely picked up a tan while sitting in his garden during the month of April.
中文: 布莱尔则一再强调,这只是因为他4月份经常在自家花园中晒太阳的结果。 更详细进入...
Beware of being negligent in carrying out this matter; why should damage increase to the detriment of the kings?
中文: 拉4:22你们当谨慎、不可迟延、为何容害加重、使王受亏损呢。 更详细进入...
Turnaround: A recovery from poor performance. Can refer to an economy, a market or a company.
中文: 扭亏为盈:从业绩不良的状态中回升,可指经济、市场或公司。 更详细进入...
The Institute for Supply Management's manufacturing index rose to 56.0 in June from 55.0 in May, while the index of non-manufacturing activity rose to 60.7 in June from 59.7 in May, against expectations of a slight fall.
中文: 供应管理学会制造业指数由5月份的55.0上升至6月份的56.0,非制造业活动指数则由5月份的59.7上升至60.7,和市场原以为会轻微下跌的预期相反。 更详细进入...
Zhang, who turned 16 two months ago, pitches the yogurt on bus stop posters and national television commercials.
中文: 张,2个月前满了16岁,在公交车站海报和国家商业电视台为酸酸乳进行促销。 更详细进入...
Residents ran through the streets with buckets and pots of water, while others frantically tore through the rubble, looking for survivors.
中文: 居民涌上街头,带着装满水的桶和盆子(水桶和水罐),有人则加紧在废墟中寻找幸存者。 更详细进入...
3 months later of the completion, it is surely for the reason of contractor itself, the inspection and test can not be executed, then it can be delayed, but should not overpass 3 months.
中文: 如本工程安装完工后三个月,承包人确因发包人原因无法进行检验调试,则本工程调试期顺延,但最长不超过三个月。 更详细进入...
The Dow Jones Industrial Average posted record highs during the month and the broader S&P 500 traded at its best levels for six years, posting a rise of 1.9% during the final month of the year.
中文: 2006年12月道琼斯工业平均指数连创新高,代表性更广的标准普尔500指数则处在6年来的最高水平上,当月上涨了1.9%。 更详细进入...
Compared to the results of early June, the satisfaction figure has dropped by 4 percentage points, whilst other figures remained more or less the same.
中文: 相较六月初的调查结果,不满数字回落四个百分比,其他数字的变化并不明显。 更详细进入...
In May this year, showman David Blaine 1)emerged from an 2)acrylic 3)sphere where he`d spent seven days completely 1)submerged in water.
中文: 今年五月,表演家大卫布雷恩在一个注满水的压克力球体里待了七天才出来。 更详细进入...
For you became sorrowful as God intended and so were not harmed in any way by us.
中文: 你们依着神的意思忧愁,凡事就不至于因我们受亏损了。 更详细进入...
Her poor delivery spoilt an otherwise good speech.
中文: 她的演讲在各方面都很好, 却因表达技巧差而功亏一篑. 更详细进入...
Restrain tired ,improve memory and pain on haunch.
中文: 改善疲劳、记忆力减退、手脚法凉、腰腿酸痛等肾亏的症状。 更详细进入...
Survey for acceptable vendor each half a year one time, if not reach requirement, can give 2 months time to vendor improve, if improve well after 2 months﹐can go on buy material, if nonconformity﹐ need cancel buying qualification.
中文: 5对于合格的供应商每半年考察一次﹐如期间有不达要求者﹐可给以2个月的时间进行察看﹐如在2个月后复审合格﹐则可继续采购其物料﹐如若不合格﹐则需要取消其采购资格。 更详细进入...
Leisure confers upon one the freedom to read, to travel, to make friends, to drink, and to write.
中文: 闲则能读书,闲则能游名胜,闲则能交益友,闲则能饮酒,闲则能著书。 更详细进入...
The sails bellied out.
中文: 船帆张得满满的. 更详细进入...