Compared to the national average, the resort has nearly a third more health food stores per head and two-and-a-half times as many personal trainers.
此外,布莱顿的人均健康食品店数量高出全国平均水平近三分之一,私人教练数量则是全国平均水平的2.5倍。 |
Compared to the past, we are very free in speech.
同过去相比,我们有充分的言论自由。 |
Compared to the pervious system, the government has assumed a bigger role in the new system.
与传统合作医疗相比,政府在新型合作医疗制度中承担了更多的责任。 |
Compared to the physical world it is at a much higher vibration.
与物质世界相比,它处于一个高得多的振动频率。 |
Compared to the previous indigenous frigate Jianghu and Jiangwei class, the Type 054 is larger, with better weapon system and sensors.
与早先国产的护卫舰江湖和江卫级比较,054更大,拥有更好的武器系统和传感器。 |
Compared to the results of early June, the satisfaction figure has dropped by 4 percentage points, whilst other figures remained more or less the same.
相较六月初的调查结果,不满数字回落四个百分比,其他数字的变化并不明显。 |
Compared to the retributive justice, restorative justice is a criminal treatment which achieves the restorative effect adopting the restorative procedure.
摘要与传统的报应性司法相比,恢复性司法是一种通过恢复性程序实现恢复性结果的犯罪处理方法。 |
Compared to the sun,the earth seems smaller.
地球和太阳比起来显得比较小。 |
Compared to the traditional technology, aviator no longer depends on the ground navigation facility but is able to flight along the precise track; besides, airplane could land safely and accurately even under the worst visibility, which has greatly improv
与传统技术相比,飞行员不必依赖地面导航设施即能沿著精准定位的航迹飞行,使飞机在能见度极差的条件下安全、精确地著陆,极大提高飞行的安全水平。 |
Compared to their perseverance for the official career, the Chinese ancient scholars' infatuation for the creation of Chinese landscape painting is far beyond the aesthetic judgement category in the traditional sense.
与其对仕途的执著相对应,中国古代文人对山水画创作的迷恋也远远超过了通常意义上所理解的审美範畴。 |
Compared to today, there will be an increase of 16 % per week spread over the whole season.
与目前比较,改版后每周的收入将会上升16%,并且整个赛季同样如此。 |