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    Shortly before Chennault's AVG began operations against the Japanese, CNAC had pioneered a number of air routes over the forbidding Himalayan Mountains in order to connect China and India by air.

    中文: 在陈纳德的美国航空志愿队(飞虎队)开始来中国参加抗日之前,为了能将中国与印度在空中连接起来,中国航空公司在险恶的喜马拉雅山上空开辟了几条航线。 更详细进入...
    The authors present the review on dry sliding friction and wear Behaviour of particle reinforced aluminum matrix composites in recent years, including friction behaviours, wear mechanisms and applications of these composites.

    中文: 离子注入是一种新兴的束流表面强化技术,离子注入陶瓷材料可使其表面的力学性能如断裂韧度、硬度、弯曲强度、摩擦学性能等得到改善,它为解决结构陶瓷韧性不足、摩擦磨损率较高等问题开辟了新的技术途径。 更详细进入...
    In recent years,Chuangang strike out in another way from competitive market.Aimed at the huge potential of international home-textile market,Chuangang take the lead in developing and manufacturing goods for decorate and homespun,and also built sewing work

    中文: 近几年来,川冈公司瞄准国际家饰市场的巨大潜力,在市场竞争日趋激烈的情况下另辟蹊径,率先开发和生产适用于家饰及家纺用途的系列产品,并建立了自己的家纺厂. 更详细进入...
    With a 40,000-square-meter lawn,the hotel presents an idyllic picture, peaceful and pleasant.It is an ideal place for holiday-makers who want to return to Nature.

    中文: 休养所内景色宜人,草坪绿化面积达40000平方米,同时还开辟至周庄、同里、小莲庄、大观园等游览线,让每一位度假都远离都市的喧闹,置身于大自然与江南园林的环境之中。 更详细进入...
    Hu Jin-tao drove home his point that Studying the administrative morality frequentlyin the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China's decision on strengthening the party's reigning ability passed by the Fourth Plenary Meeting of the CPC's sixteen

    中文: 摘要胡锦涛同志在党的十六届四中全会通过的《中共中央关于加强党的执政能力建设的决定》中精辟地提出了“常修为政之德”,这是新时期对行政主体道德要求的高度概括。 更详细进入...
    McDonald's, meantime, is going uptownwith its own, premium Arabica-bean coffees, high-class pastries, and toasted Italian sandwiches. They're served in a wood-paneled corner of the store called the McCafe.

    中文: 而与此同时麦当劳却在往上层路线的方向发展,提供用特级阿拉伯咖啡豆自制的咖啡,精致的糕饼和意大利三明治。当劳专门在店里开辟出一个McCafe,出售这些高档食品。 更详细进入...
    By adjusting pile lengths and pile numbers, the settlement of pile foundation increased from the main span to the Side span to such an extent that it matched the settlement of the embankment at both ends of bridges without any special treatment.

    中文: 分别通过调整桩长和桩数,使桩基沉降从桥梁主跨逐步增大,而在路桥连接处使边跨桥墩沉降与桥坡填土沉降基本一致,实现路桥沉降协同,从而开辟了解决桥头跳车问题的新途径。 更详细进入...
    In addition to training workshops and mentoring, Du Pont has established over 100 multicultural networks through which employees share work and life experiences and strive to help women and minorities reach higher levels of leadership and responsibility w

    中文: 除了举办讲座与传帮带活动之外,杜邦公司还开辟了100多个多元文化网站供员工互相交流工作与生活体验,同时鼓励妇女与少数族裔向责任重大的高层领导职务积极进取。 更详细进入...
    In fact, over 300 million years earlier than the world of dinosaur (dated back to 500 million years), Earth had witnessed the first era of colorful life world—Cambrian period.

    中文: 《侏罗纪公园》重现了1亿多年前的侏罗纪梦幻般的恐龙世界,其实,早在恐龙世界之前3亿多年(距今约5亿多年),地球生命就已经开辟了多彩多姿的生命世界第一个纪元——寒武纪。 更详细进入...
    At the turn of the 21st century, keeping the motto as Cooperative, Pragmatic, Innovative, Strenuous in mind, SPRI will strengthen the key technology combining biology and chemistry, explore new tracks on pesticide R&D, accelerate its progress to mark grea

    中文: 面对二十一世纪,以“团结、务实、创新、奋进”为企业精神,强化以生物与化学技术相结合的核心技术,开辟农药创制新思路,加快农药创制步伐,为中国农药发展事业作出更大的贡献。 更详细进入...
    Abstract: Making use of test data and some instances presented in test,it could be apprvoed that partial resonant vibrations of acoustics system occurred in ultrasonic hoing.Meanwhile,it was pointed out in this paper that flexible pole-oilstone holder cou

    中文: 文摘:经试验证实了超声珩磨声学系统中存在着局部共振现象,指出“挠性杆-油石座”振动子系统设计时可作为一个单独的振动体系进行考虑,为超声珩磨声学系统设计开辟了一条新的思路。 更详细进入...
    Through the analysis of Yangshuo, Lijiang and Old Villages in Jiangnan, this article discusses incisively about the sustainable protection and exploitation of the visiting town from several aspects such us Venice Mode, city Fossil and the living city, old

    中文: 摘要该文通过对阳朔、丽江及江南古村的分析,从威尼斯模式、城化石与活城、生机蓬勃的古城、生活的情趣、新建古色土香的旅游名胜等几个方面,对旅游城镇持续的保护与开发有精辟的论述。 更详细进入...
    A digital control emergency braking system of hoist is carried out based on industrial controlling computer,it has successfully realized constant deceleration retardation,a new approach has been developed for improving the safety and reliability of hoist

    中文: 给出一种利用工控计算机实现的全数字控制提升机紧急制动系统,系统已成功地实现了提升机紧急制动时的恒减速,为有效地提高提升机紧急制动的安全性和可靠性开辟了新的途径。 更详细进入...
    It focus on “patriotism, school glorifying, innovation, practice, moral beliefs, and success”, further strengthening comprehensive skills, raising English talents, molding prosperous campus culture, demonstrating the youth elegant demeanor on the LiaoNing

    中文: 它以爱国,荣校,创新,实践,修身,成才为主题,并本着加强综合素质,培养英语人才,繁荣校园文化,展示青春风采的宗旨在辽宁工大这片肥沃的土地上为我外语人开辟了一个展示自我,放飞梦想的空间。 更详细进入...
    Lastly,we must carve out an amiable and carefree common space and ecological green corridor which is full of energy for people and citizens to travel,relax,tour,make holiday,and dwell etc.,creat a chance to drage the economic development,and creat a more

    中文: 最后,为游客和市民旅游、休闲、观光、度假、居住等开辟连续的充满活力、亲切、轻松愉快的公共空间和生态绿色长廊,创造拉动经济发展的契机,创造更吸引人的滨河风貌和一流的旅游休闲度假中心。 更详细进入...
    The current paper is based on the visual threshold of cultural conformity, and focuses on Confucius pioneering a dominant concept of cultural conformity which takes humanism as its core and an instructive idea of it which takes the principle of increase a

    中文: 摘要以孔子为代表的先秦儒家面对礼坏乐崩的意义危机,通过开辟以人文主义精神为核心的文化整合主导观念和以损益原则为特点的文化整合指导思想,成功实现对礼乐文化传统的继承和创新的历程。 更详细进入...
    It's your pleasure.Superior Shijianshi had had two lectures about Longquan precious Jian in Gaoxiong science craft museum and the Imperial Palace museum.It had gained good comments,and let us reburn the refulgence of Chinese 3000 years sword forging.Thank

    中文: 有幸陪同系个人之荣幸.试剑石前辈分别在国立高雄科学工艺博物馆及故宫博物院举办两场有关龙泉宝剑的演讲,深获在场各方人士的好评,让我们重炽中华三千年铸剑史的辉煌.再度谢谢您带来的精辟讲演. 更详细进入...
    10 Examination of fire-protection apparatus are (according to “safe drawing”)checked the quality, amount, arrangement and lay position of portable type foam fire extinguisher, CO2 fire extinguisher, every kind of fire extinguisher, fire hose boxes, fire a

    中文: 防火设备的检验(按照《安全图》)检验手提式泡沫灭火器、CO2灭火器、各类灭火器、消防水龙带箱、消防斧、各种救火设施和消防员呼吸器的备用充气设备的质量、数量、布置及其安放位置,以上设备是否能容易取得和方便使用。 更详细进入...
    From the critique of development research in traditional economics, Francois Perroux explained the social development from cultural value perspective by introducing the cultural value analysis method, and constructed the view of development for all people

    中文: 摘要佩鲁所著的《新发展观》从批判传统经济学的发展研究入手,引入了文化价值分析方法,充分阐释了社会发展的价值范涵和价值诉求,建构了“为了一切人和完整的人的发展”的新发展观,开辟了发展哲学这一发展研究的新领地。 更详细进入...
    In arrange ancient Chinese classics, Chen Yuan pretects and arranges a lot of precious archives and datas, makes a large variety of catalogues, which makes ancient document science in scientific developing road; initiates and norms new compiling systems i

    中文: 摘要陈垣在古籍整理中,保护与整理了大批珍贵的文献档案资料,并做了大量的编目工作,使我国古典文献学逐步走上科学化的发展道路,开辟和规整了目录学新的编撰体式,建立了科学完整的校勘学理论与方法论。 更详细进入...

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