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Lastly,we must carve out an amiable and carefree common space and ecological green corridor which is full of energy for people and citizens to travel,relax,tour,make holiday,and dwell etc.,creat a chance to drage the economic development,and creat a more

Lastly, we're going to visit Athens, and fly home from there. 最后我们将访问雅典,然后从那儿乘飞机回国。
Lastly, what are your favorite things to do on set while you're not shooting? 知道那篇采访是满久以前的事情了。不过看到最后一段,还是忍不住要放上来。
Lastly, when people are ready to commit to a change, the leader's strategy is to simply get out of the way, and let the change occur. 最后,当人们准备好要改变的时候,领导者的策略就是置身其外,让改变发生。
Lastly, with the fatigue equation, the paper establishes the fatigue stress coefficient which is used in the load stress calculation for lean concrete as undersurface of cement concrete pavement, and the structure coefficient of flexural tensile strength 利用得出的疲劳方程,建立贫混凝土作为水泥混凝土路面下面层荷载应力计算的疲劳应力系数,以及作为沥青路面基层时,进行层底弯拉应力验算的弯拉强度结构系数。
Lastly, you may want to consider those name brands as the old saying goes, you get what you paid for. 最后,你或许需要去考虑那些如大家讲的较有品牌的相机,你会因所付出的而得到较好的东西.
Lastly,we must carve out an amiable and carefree common space and ecological green corridor which is full of energy for people and citizens to travel,relax,tour,make holiday,and dwell etc.,creat a chance to drage the economic development,and creat a more 最后,为游客和市民旅游、休闲、观光、度假、居住等开辟连续的充满活力、亲切、轻松愉快的公共空间和生态绿色长廊,创造拉动经济发展的契机,创造更吸引人的滨河风貌和一流的旅游休闲度假中心。
Lastly, remember to keep the first few projections ultra short. 最后,记住最初几次投射一定要极其短暂。
Lasts as long as the demon is active. 该效果在恶魔激活时一直持续。
Last:If feel strong ,brothers and sisters,hold a person place——hold! 最后:觉得强的话,兄弟姐妹们,捧个人场——顶!
Laszlo Biro invented the ball-point pen. 拉斯洛·拜罗发明了圆珠笔.
Laszlo's systems thought gives us important enlightenment to substantiate and develop Marxist philosophy and endow it with exuberant vitality. 拉兹洛的这些系统哲学思想对我们今天充实、发展马克思主义哲学,使之能够保持旺盛的活力具有十分重要的启发意义。

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