Why does the Book of Mormon mention Bellows (1 Nephi 17:11), Brass (2 Nephi 5:15), Breast Plates &Copper (Mosiah 8:10), Gold and Silver currency (Alma 11), Silver (Jarom 1:8), and Steel Swords (Ether 7:9)?
中文: 为什麽《摩门经》提到了风箱(尼腓一书十七章十一节),黄铜(尼腓二书五章十五节),胸牌和铜(摩赛亚书八章十节),金银货币(阿尔玛书十一章),银(雅龙书一章八节)和铁剑(以太书七章九节)? 更详细进入...
An estimated three to six shifts occurred in the 18th century, four in the 19th, and three in the 20th: the 1918 pandemic, the 1957 Asian flu and the 1968 Hong Kong flu.
中文: 据估计,十八世纪发生了三至六次的大变异,十九世纪四次,二十世纪三次,分别是一九一八年的流感大流行、一九五七年的亚洲流感和一九六八年的香港流感。 更详细进入...
Article 178 Where a company finds it necessary to reduce its registered capital, it must work out balance sheets and checklists of properties.
中文: 第一百七十八条公司需要减少注册资本时,必须编制资产负债表及财产清单。 更详细进入...
Step 7: After finish putting 3 items in Picture 6 into the mixing machine (from step 3 to step 6), press the mixing machine button as shown in Picture 8.
中文: 步骤七:把步骤三里的三样东西都拖到搅拌机里后,按图八,点击搅拌机的按钮。 更详细进入...
When they came by the Black-smith’s shop, Buddha-to-be exchanged the shabby horseshoe for three pence, with which he bought seventeen cherries.
中文: 经过铁匠铺的时候,他用这块马蹄铁换了三文钱,又用这钱买了十七八颗樱桃。 更详细进入...
I couldn't speak Chinese, but I showed in mime that I wanted a drink.
中文: 我不会说中国话,可是我比手划脚地表示我要一杯酒。 更详细进入...
No shouldering, holding, pushing, striking or tripping in any way of an opponent.
中文: (五)不准用肩、手、脚撞、推、拉、绊、打等动作来对付对方队员。 更详细进入...
Next stand with your back to the wall, and keeping your feet motionless, practice striking the wall with your left and right hand, twisting the waist with each blow.
中文: 再背向墙壁站立,双脚不动,反复练习左右手打击墙壁,每次打击都扭转手腕。 更详细进入...
In practicing Taekwondo, power (power of blow) comes the trunk, but it is arms and legs, particularly hands and feet, that hit the targets on the opponent.
中文: 在练习跆拳道时,力量(打击的力量)来自躯干,但是手臂和腿,特别是手和脚,打击在对手上的目标。 更详细进入...
Multiplied by eight; eightfold.
中文: 八倍的乘以八的;八倍的 更详细进入...
And in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone.
中文: 路4:11他们要用手托著你、免得你的脚碰在石头石上。』 更详细进入...
Canadians have no wish to play armchair quarterback or to sit in judgment of U.S. frailties.
中文: 加拿大人不希望纸上谈兵或对美国的失误指手划脚。 更详细进入...
Try using hair removal creams to remove any self-tanner streaks on the sides of your feet, palms, elbow and knees.
中文: 可以用脱毛膏除去脚、手掌、胳膊肘和膝盖上的“假晒色”。 更详细进入...
The bureau reported an infant mortality rate of 466 per 100,000 people. The maternal mortality rate dropped to 787 per 100,000 people. In rural areas of Beijing, the maternal mortality rate plunged by 72 percent.
中文: 据卫生局报道,婴儿死亡率为百万分之四百六十六。孕产妇死亡率降至百万分之七百八十七。北京郊区孕产妇死亡率突降72%。 更详细进入...
Red Gate will celebrate its 15th anniversary with an exhibition of works by gallery artists from July 1 to August 27 at both locations –the Dongbianmen Watchtower and the 798 / Red Gate Gallery.
中文: 红门画廊将于七月一日至八月二十七日同时在两个地点–东便门角楼和798/红门画廊展出红门画廊签约艺术家的作品展览。 更详细进入...
Puppet was very happy and he curled up his legs and tried his most to kick down forward. Several times later, threads on his shoulder and elbow were all broken.
中文: 这下子木偶可高兴了,趁着这股劲,把右手握在左手上臂上,把双腿曲起,然后手脚齐用劲(双腿蹬直)用劲往下拽,脚蹬了两下后,系在他肘上和肩上的线也断了。 更详细进入...
It is elevated by feet-oil pump, mechanical transmission are applied for head operation in other parts of the unit, The feet inlay-bar is made of stainless steel.
中文: 该手术台上升、下降为脚踏油泵式,其余动作均为机械传动头部操纵,踏脚镶条均为不锈钢制作。 更详细进入...
Attack and defense techniques should be equally distributed among right and left hands and feet.
中文: 第九,进攻和防守的技巧应当均衡的分布在左右手脚。 更详细进入...
Gudrun was very beautiful, passive, soft-skinned, soft-limbed.
中文: 古娟长得非常标致,温柔可爱,皮肤和手脚都是软软的。 更详细进入...
Her cleverly disguised lob completely wrong-footed her opponent.
中文: 她做个巧妙的假动作, 一个高球把对手打得乱了阵脚. 更详细进入...