2007 CPPA annual meeting is held in taihu Hotel in the key point of interest of Wuxin Tai Lake.
中文: 2007CPPA年会6月23日在无锡太湖风景名胜区太湖宾馆召开。 更详细进入...
The endotracheal tube was weaned one month later.
中文: 于术后一个半月出院,追踪半年仍无再发及转移的现象。 更详细进入...
The association venter imus chemotherapy group meso life span for . months, one year survival rate to contras, P>0.0, phase contrast not to have statistical significance.
中文: 联合腹腔化疗组中位生存期.月,年生存率为. %,对照组中位生存期.月,年生存率.9%,两组年生存率比较,P>0.0,相差无统计学意义。 更详细进入...
Needless to say , I will have completed a standard course in pharmacy before I graduate in June.
中文: 今年6月毕业前,我将完成药剂学标准课程学习是无疑的。 更详细进入...
Reference: Modelling risk factors for injuries from dog bites in Greece: a case-only design and analysis.
中文: 在3年间被咬狗咬的2,642位病人,其被咬的频率和月相无关。 更详细进入...
Mankind can not live on the moon where there is no air and water.
中文: 人类无法在月球上生存,那里没有空和水. 更详细进入...
I have not seen him since last January.
中文: 我自从去年1月就没有看见过他. 更详细进入...
Built over the water, the Hao Pu Pavilion has a Ming style brick balustrade.By the side of the pavilion stands a piece of limestone with a natural round hole producing the image of the moon when mirrored in the water, a marvellous scene which can be . app
中文: 濠濮亭跨水而筑,按有明式砖栏,亭前水边置有一峰名“印月”,峰石中的涡孔倒影池中印有的一轮明月,在此不管月半中秋,有无明月当空,均能赏月,娱目谴兴。 更详细进入...
I can't judge how old she is.
中文: 我无法判断她有多大年纪。 更详细进入...
The probationary period of this Contract shall be three(3) months, starting from and ending on . The probationary period shall be included in the term of this Contract.
中文: 本合同生效之日起,前三个月为试用期,自年月日至年月日止。试用期被包括在本合同的有效期限内。 更详细进入...
These successes were crowned by the achievement of a goal vainly pursued by Turkish governments for over 40 years: the start in October 2005 of negotiations for membership of the European Union.
中文: 所有这些成功之最,要数为历届土耳其政府所苦苦追求,四十多年尚无结果的,始于2005年十月的加入欧盟谈判。 更详细进入...
Spiral dental CT plays a very important role in preoperative evaluation and postoperative follow up.
中文: 我们从1996年7月至2000年10月共有20例(11男9女)准备接受植牙病例,年龄由20岁至82岁,平均年龄为51岁。 更详细进入...
August 15th, 1945, was proclaimed V-J Dayby the Allies, a day after Japan agreed to surrender unconditionally.
中文: 1945年8月15日,同盟国宣布“波茨坦公告”,日本接受无条件投降! 更详细进入...
Japan surrendered unconditionally on August 15,marking the World War II was over.
中文: 1945年8月15日,日本无条件投降,标志着第二次世界大战结束。 更详细进入...
His u recedented trip to Pyongyang in June 2000 lifted the hopes of millio of Korea .
中文: 他在2000年6月,史无前例出访北韩,让千百万韩国人燃起希望。 更详细进入...
His unprecedented trip to Pyongyang in June 2000 lifted the hopes of millions of Koreans.
中文: 他在2000年6月,史无前例出访北韩,让千百万韩国人燃起希望。 更详细进入...
Google sites had nearly 500 million visitors in December.
中文: 在去年12月里,一共有5亿名访问者。 更详细进入...
Another meeting is planned in January.
中文: 他说:“明年一月份双方将有一次会谈。 更详细进入...
A: I've been there for about (four months/ six days/ three years).
中文: 我在那儿已有大约(4个月/6天/3年)。 更详细进入...
I had gone to watch the fireworks, one Fourth of July.
中文: 有一年七月四日我去观看烟火晚会。 更详细进入...