Her achievement was really too outstanding, those awards from media just reflected the love people bestowed on her and their acknowledgment of her accomplishment.
中文: 她也确实成就辉煌璀璨,传媒的奖赏,只不过反映了大家对她的肯定和爱护而已。 更详细进入...
I love Plato, but I love Truth more.
中文: 我爱柏拉图,但我更爱真理。(吾爱吾师,吾更爱真理。 更详细进入...
It is now concentrating on ushering in a democratic republic, with a multiparty democracy within a constitutional framework that is anti-feudal and anti-imperialist, and requiring extensive reorganisation of state power to resolve problems related to clas
中文: 尼共(毛主义)目前是通过一种在反帝反封建的宪法框架内,采用多党民主的方式,实现对国家机器的根本改造,以解决阶级,性别,种姓和民族/地区等问题。 更详细进入...
The peacock figures in the Bible and in Greek and Roman myth, where it appears as the favorite bird of the goddess Hera, or Juno, and the bird was known to the pharaohs of Egypt and to 14th-century Europe, where it was roasted and served in its own plumag
中文: 孔雀羽毛在《圣经》和希腊与罗马的神话里面,外形就像女神赫拉或朱诺特别喜欢的鸟,当它被烘烤,羽毛用作欣赏的时候,被认为是埃及法老和十四世纪欧洲喜爱的鸟。 更详细进入...
I love you, beloved. Forgive me my love.
中文: 我爱你,我的爱人。请饶恕我的爱。 更详细进入...
do u love your guns ?yeah!god ?yeah!the government?fuck u!
中文: 你爱你的手枪吗?爱上帝?爱政府? 更详细进入...
She loves herself, other people and her hometownShe wishes love, praises youth, and loves life.
中文: 所以,她爱自己、爱他人、爱故土,憧憬爱情、赞美青春、热爱生命、拥抱生活。 更详细进入...
1 To test a shuttle, use a full underhand stroke which makes contact with the shuttle over the back boundary line.
中文: 测试一个羽毛球,采用低手击球使得羽毛球超过后界。 更详细进入...
Chromosome numbers of 13 species in the genus Dryopteris (Dryopteridaceae) from Yunnan, China
中文: 中国云南鳞毛蕨属(鳞毛蕨科)13种植物的染色体数目 更详细进入...
New Records of Protozoa Species First Recorded in Chinese Soils (Ciliophora:Polyhymenophorea,Heterotrichida)
中文: 中国土壤原生动物新纪录种(纤毛虫门:多膜纲;异毛目) 更详细进入...
Morphogenesis of the marine ciliate Pseudokeronopsis flava (Cohn, 1866) Wirnsberger et al., 1987 (Protozoa: Ciliophora: Hypotrichida)
中文: 海洋纤毛虫黄色伪角毛虫无性生殖期间的形态发生 更详细进入...
Love is of three varieties: unselfish, mutual,and ordinary or selfish.
中文: 爱有三种:无私的爱、相互的爱、和普通的,即自私的爱。 更详细进入...
In exposing the corrupt politics and criticizing the unjust society, the sex-themed novels by Mr Yu Dafu are closely linked with anti-imperialism feudalism, humanism, patriotism as well as the historical events and revolutionary movement, which result fro
中文: 郁达夫小说性爱主题在揭露政治黑暗、控诉社会不公时,又往往是和反帝反封建的意义、人道主义的思想、爱国主义的精神以及历史事件、革命运动联结在一起的,它是特定历史与时代的产物。 更详细进入...
Paraboea guilinensis L. Xu
中文: 中国广西蛛毛苣苔属(苦苣苔科)一新种——桂林蛛毛苣苔 更详细进入...
Since white hair often grows longer than black, these white-headed dogs, especially if male, may look like they have a great white lion's mane.
中文: 白色毛发一般较黑色毛长得更长,在白头犬中,特别是雄性,就好象它们拥有了白狮子的鬃毛。 更详细进入...
Comparasion of keratinase production in Trichophyton mentagrophytes induced by human keratins or hair
中文: 角蛋白与毛发诱导须癣毛癣菌产生角蛋白酶的比较 更详细进入...
中文: 中国毛壳菌科研究III.毛壳菌属和梭孢壳属的种(英文) 更详细进入...
N-banding in Haynaldia oillosa and Triticum durum-H. villosa Amphidiploid
中文: 簇毛麦和硬粒小麦-簇毛麦双二倍体的染色体N-分带 更详细进入...
inspect lid position. Raise eyebrows and inspect upper eyelids for color, edema, and presence of lesions. Have client open eyes, and note blink reflex.
中文: 受检者闭上双眼,检查眼睑位置。揭开眉毛,检查上眼睑颜色、浮肿及有无损伤。嘱受检者睁眼,注意瞬目反射。 更详细进入...
Instead, you put all your feelings, hopes and dreams into his hands, becoming a completeromantic martyr.
中文: 相反,你将你的感情、希望和梦想全交到他的手中,变成一个彻头彻尾的爱情殉道者。 更详细进入...