Are you too proud to kiss me?
中文: 晨光问毛茛道:“你是骄傲得不肯和我接吻么?” 更详细进入...
Happiness is being able to look back with prides and forward with hope.
中文: 幸福是能以骄傲回首过去,以希望面对未来。 更详细进入...
The team's name recognizes Phoenix's hot, sunny climate.
中文: 该队的名字道出了凤凰城骄阳似火的天气。 更详细进入...
[bbe] They are shut up in their fat: with their mouths they say words of pride.
中文: 他们的心被脂油包裹。他们用口说骄傲的话。 更详细进入...
He had been too proud to acknowledge the tenderness which his heart felt.
中文: 他太骄傲了,不肯让心里的感情流露出来。 更详细进入...
Their houses adjoin the players\', which make them proud and happy.
中文: 他们的房子毗连,使他们感到骄傲和高兴。 更详细进入...
A source of spreading corruption or decay.
中文: 腐败的原因传布腐败或腐朽的根源 更详细进入...
Who says marriage is a failure? It's nothing of the kind-provided you let it alone.
中文: 谁云婚姻败?诸事莫计较,婚姻如何败? 更详细进入...
[KJV] And Elam bare the quiver with chariots of men and horsemen, and Kir uncovered the shield.
中文: 以拦拿着箭袋,并有战车、步兵和骑兵;吉珥亮出盾牌。 更详细进入...
The sentry is on guard.
中文: 哨兵正在站岗。 更详细进入...
Trumpeter, sound the charge!
中文: 号兵, 吹冲锋号! 更详细进入...
He will loot and plunder the land as pay for his army.
中文: 他必掳掠埃及群众,抢其中的财为掳物,夺其中的货为掠物,这就可以作他军兵的酬劳。 更详细进入...
The members of the United States military are plenty smart and they are plenty brave, and the senator from Massachusetts owes them an apology.
中文: 美国部队的士兵不但很聪明,而且很勇敢,来自麻萨诸塞州的参议员必须向他们道歉。 更详细进入...
Centuries before Jesus was born, Daniel was told by God Himself, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that shall never be destroyed ... and it shall stand forever(Daniel 2:44).
中文: 早在耶稣诞生数个世纪前,神就亲自晓谕但以理,“天上的神必另立一国,永不败坏…这国必存到永远”(但以理书2:44)。 更详细进入...
You're never a loser until you quit trying.
中文: 在停止失败之前,你永远不是失败者。 更详细进入...
A reconnaissance or patrol unit that moves ahead of an advance party or guard, or that follows a rear guard.
中文: 尖兵在一群前进的士兵或卫兵前面移动的侦察或巡逻的单位,也指尾随一支殿后的卫队 更详细进入...
If I can not live proudly, I choose to die.
中文: 红色恋人:如果不能骄傲的活着,我选择死亡! 更详细进入...
Supposing that you've made some progress, you should not be proud.
中文: 假定你有了一些进步,你也不应该骄傲自大。 更详细进入...
The chiefs of all the villages were weltering in luxury and pleasure.
中文: 所有的村庄的头领都沉迷于骄奢淫逸之中。 更详细进入...
The most famous thing is the school's high adoration towards money.
中文: 学校对金钱的崇拜无疑是最值得骄傲的事。 更详细进入...