The development of the persistencescience and technology business enterprise, the quantity signs the factoryof our company is strategic, being in the light of the management aim ofthe prestige first, customer is highest, wishing to cooperate with business
中文: 本公司坚持“科技企业,质量立厂”的发展战略,本着“信誉第一、用户至上”的经营宗旨,愿与海内外客商真诚合作,共创辉煌灿烂的明天……. 更详细进入...
This bright necklace displays a gleaming goldplated star and a twinkling star of Austrian crystals.
中文: 这款项链,更显出镀金五星和奥地利水晶的熠熠星辉,给人以欢快的感觉。 更详细进入...
Don't be misled by the setting or the gold around the diamonds - the whiteness should always be able to shine through.
中文: 不要被底托或钻石周围的黄金误导——那绚目的光辉应该总能发射光彩的。 更详细进入...
Beijing steps the Asian especially inorganic building materials technical research institute below the unceasing innovation is throughout the idea, the foothold good faith, from all walks of life hand in hand again creates the environmental protection, th
中文: 北京迈亚特无机建材技术研究所始终以下不断创新为理念,立足诚信,与社会各界携手再创环保、节能、利废的新型建筑材料的辉煌。 更详细进入...
Iraq has one of the most glorious ancient civilisations created by man, with extant artefacts dating back more than 5000 years, a substantial number of which were showcased at the National Museum.
中文: 伊拉克的所在地是最早的古代文明之一,曾有过辉煌灿烂的历史,并拥有许多超过5000年的古文物,其中大部分珍藏在国家博物馆里。 更详细进入...
To meet the growing material and cultural needs of people and reappear the glory history of the millenarianism, modern Shu brocade handicraftsmen have now developed and produced, based on the study of the relevant ancient rare books, the second generation
中文: 今天为满足人们日趋增长的物质文化需求,再现太平盛世的历史辉煌,现代蜀锦艺人们采用古人秘籍生产出了第二代文字锦《兰亭序》。 更详细进入...
People in the west of Guangxi sing the praises of the CCP and new life, things and ideas to develop national traditions and recreate splendid national art.
中文: 新时期的桂西人民弘扬民族传统,再创民族艺术的辉煌。 他们歌颂党,歌颂新生活、新事物、新观念,山歌呈现出与旧社会绝然不同的特点。 更详细进入...
中文: 煌蓝色素内镜与胃癌 更详细进入...
Lovely Encounter 007
中文: 孟京辉艳遇007 更详细进入...
In between, the Jews had their triumphs and disasters but none of the disasters, except the final one, ever came near to cancelling out the essential achievement of the period, the creation of a national sense among the Jewish people.
中文: 在此期间犹太人既有过辉煌的成就也有过悲惨的灾难,但只有最后一次灾难几乎摧毁了整个犹太文明,犹太复国理念从此深入人心。 更详细进入...
The legendary Raffles Beijing Hotel celebrated its Grand Opening on 1st December, 2006 with the elegance and grace befitting this much loved Beijing icon.
中文: 富有传奇色彩的北京饭店莱佛士于2006年12月1日正式开业,以最隆重的盛大典礼来向历史文化遗产的再度辉煌致以最崇高的敬意。 更详细进入...
A tree covered with tinsel and gaudy paper chains graced one corner.
中文: 教室的一角被一棵树装点得熠熠生辉,树上缀满了金银丝帛和华丽的彩纸。 更详细进入...
Companies all, the programme is now in full swing standardized licenses, warmly welcomes all people with lofty ideals to join our ranks, sincerity, letters, andentrepreneurial spirit guide, stepped into the brilliant!
中文: 公司全方位、标准化加盟方案现已全面启动,热忱欢迎各地有志之士加入到我们的队伍中来,在“诚、信、和”企业精神引导下,一起步入辉煌! 更详细进入...
Consisting of no more than 100 men, the GIGN has earned its reputation through a history of successful ops.
中文: 虽然这支部队只有不到100人的规模,但是却因其在历次的反恐怖行动中而取得的一次次辉煌的成功,而为其自身赢得响亮的名声。 更详细进入...
Facing the increasingly heated market competition, the company sets up its purposes of honestly operating, basing on the quality, uniting as one, facing the world, striding forward towards the up-to-date enterprise, creating the larger brilliancy with goo
中文: 面对日益激烈的市场竞争,公司目标,诚信经营,质量为本,团结一致,面向世界,朝着现代化的企业迈进,以优质,优量去创造更大的辉煌。 更详细进入...
Carrying out the concept of beginning from cooperation, until mutual satisfaction, relying on quality, enterprising in deploitation, developing in competition, the company looks forward to cooperating with you to develop together!
中文: 公司本着“从合作开始,到满意为止”的经营理念,以管理争效益,以质量求生存,在开拓中进取,在竞争中发展,我们期待与您合作,共创明天的辉煌! 更详细进入...
In the future, we will continue to make greater efforts and investment to manufacture first-class quality products, to achieve mutual benefit and brilliance with old and new customers based on best prices.
中文: 在未来的日子里,喜泰来人继续不断努力,加大投入,生产一流品质的产品;以实惠的价格,与广大新老客户互惠互利,达到双赢,携手进步,共创辉煌。 更详细进入...
ShengDa depend on Sincerity, Practice, Exploitation, Innovation, and pursue product value. We will cooperate with customer at home and abroad to creat brilliantly future.
中文: 升达人既往开来,以“诚信、求实、开拓、创新”为企业立身之本,凭着对产品价值的执着追求,诚意拳拳,与广大海内外客户携手合作、共创辉煌未来。 更详细进入...
The Guardian says it is understood that Chelsea\'s owner Roman Abramovich covets the Barcelona striker as a player capable of producing the pulse-quickening football he craves for Stamford Bridge.
中文: 据《卫报》说,很明显,切尔西老板罗马人阿布拉莫维奇已经对这位巴塞罗那前锋“垂涎”已久了,他期待着埃托奥能成为成就他斯坦福桥辉煌的人物。 更详细进入...
Tomorrow, Zhongtai will take a share in laser civil application on a new look and welcome the brilliant and magnificent future.
中文: 今日的众泰是高科技产业与规范化管理相结合的光谷明星,明天的众泰将以全新的面貌屹立于民用激光领域的主战场,迎接辉煌美好的未来。 更详细进入...