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    The company has been selected as Best Economic Benefit Enterprise of Zhejiang Province, Model Management Enterprise of Shaoxing, 100 Economic Tiger Enterprise of Shaoxng County, etc.

    中文: 公司获“浙江省最佳经济效益企业”、“省、市级管理示范企业”、“绍兴市纺织工业利税十强企业”、“绍兴市百强企业”、“绍兴县经济百虎企业”、“绍兴县企业管理四星级企业”等称誉。 更详细进入...
    The park will take enclosed type of management and open service to ingoing enterprises and prohibit any institution or individual inspecting, appraising and charging to the enterprise with any excuses in order to keep the enterprises operate normally.

    中文: 工业园对入园企业实行“封闭式管理、开放式服务”,杜绝任何机构及个人以任何借口对企业进行检查、评比、收费等活动,保证企业正常的生产经营。 更详细进入...
    Article 16 Where a foreign-funded commercial enterprise manages the commodities on which the state has special provisions and the import and export goods involving quota or license administration, it shall go through the formalities in accordance with the

    中文: 第十六条外商投资商业企业经营国家有特殊规定的商品以及涉及配额、许可证管理的进出口商品,应当按照国家有关规定办理手续。 更详细进入...
    Article 48 The prices of the goods and materials and technological labor service imported by a foreign-capital enterprise shall not be higher than the normal prices of similar goods and materials and technological labour service on the international marke

    中文: 第四十八条外资企业进口的物资以及技术劳务的价格不得高于当时的国际市场同类物资以及技术劳务的正常价格。 更详细进入...
    With regard to investing in the partner-ship, since there is a legal obligation to form a new partnership due to a change in partners, the partnership can choose to restate the as-sets of the old partnership at their market values or transfer them to the

    中文: 关于对企业投资,因为随着合伙人的变动,在法律上就意味着新的合伙人形成,合伙企业可按市价重新宣布原合伙企业的资产,或按照帐面价值把他们转移到新的合伙企业中。 更详细进入...
    An equity joint venture may, in its business operations, obtain funds from foreign banks directly.

    中文: 合营企业在其经营活动中,可直接向外国银行筹措资金。 更详细进入...
    An enterprise may also prepare cash flow statement to reflec the changes in its financial position.

    中文: 企业也可以编制现金流量表,反映财务状况的变动情况。 更详细进入...
    The paper reviewed the connections and relations between the control economic policy of Republic Government aid state-owner capital, the expanding of state-owner enterprise and Its status aid role during wartime from the timing oldie control economy, the

    中文: 本文从战时经济统制政策形成,国家资本体系的确立,以及经济统制政策与国家资本企业的互动三个方面,考察经济统制政策与国家资本企业的关系,以及经济统制政策下国家资本企业的发展及其地位和作用。 更详细进入...
    The enterprise culture should not be understood as political and ideological work and spiritual civilization construction and the eyewash should not be done.

    中文: 在企业文化的认识上,不能把企业文化片面地等同于政治思想工作或精神文明建设,也不能仅做表面文章。 更详细进入...
    Insurance is a risk transfer mechanism, by which the individual or the business enterprise can shift some of the uncertainty of life to the shoulders of others.

    中文: 保险是一种风险转移机制。通过保险个人或企业可以将生活中一些不确定因素转移给其他人。 更详细进入...
    The risks of founding a new venture are now weighed against a combination of long-term career incentives, job security, and the opportunity to bring ideas to life within the boundaries of an existing company.

    中文: 一方面,创办新企业有许多风险;另一方面,现有的企业则能提供长期的职业升迁与奖励机制、职位的稳定、以及在企业内部实现新设想的机会。 更详细进入...
    But creating a business isn't the only way to be successful as a social entrepreneur.

    中文: 但是创业不是社会企业家成功的唯一方法。 更详细进入...
    Our version is a real corporate build that doesn't require any activation!

    中文: (这个版本是真正的企业版,不需要任何激活!) 更详细进入...
    Social entrepreneurship is more about the idea than the process.

    中文: 社会企业家更多的是关于理念而不非进程。 更详细进入...
    No unit or individual may construct any buildings or other constructional structures, plant vegetation, or place objects which might endanger the safety of power facilities within power facility protection areas demarcated according to law.

    中文: 任何单位和个人不得在依法划定的电力设施保护区内修建可能危及电力设施安全的建筑物、构筑物,不得种植可能危及电力设施安全的植物,不得堆放可能危及电力设施安全的物品。 更详细进入...
    An enterprise may also prepare a cash flow statement to reflect the changes in its financial position.

    中文: 企业也可以编制现金流量表,反映财务状况的变动情况。 更详细进入...
    Registering your company on our global business map .

    中文: 您的企业可以在我们的最新产品-全球商业地图上登记。 更详细进入...
    Some radicals may oppose him in protest at the attempt to stage-manage the congress.

    中文: 有些激进份子可能以抗议反对他企图在幕后操纵国会。 更详细进入...
    Traditional opinion holds that it is policy burden that results in SOEs' lack of viability, however, this paper argues that it is the holdup problem that brings shout SOEs' lack of viability.

    中文: 与政策性负担造成国有企业没有自生能力的传统观点不同,本文认为是各方努力及关系专用投资的投资阻塞问题造成了国有企业没有自生能力。 更详细进入...
    Our business includes trademark/patent/copyright register application agent in country and oversea, time-extend application agent, modify application agent, permitted use application agent, cession application agent and tortious suit ltc; meanwhile we off

    中文: 本公司的业务范围主要涉及商标、专利、版权的国内外注册、续展、变更、许可、转让、争议、侵权诉讼等;同时,本公司还为企业提供知识产权策划、企业品牌策划、侵权调查及其他与知识产权有关的法律咨询服务。 更详细进入...

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