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    Weapon skill will no longer reduce the percentage damage lost due to glancing.

    中文: 武器技能不再会因为偏斜而减少一定百分比的伤害。 更详细进入...
    The business is washed up; a loan will do no more than delay the day of reckoning.

    中文: 生意已维持不下去了,贷款只能推迟(倒闭)清算的日子罢了。 更详细进入...
    One followed by two ciphers is 100.

    中文: 一的后面跟两个零是一百. 更详细进入...
    The little boy can count from one up to 100.

    中文: 小男孩可以从一数到一百。 更详细进入...
    Voter turnout came out to be 43.6 per cent, with 1.33 million registered voters casting their ballots.

    中文: 投票率为百分之43.6,有一百三十三万名选民投票。 更详细进入...
    The so-called Asianflu of 1957 caused between one and four million deaths, while 1968's Hong Kongflu - with about half the estimated deadliness of the Asian flu - caused one to two million deaths.

    中文: 1957年所谓的“亚洲的”流感导致了一百万到四百万的死亡而1968年的“香港”流感,估计大概“亚洲的”流感致死一半,引起了一百万到两百万的死亡。 更详细进入...
    Where the borrower prepays, it shall notify the facility agent at least 60 business days before the next scheduled repayment date, and repay the last installment of the principal of and interest on the loan based on the principle of “last matured, first p

    中文: 借款人提前还款的,应至少在最近一个预定还款日的60个营业日前通知代理行,并在征得银团贷款成员同意后,根据银团贷款协议所列的相关贷款余额的到期次序,按后到期先还的原则偿还最后期贷款本息。 更详细进入...
    In addition, China will provide 10 billion dollars in concessional loans and preferential export buyer's credit to underdevelopment countries in the next three years to help them strengthen infrastructure development.

    中文: 另外,中国将在今后3年向不发达国家提供100亿美元的优惠贷款和优惠出口买方信贷,帮助他们加强基础设施建设。 更详细进入...
    You could get a 60% to 70% mortgage at the foreign bank (USD loan or RMB loan) or some Chinese bank (USD loan or RMB loan).

    中文: 在外资银行,您可以申请贷款额为购房总款的60%到70%(美元或人民币贷款)或者在中国的银行(可贷美元或人民币)。 更详细进入...
    Contend is a slogan guiding China's literature.

    中文: “百花齐放,百家争鸣”是指导中国文学的一条语录。 更详细进入...
    Where the borrower fails to use the proceeds for the prescribed purpose, the lender may withhold funding, call the loan, or terminate the contract.

    中文: 第二百零三条借款人未按照约定的借款用途使用借款的,贷款人可以停止发放借款、提前收回借款或者解除合同。 更详细进入...
    Officers above that level, known as executive officers, are not eligible to borrow from any affiliate of the Company, except (1) through a Grande Elite MasterCard credit line of $ on terms available to customers or (2) to a bona fide related interest.

    中文: 主菅以上阶层如执行副总的职位主管不得向公司分支机构借款,除非在与顾客条件相同情况下透过精英万事卡的贷款额度内借贷或以市场上诊诟的利息去借贷。 更详细进入...
    My school established the prize, the loan, the attendance, Jan, hasmade upand the green channelfunds the system for the main bodylinkage, separately referred to the scholarship, the loan study gold(country assists students loan and school wife study loan)

    中文: 我校建立了“奖、贷、勤、简、补”和“绿色通道”为主体的联动资助体系,分别指“奖学金、贷学金(国家助学贷款和校内助学贷款)、勤工助学、学费减免、困难补助和新生入学绿色通道”。 更详细进入...
    To ease these nations' debt, he has argued that the international community should regard loans to odious regimes as loans to the ruling despots themselves, perhaps dissuading banks and other private lenders.

    中文: 为了减轻开发中国家的负债,他主张国际社会应该将那些可憎政府的贷款,视为独裁统治者自己的贷款;也许应该劝阻银行或其他私人贷方与那些独裁者之间的借贷。 更详细进入...
    If is the housing loan outside of loan of, issued physically from the loan from day, each and full( month/ quarter/ year) adjust this contract interest rate, in adjust the next day of the day rose to press to correspond a performance of the interest rate

    中文: 如果是住房贷款以外的贷款的,自贷款实际发放日起(分笔发放的以第一笔贷款发放日为准),每满(月/季/年)调整本合同利率,于调整日的次日起按相应利率档次执行调整后的利率,利率浮动水平按2.1条的约定执行。 更详细进入...
    Everything checked out, and the bank agreed to accept the car as collateral for the loan.

    中文: 一切都检查过了,银行同意接受这辆车为贷款抵押。 更详细进入...
    She worked for a Village Enterprise Found, a micro-lender. He was a filmmaker.

    中文: 她为乡村企业基金工作,小额贷款者。他是一位导演。 更详细进入...
    Agri-credit and agri-GDP in China (978-00)——a Granger causality test

    中文: 中国农业信贷与农业GDP(978~00)——一个Granger因果关系检验 更详细进入...
    Genius in one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.

    中文: 天才是百分之一的灵感加上百分之九十九的努力. 更详细进入...
    Genius is one per cent inspiration, ninety-nine per cent perspiration.

    中文: 天才是百分之一的灵感加上百分之九十九的汗水。 更详细进入...

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