Today, when Chinese contemporary paintings are predicted to go to an “end”, the ebullition of freedom, imagination, genius and character of Qin Fengling's paintings doubtlessly bring us a totally new feeling for paintings.
中文: 二十年的积淀在秦凤玲绘画上迸发出的自由、想象、天赋和个性,在中国当代绘画被预言将要走向“尽头”的今天,无疑将会带给我们对架上绘画的全新感受。 更详细进入...
He has great skill in drawing.
中文: 他画画很有技巧。 更详细进入...
I paint a lot of pictures.
中文: 我画一大堆的画。 更详细进入...
I haven't tried any of that kind before. But I have tried comical and funny roles before.
中文: 我之前没有过这样的念头。但我尝试过滑稽诙谐的角色。 更详细进入...
Study of nerves and vessels in the cerebellopontine angle region in adult cadaveric head via retrosigmoid approach
中文: 成人尸头乙状窦后入路观察小脑脑桥角区神经和血管 更详细进入...
gravidum, Cerranipes and Cer. lunula etc. , only presented in the eastern of °E, which was just in agree-ment with the isohaline of . 00, and can be taken as indicator species for the Yellow Seawarm current.
中文: 钩梨甲藻,赛氏鸟尾藻、圆头角藻、指状角藻和新月角藻等,仅分布于°E以东、表层(0m)盐度 .00的海域,可作为黄海暖流的指示种。 更详细进入...
Art works of Chinese paintings and woodcut printmaking etc. created in 1943-2002 by ZHU Xuanxian, from China.
中文: 展示有朱宣咸1943年--2002年创作的中国画、木刻版画、漫画、水粉画、插画、连环画、速写等作品及相关资料。 更详细进入...
China Art by Zhu Xuanxian Description: Art works of Chinese paintings and woodcut printmaking etc. created in 1943-2002 by ZHU Xuanxian and materials, from China.
中文: 网站展示有朱宣咸1943年~2002年创作的中国画、木刻版画、漫画、水粉画、插画、连环画、速写作品及相关资料。 更详细进入...
But the picture it paints of happy, content wives is propaganda negating that more realistic depiction.
中文: 丈夫被其父亲所击退,但是这副描述着幸福、满足的妻子们的画面正否定着更为现实的情形。 更详细进入...
Three civil defense officers are painted in their underground center of operations: maps on the wall, memos and notes everywhere, a teacup on the table.
中文: 画面描绘得细微精透—一品脱牛奶,红白相间的电话机,悬空摇摆的电线以及蜡黄的人工照明。 更详细进入...
Under the huge elm12 trees, we could see yellow dandelions13 popping14 through the grass in bunches, as if a painter had touched our landscape with dabs15 of gold.
中文: 高大的榆树下,一束束黄色的蒲公英从草丛中探出头来,好像是一位画家在我们的山水画上涂抹了点点金黄似的。 更详细进入...
I show them a drawing of the animal, and everyone shook their heads, over it and said sorrowfully that they had never seen it. My heart sank.
中文: 我把有那种动物的一幅画给他们看,他们对着画直摇头,遗憾地说从来没有看到过这种动物。我的心不由直往下沉。 更详细进入...
I tried to avoid my usual error of making the head too large and went too far in the other direction, although the lankiness does look kind of spiffy.
中文: 我试图避免我经常犯的毛病(把人物的头部画的太大)﹐结果好像把他的身体画的太长了﹐不过这样的效果也不错。 更详细进入...
Silk Road Art and Archaeology: Journal of the Institute of Silk Road Studies, Kamakura. ISSN 0917-1614. Kamakura-shi, Japan: The Institute, 1990- , Annual, current.
中文: 中文翻译,高居翰,《江岸送别—明代初期与中期绘画》,台北:石头出版社,1995。 更详细进入...
They soon began to boast of their respective superiority to each other in strength and prowess.
中文: 在路上,他们看见一块石碑,石碑上刻着一个人征服几头狮子的图画。 更详细进入...
The product has the dry flowered picture series, the shell picture series, the sea hornbeam series, the nonframe picture series, the oil painting series, the lacquer painting series and so on.
中文: 产品有干花画系列、贝壳画系列、海铁树系列、无框画系列、油画系列、磨漆画系列等。 更详细进入...
The Zhengyu PKC type sprinkler pipe adopt Aluminum Tubing with large deflection angle quick assembles coupling use for complex landform transport water and sprinkle.
中文: PKC型球接头移动喷灌管道,采用薄壁高强铝合金管,配套大偏角、镀锌钢制球接头,具有偏转角度大,密封性能好,方便移动,快速安装的特点。 更详细进入...
Producing a three-dimensional image requires repeating the process at different angles, like a hospital CT scanner.
中文: 要产生三维影像,必须从不同角度重复同样的过程,就像医院的电脑断层扫描一样。 更详细进入...
The artist painted a picture for his interior decoration.
中文: 画家为了他的室内布置而画了一幅画。 更详细进入...
Can you draw with your left hand?
中文: 你会用左手画画吗? 更详细进入...