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    SCENE: The Oval Office. George Bush and Condolezza Rice.

    中文: 场景)椭圆形办公室,乔治布什和国家安全顾问康多里扎赖斯。 更详细进入...
    [color=#666666][size=3]SCENE: The Oval Office. George Bush and Condolezza Rice.

    中文: (场景)椭圆形办公室,乔治布什和国家安全顾问康多里扎赖斯。 更详细进入...
    [size=13px][size=4][color=blue]SCENE: The Oval Office. George Bush and Condolezza Rice.

    中文: 场景):椭圆形办公室,乔治布什和国家安全顾问康多里扎赖斯。 更详细进入...
    And that is not all that will be different, according to Andy Rothman, China strategist for CLSA in Shanghai.

    中文: 在法国里昂证券驻上海的中国战略分析家安迪?罗思曼看来,这些还不是中国发展的全部。 更详细进入...
    The United States, North Korea, China, Japan, South Korea and Russia reached an agreement on Feb. 13 that gave the North 60 days to shut its Yongbyon plutonium facility in return for aid and security pledges.

    中文: 美国、北朝鲜、中国、日本、南韩和俄罗斯在2月13日达成共识,北朝鲜在60天内关闭并封存宁边核设施作为给予朝鲜援助和安全的保证。 更详细进入...
    Ningbo Hengda Metal Products Manufacturer Co., Ltd ( Ningbo hengda I/E Co.,Ltd ), a joint venture established in 2000,is a professional manufacturer of outdoor products, like patio heaters, barbecues, tents, camping charis, gas water heaters, arrowhead et

    中文: 宁波恒达金属制品有限公司(宁波恒达进出口贸易有限公司)是一家成立于2000年的中外合资企业。 更详细进入...
    We are from Jining.

    中文: 济宁。 更详细进入...
    From a regional cultural perspective, the author elaborates the special functions and influences exerted by the Haining culture elites on the development of Chinese Traditional Opera, especially Wang Guowei's excellent establishment in the opera theory an

    中文: 摘要从地域文化的角度,阐述海宁文化精英对中国戏曲的发展所发挥的独特作用和影响;尤其是王国维在戏曲理论研究上的卓越建树及其重大意义;“海盐腔”与海宁的关系;以及明清以来海宁戏曲家的艺术实践和理论研究为中国戏曲所作出的特殊贡献。 更详细进入...
    She remained restive until her kid returned home safely.

    中文: 翻译:孩子安全回家前,她始终坐立不安。 更详细进入...
    Ningbo Yongyuan Hydraulic Pressure Motor Co., Ltd. specializes in making low speed big hydraulic pressure motor, is one of leading enterprise in the industry.

    中文: 宁波市甬源液压马达有限公司是国家计委和机械部审批220家“振兴基础机械和基础件”特定企业之一。是全国生产低速大扭矩液压马达专业公司。 更详细进入...
    I would die bravely, I would die cheerfully, if I could restore to you the peace and happiness of your life.

    中文: 倘若我能恢复你生活的安宁与喜悦,我愿意勇敢地去死,高兴地去死。 更详细进入...
    There is no soundness in my flesh because of thine anger; neither is there any rest in my bones because of my sin.

    中文: 诗38:3因你的恼怒、我的肉无一完全.因我的罪过、我的骨头也不安宁。 更详细进入...
    There is no soundness in my flesh because of Your indignation; There is no health in my bones because of my sin.

    中文: 诗38:3因你的恼怒、我的肉无一完全.因我的罪过、我的骨头也不安宁。 更详细进入...
    Li Keqiang, born in Dingyuan,Anhui Province in 1955, incumbent graduate of the School of Economics of Peking University, bachelor of law, Doctor's degree in Economics of Peking University.

    中文: 李克强,安徽定远人.1955年7月生,1974年参加工作,1976年加入中国共产党。北京大学经济学院在职研究生毕业,法学学士、经济学博士。中共辽宁省委书记。辽宁省人大常委会主任。 更详细进入...
    In an event that still rankles, CNOOC, the state-controlled oil company, was blocked in America, supposedly on national-security grounds from acquiring Unocal, an oil company.

    中文: 国家控股的石油公司中海油CNOOC因美国以国家安全为由的阻击而未能成功收购美国石油公司优尼科,这起事件的恶劣影响至今尤在。 更详细进入...
    Priest on TV: We are gathered here today to join Joanne Louise Cunningham and Charles, Chachi-Chachi-Chachi, Arcola in the bound of holy matrimony.

    中文: 电视中神父:今天我们在这里参加乔安妮·路易丝·坎宁安和查尔斯·恰棋-恰棋-恰棋·阿可勒的神圣婚礼。 更详细进入...
    Henan Ancai Corporation is one of national key High-tech enterprises and also one of top 100 enterprises in information industry in China.

    中文: 河南安彩集团有限责任公司是国家重点高新技术企业,中国电子信息百强企业。 更详细进入...
    A loving atmosphere in you home is so important. Do all yuo can to create a tranquil harmonious home.

    中文: 让家充满爱的气氛是非常重要的,要尽你所能去营造一个宁静、和谐的家。 更详细进入...
    A Japanese foreign ministry official familiar with planning for the visit said Mr Wen and Mr Abe would attend a traditional Chinese opera in Tokyo, an event that would further underline the new cordiality.

    中文: 了解温家宝此行安排的一位日本外务省官员表示,温家宝和安倍将在东京看一场中国传统剧目的演出,这将进一步突显两国间新出现的友好气氛。 更详细进入...
    Article 22 Any citizen or organization shall have the right to make to the State security organ at a higher level or to a relevant department exposure of or charge against the excess or abuse of power or other unlawful acts committed by a State security o

    中文: 第二十二条任何公民和组织对国家安全机关及其工作人员超越职权、滥用职权和其他违法行为,都有权向上级国家安全机关或者有关部门检举、控告。 更详细进入...

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