Return a list of all parents.
中文: 返回父节点的列表。 更详细进入...
They waited for the ferry to return.
中文: 他们等候渡船返回。 更详细进入...
The decision to repair is not easy, especially in borderline cases.
中文: 作出返修的决定不是容易的,在可修可不修的情况下尤其如此。 更详细进入...
Progress, far from consisting in change, depends on retentiveness, ...Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. --- George Santayana.
中文: 进步,远不在于改变,而在于那些不变的东西。不能记住过去的人注定只能重复过去。有俗语说,忘记过去意味着背叛,背叛与否倒还有不同的评判标准,然而忘记过去只能重走过去的老路,犯过去的错误,的确让人扼腕。 更详细进入...
Right, let's get back to base.
中文: 好的,我们返回基地。 更详细进入...
Spring coming on, the trees turned green.
中文: 春天来临,树木返青。 更详细进入...
I can't go. Nevertheless, I appreciate the invitation.
中文: 我不能去。不过,我感谢这一邀请。 更详细进入...
This function returns the database name on success, or FALSE on failure.
中文: 如果该函数成功执行,将返回数据库名称;如果失败,将返回False。 更详细进入...
A copy made by using carbon paper.
中文: 复写本,副本用复写纸复印的一份 更详细进入...
As a result, one issue under discussion as Parliament returns this week is the possible introduction of legislation to curb press powers.
中文: 其结果:一个讨论之下的解决办法,是让这周返回工作的议会提出可能的立法议案去限制媒体的权力。 更详细进入...
A stack used for the nesting of exception frames by CATCH and THROW. It may be, but need not be, implemented using the return stack.
中文: CATCH和THROW一个用于巢状例外框架的堆叠.它可以是,但不必是,以返回堆叠来实作. 更详细进入...
In case of a fire, stay low to the ground, beneath the smoke, and use the escape plan you have worked out. Get out and stay out.
中文: 万一发生火灾,采用事先制定的逃生计划,低姿疏散。逃出火场后不要重返火场。 更详细进入...
Another way of solving the problem is to return the responsibility to the individual.
中文: 另一个解决问题的方法是把责任返还给个人。 更详细进入...
He ordinarily lives in Australia and visits Hong Kong at intervals of about three months.
中文: 他通常在澳洲居住,每隔3个月左右返港一次。 更详细进入...
We are aiming to be back to our very best in three years and are very positive about this target, realistically it may take five.
中文: “我们想要尽最大所能在三年内返回巅锋,我们对这一目标非常乐观和积极。尽管实际上,我们要用五年的时光来复兴。 更详细进入...
This function returns an object or an array with information about the user's browser on success, or FALSE on failure.
中文: 如果这个函数成功执行,将返回一个关于用户浏览器属性的对象或数组;如果执行失败,将返回False。 更详细进入...
Every year,They migrate from the ocean to where they were born to multiply.the journey covers several hundred kilometers long.
中文: 每年企鹅都要在冰雪中迁徙数百公里,从大海返回到它的出生地,去繁衍后代。 更详细进入...
The dogs have lost the smell of the box; they will have to hark back to the point where they first picked it up.
中文: 猎犬已失去狐狸气味的踪迹,现在只有循原路返回发现嗅迹的地方重新开始。 更详细进入...
And then back to Portugal to do sponsors things in Lisbon.
中文: 之后返回葡萄牙在里斯本做一些赞助的事情。 更详细进入...
Driving rain has forced some to return to the rubble of their homes.
中文: 大雨的来临迫使一些人返回满是瓦砾的家中。 更详细进入...