Within the body, supreme to the individual consciousness; an indwelling observer; a sanctioner, a preserver, an enjoyer and indeed ultimate controller as well is described as the Ultimate Consciousness.
中文: 在肉体之内,高于个体意识(知觉)的就被描述成是根本意识(觉知),他是内存于心中的观察者,制约者,保护者,享受者,以及真正的根本控制者。 更详细进入...
There is another possibility—that some (or all) of these conceptions are complementary.
中文: 是不是存在另一种可能,就是一部分(或者全部)正当性的观念之间存在互补性。 更详细进入...
Selection of auditors and conduct of audits shall ensure objectivity and impartiality of the audit process.
中文: 审核员的选择和审核的实施应确保审核过程的客观性和公正性。 更详细进入...
Lazio fans have a reputation for their far-right political views, but a group of supporters released a statement on their website condemning Di Canio's behaviour.
中文: 拉齐奥的球迷因他们的右派观点闻名,但一批拥护者还是在他们的网站上发表了谴责迪卡尼奥行为的声明。 更详细进入...
In other words, the dance can be detached from the subjectivity of the dancer in a way in which the snarling cannot from the snarler.
中文: 换句话说,舞蹈能从舞者的主观中分离,虽然吼叫不能与吼叫者分离。 更详细进入...
To always tell you the true and give their opinions,tell you when you mess up or do something good.
中文: 当你陷于慌乱或者做了很漂亮的事情,它都会告诉你真相,并且给出它的观点。 更详细进入...
You are an organizer, a planner and a doer, and you do especially well when assigned to handle a big project.
中文: 你是个组织者,计划者跟执行者,而且当你负责一项大型计划时,你做得特别出色。 更详细进入...
It is necessary for studying modem communication aesthetics to multi-study the aesthetic feature, growth, operation and function of the modem communication activity with the whole man's civilization development history course as the wide history field of
中文: 研究当代传播美学,必须以整个人类文明发展里程为历史大视野,以马克思主义哲学思想为指导的大生命审美观为主视角,对当代传播活动的审美特征、审美生成、审美运作、审美功能等进行综合研究。 更详细进入...
Each room would have sported a double title (“Murder [Montage]”), and the labyrinth they formed would have proposed a tour through the “Archaeology of Cinema”.
中文: 每个展室都要很在显眼的地方挂上“谋杀蒙太奇”的标题,他们还打算建一个迷宫,引领参观者纵览电影的历史。 更详细进入...
That is, photography has two antithetical ideals: in the first, photography is about the world and the photographer is a mere observer who counts for little; but in the second, photography is the instrument of intrepid, questing subjectivity and the photo
中文: 那就是说,摄影术有两个相互对立的观念:第一,摄影术是反映世界的,摄影者只不过是无足轻重的观察者;第二,摄影术是无畏探索的主观性的手段,摄影者决定一切。 更详细进入...
No Competitor of each Party, or an employee of such a Competitor, shall be used as an auditor for purposes of inspecting materials deposited by such Party in escrow under Sections 6, 7 and 8 of the Collaboration Agreement.
中文: 据合作协议的六,七,八条之规定,在第三方代管契约的问题上,禁止双方竞争者或者该竞争的雇员担任审计人员检查竞争者。 更详细进入...
When, for reasons mentioned in the preceding Section, the municipal or district / county planning bureau and the municipal or district / county office of municipal administration have given written notice requesting an applicant to remove the outdoor adve
中文: 由于前款规定的原因,经市或者区、县规划局或者市或者区、县市政委办公室书面通知撤除户外广告设施,而设置申请人拒不撤除的,市或者区、县规划局和市或者区、县市政委办公室有权代为撤除,所需费用由设置申请人承担。 更详细进入...
Generally speaking, there are obvious distinguishes between Chinese characters Ganand Nengwith the former one more emphasizes on the positivity personally while the latter one more focuses on the possibility externally.
中文: 摘要一般情况下,“敢”和“能”的区别是很明显的:前者强调主观上的积极性,后者着眼于客观上的可能性。 更详细进入...
The man who is a pessimist before forty-eight knows too much; the man who is an optimist after forty-eight knows too little.
中文: 未逾四十八岁的悲观主义者,是知道得太多之人;而年逾四十八岁的乐观主义者,是知道得太少之人。 更详细进入...
McKinsey expects China's lower middle class to swell to 290m by 2011 and the upper middle class, defined as those earning an annual $4,000-$12,500, to rise to 520m by 2025.
中文: 把衡量对象局限在容易接触到的消费者,或大城市的消费者,会使得实际数字更低。 更详细进入...
In conclusion, it may heal a lot of patients suffering from hysteria if we can alter the patients' cognize of mentalism.
中文: 因此,改变癔症患者的唯心主义认知观对治疗癔症患者有重要的作用。 更详细进入...
It is transmitted through droplets spread when an infected person coughs or sneezes, and the droplets are spread to a nearby contact.
中文: 具体说:当患者咳嗽或者打喷嚏,喷出的体液或者唾沫接触到附近的人后开始传染。 更详细进入...
Many who have believed his words have become victims of this beguilement.
中文: 许多相信了他的话的人成了这个骗局的受害者。 更详细进入...
The U.S. Food and Drug administration tries to regulate consumerism.
中文: 美国食品和医药管理局想规范消费者权益运动。 更详细进入...
They elected John as their leader.
中文: 他们选约翰当他们的领导者。 更详细进入...