Exhibits include Caribou product of Canadian Arctic Inuit, a large weaving loom from Guatemala, Ritual dance outfit from Papua New Guinea, 18 feet long Polynesian outrigger dugout canoe and an 19th century wagon from American West.
中文: 另外,尚包括爱斯基摩人驯鹿骨制品、中美洲原型织布机、廿八呎长的印度洋外架独木舟、帆船及巴布亚新畿内亚的祭神舞衣等多件珍贵独特展品。 更详细进入...
Being a guest in the mountains have this advantage, that you don't have to hesitate about the color of your dress or the contour of your figure; why don't you try to sway a head of shaggy grass, let your chin grow full of moss; you can wear whatever you l
中文: 作客山中的妙处,尤在你永不须踌躇你的服色与体态;你不妨摇曳着一头的蓬草,不妨纵容你满腮的苔藓;你爱穿什么就穿什么,扮一个牧童,扮一个渔翁,装一个农夫,装一个走江湖的桀卜闪,装一个猎户;你再不必提心整理你的领结,你尽可以不用领结,给你的颈根与胸膛一半日的自由,你可以拿一条这边艳色的长巾包在你的头上,学一个太平军的头目,或是拜伦那埃及装的姿态;但最要紧是穿上你最旧的旧鞋,别管他模样不佳,他们是顶可爱的好友,他们承着你的体重却不叫你记起你还有一双脚在你的底下。 更详细进入...
The conservation of ecosystems and natural habitats and the maintenance and recovery of viable populations of species in their natural surroundings and, in the case of domesticated or cultivated species, in the surroundings where they have developed their
中文: 是指保育生态系和自然生境以及维持和恢复物种在其自然环境中有生存力的族群;对于驯化和栽培物种而言,是指它们在其中发展出其明显特性的环境之保育。 更详细进入...
Two kinds of phenol-degrading fusional microorganism have been obtained from the white-rot fungi and germ from activated sludge of wastewater treatment plant of Beijing Yanshan Petrochemical Group Corporation.
中文: 摘要以白腐真菌和北京燕山石油化工集团炼油事业部污水厂的活性污泥经驯化筛选后分离获得的革兰氏阳性细菌进行跨界融合,经筛选获得2株高效降酚融合子。 更详细进入...
In addition to those large empires, though, there are also Regional Alliances who endeavor to control the untamed systems on the outskirts of known space.. These are run by player controlled corporations, giving them the ability to use the lucrative resou
中文: 除了那些大型帝国,可是,仍然有区域性的联盟去努力控制那些已知空间边缘的未驯化的星系.这些都是由玩家控制的公司,同时给予玩家使用在无帝国空间的有利资源. 更详细进入...
The English Father Christmas or Santa Claus is first recorded in his traditional red and white outfit in a woodcut of 1653, but the story of Santa arriving in his reindeer-drawn sleight and descending down the chimney to fill children's stockings with pre
中文: 英国的圣诞老人最早的记载是在1653年的一张木版画上,照例穿着红与白的衣服,但是关于他驾着驯鹿拉的雪橇,爬下烟囱给孩子们的袜子塞满礼物的故事则来自美国。 更详细进入...
Especially this summer, Hollywood's release schedule of family-oriented, cute fables -- chock-a-block with cartoon denizens from both the worlds of domesticated farm animals and woodland creatures have been flying into theaters.
中文: 尤其是今年夏季,好莱坞发布的适合家庭观看的,那些可爱的又有寓意的卡通人物已经迅速得搬上了荧屏,他们是来自世界各地的驯养的农场动物以及森林里的各种动物。 更详细进入...
In the event of using wild the animals under domestication and artificial breeding and the plants under artificial cultivation, which enjoy the second-class national protection, and their products as health food raw materials, the applicant should provide
中文: 使用人工驯养繁殖或人工栽培的国家二级保护野生动植物及其产品作为保健食品原料的,应提供省级以上农业(渔业)、林业行政主管部门出具的允许开发利用的证明文件。 更详细进入...
The sunlight gives just about the right warmth, never too warm; the wind's breath is tame, more so because it is blown through those flowery mountain forests, it brings a distant fragrance, together with a slice of damp vapour air, caresses your face, sof
中文: 阳光正好暖和,决不过暖;风息是温驯的,而且往往因为他是从繁花的山林里吹度过来,他带来一股幽远的澹香,连着一息滋润的水气,摩挲着你的颜面,轻绕着你的户腰,就这单纯的呼吸已是无穷的愉快;空气总是明净的,近谷内不生烟,远山上不起霭,那美秀风景的全部正像画片似的展露在你的眼前,供你闲暇的鉴赏。 更详细进入...
After having made their domestic animals dumb and having carefully prevented these quiet creatures from daring to take any step beyond the lead-string to which they have fastened them, these guardians then show them the danger which threatens them, should
中文: 这些看护人首先使他们的温驯的动物们保持沉默,并小心翼翼地防止这些安静的奴才们胆敢迈出缰绳所许可的范围一步,然后便展示给他们看试图独自行走将面临的危险。 更详细进入...
The Vanilla Garden International Youth Hostel is situated at west of the Changping District, the periphery vegetation of the hostel is luxuriant, it's holding a land area of 20,000 square meters, and own 1 orchard, 3 fish pond, 1 Tibetan mastiff and sled
中文: 芳草苑坐落于昌平区以西的马池口镇,周围植被繁茂,旅舍占地近20000平方米,拥有果园、苗圃、鱼塘、藏獒及雪橇犬驯养园等多个附属设施,餐厅为背包客准备了各式风格的中式菜肴。 更详细进入...
Article 37 If anyone forges, sells or resells or transfers a special hunting and catching license, a hunting license, a domestication and breeding license, or an import or export permit, his license or permit shall be revoked and his unlawful income shall
中文: 第三十七条伪造、倒卖、转让特许猎捅证,狩猎证、驯养繁殖许可证或者允许进出口证明书的,由野生动物行政主管部门或者工商行政管理部门吊销证件,没收违法所得,可以并处罚款。 更详细进入...
Starting with fire, the first domesticated energy, the exhibition follows man's development and transformation of energy production to ever higher degrees of sophistication that has followed in parallel to his own evolution.
中文: 从火——这个第一个为人类所驯服使用的能源开始,伴随着人类的发展,能源生产也历经变革,从简单到复杂,其发展程度已经达到与人类自身进化相平行的高度,正如火星之于燎原大火。 更详细进入...
They stuck to the game plan from the start and it paid off handsomely. We played a patient game and relied on counter attacks, and it worked tonight.
中文: 曼联全程比赛将敌队一个个驯服,然后从比赛获得的经验,维尔斯已经开始期待曼联在明年可以成功卫冕。这位前安特维普教练说“这是个非常棒的赛事而我们在这里度过了美好的两个星期。” 更详细进入...
The results indicated that, after aerobic granular sluage was matured, removal rate of ammonia nitrogen could maintain at 95%; Different forms of ammonia nitrogen was analysed in one degradatic period, and the results showed nitrification and denitrificat
中文: 结果表明,颗粒污泥驯化成熟之后,对氨氮的去除效果维持在95%左右,与其污泥接种源没有明显的相关关系;对一个降解周期内氮的形态分析表明,在颗粒污泥存在的反应器内发生了同步硝化反硝化。 更详细进入...
BECAUSE A HURRICANE draws much of its energy from heat released when water vapor over the ocean condenses into clouds and rain, the first researchers to dream of taming these unruly giants focused on trying to alter the condensation process using cloud-se
中文: 由于飓风大部份的能量,来自海面上水气凝结成云雨时释放的潜热,因此希望驯服这个顽强巨人的先驱研究人员,便专注于利用人造雨技术来改变凝结的过程,这也是当时要影响天气现象唯一可行的方法。 更详细进入...
Atrazine in Meiliang Bay is degraded by artificial media through the use of enriched microbes in Taihu Lake.
中文: 利用人工介质富集太湖水中微生物来降解梅梁湾水源地水质中的阿特拉津等有机污染,小试结果表明:经低浓度水源水中阿特拉津驯化后,停留时间为6d时,阿特拉津的去除率在58%以上,TOC的去除率在55%~75%,CODMn的去除率在40%~65%。 更详细进入...
The paper overviews the formation and characteristics of the technique of rapid propagation of free virus in plant tissue culture, and its application in flower, wood, fruit tree, vegetable...etc., and introduces the main technical link to produce the see
中文: 摘要综述了植物离体快速繁殖技术和脱毒技术的形成、特点及其在花卉、林木、果树、蔬菜等方面的应用,阐述了利用快繁与脱毒技术生产种苗的主要技术环节,包括培养基的作用和选配要点、外植体选取的原则和快繁与脱毒的不同要求、试管苗驯化的方法与移栽要求、种苗生产计划的制定与成本预算方法。 更详细进入...
The long-term domestication of liquor-making microbes under the unique liquor-making environment of Maotai Liquor (high temperature starter-making, high temperature stacking fermentation, and high temperature anaerobic fermentation etc.) and the successio
中文: 摘要茅台酒独特的极端高温制曲、高温堆积发酵、高温厌氧发酵等酿酒环境长期对酿酒微生物进行驯化,各种微生物经过遗传、变异、消长和衍化等微生物群落的演替,促成了酿酒微生态环境中丰富的耐高温、耐高酸和耐高酒度等极端微生物的富集。 更详细进入...
According to many years' production practice of the author and predecessors' studying results, this paper summarized the key techniques of tissue-culture container seedlings of Eucalyptus from process of transplanting nursery and soil medium, hardening an
中文: 摘要根据笔者多年的生产实践与前人研究成果,从移植圃及基质处理、瓶苗炼苗驯化、瓶苗移植、移植后苗木管理、苗木出圃检疫等方面对桉树组培瓶苗移植培育的关键技术进行总结,以期为桉树组培瓶苗的培育和规模化生产提供参考。 更详细进入...