To avoid the cobweb-effect type swirls and scratches, thoroughly wash all dirt particles from your finish before applying polish or wax.
中文: 为了避免蜘蛛网纹和擦伤,在抛光和打蜡之前,请将车身上脏的灰尘粒洗掉。 更详细进入...
The sun can cause sneezes. One out of three people sneeze when exposed to bright light.
中文: 太阳会引起打喷嚏。当暴露在强烈的太阳光线下3人之中就有一个人会打喷嚏。 更详细进入...
After some three-quarters of an hour the door opened, and the Badger reappeared, solemnly leading by the paw a very limp and dejected Toad.
中文: 约莫过了三刻钟,门开了,獾庄严地牵着一个软弱无力没精打采的蟾蜍走了出来。 更详细进入...
Although the theory of financial fragility comes into being late, it has great influence, which alert us to the operation of finance system in our country.
中文: 摘要金融脆弱性理论虽形成较晚,但对我国金融体系运作却有很强的警示作用。 更详细进入...
With a bit more warmth and extra fertilizer, a plant can go from limp to lush.
中文: 只要稍微温暖一点、再加上些许肥料,一株弱不禁风的植物就可以强壮茂盛起来。 更详细进入...
It is ironic that despite his semi-divine origins and his powerful connection to the Force, he is fraught with vulnerabilities.
中文: 讽刺的是,除开他那近乎神话的出生和他与原力的强大联系,他身上充满了弱点。 更详细进入...
John has a constitution like a horse, said the manager, casting a glance over John's upright form.
中文: 打量一眼约翰笔挺的身体,经理说道:约翰身强力壮。 更详细进入...
A blow from the tall, strong boy left a black and blue mark on his nose.
中文: 那个高大强壮的男孩子一拳把他打得鼻子淤黑了。 更详细进入...
Try to avoid the unavoidable is foolishness.
中文: 尝试避开不可避免的是愚蠢的。 更详细进入...
A speedy fighter can quickly strike the unsuspecting enemy or change the direction of their thrust to avoid a parry.
中文: 移动速度快的玩家可以快速打击敌人或者快速变换攻击方向以避免被格挡。 更详细进入...
Hunting on a refuge seems inconsistent with its purpose of protecting and saving.
中文: 标准答案如下:在避难所打猎看起来是不符合它保护和挽救野生动物的目的。 更详细进入...
The elaborately designed screen allows easy control of powder amount so as to reduce the waste of powder.
中文: 精心设计的漏孔网片,能轻松掌握出粉量,避免通常粉盒易打翻浪费大的弊端。 更详细进入...
Usage: After facial cleaning, apply proper amount of skin toner onto skin, gently pat skin for several times for promoting absorption, do not apply it onto eye skin.
中文: 使用方法:洁面后,取适量爽肤水,轻轻拍打数下以帮助吸收,注意避开眼部周围。 更详细进入...
When coolant stops flowing through, the contact surfaces have to be opened to prevent dry friction so that the system life cycle is elongated.
中文: 当冷却剂停止穿越时,这封闭面将马上打开避免摩擦,而这个功能保证寿命长。 更详细进入...
A cyclist chooses a tree-lined road to avoid strong winds from dust storms in Beijing on Sunday.
中文: 周日北京一名脚踏车骑士为躲避沙尘暴的强风,选择在林荫夹道的道路前行。 更详细进入...
Having defeated the greatest military power in the world, could the common man now not accomplish everything else.
中文: 他们已经打败了世界上最强大的军事强权,一般人现在还有什么其它办不到的事? 更详细进入...
Markings for slurs, dynamics and ornaments should not be observed. They are only there to embellish the score.
中文: 在圆滑、强弱及不该被忽略的装饰音处做记号。它们写在那里就是为了装饰整个谱。 更详细进入...
We set up a software R&D center in cooperation with the Education Dept. of Zhejiang University in order to create the best products in education management softwares.
中文: 公司与浙江大学教务处强强联合,成立软件研发中心,共同打造教学管理软件精品。 更详细进入...
But setting an arbitrary deadline of early 2008 for most of the soldiers to depart risks weakening America\'s bargaining power, intensifying instead of dampening the fighting and projecting an image of weakness that will embolden enemies everywhere.
中文: 但是武断的设定2008年初为撤军最后期限会冒减弱美国讨价还价能力的风险,这将增强而不是抑制战斗,并且造成一种鼓励敌人的软弱形象。 更详细进入...
Students should practice on the dummied again, keeping in mind the vulnerable points listed above. Strike with either hand.
中文: 学生们应该再次在人形靶上练习,记住上述人体薄弱部位。用任意一只手进行打击。 更详细进入...