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    And the head of the Republican Congressional Campaign Committee, Congressman Tom Reynolds, said he alerted Speaker Hastert in 2005 that Foley's messages had caused some discomfortto a congressional page.

    中文: 且众议院国会竞选委员会会长,国会议员汤姆·里纳尔多也表示,他曾在2005年时提醒过议长哈斯特德,佛利的邮件已经引起一位国会男实习生的反感了。 更详细进入...
    Impeachment proceedings may be commenced by a member House of Representatives on his or her own initiative by either presenting a listing of the charges under oath, or by placing a resolution in the hopper for referral to the appropriate committee.

    中文: 每一位众议员均可自行发动弹劾程序,其方式之一为宣誓后提出指控所犯罪行列表,其二即为提案到适当的众院委员会。 更详细进入...
    The highest university degree, esp. Ph.D; A doctor's degree.

    中文: 最高的大学学位,特别是哲学博士;博士学位。 更详细进入...
    On level 8, there are conference rooms with optimal provision of day-light, which line the fitness area.

    中文: 八楼的会议厅围绕着楼层中央的健身俱乐部,拥有极佳的天然采光。 更详细进入...
    Mr Bush favoured capping carbon emissions until the voices of industry prevailed.

    中文: 布什先生喜欢对二氧化碳排放采取欺骗手段,直到工业界提出抗议。 更详细进入...
    Each House shall keep a journal of its proceedings, and from time to time publish the same, excepting such parts as may in their judgement require secrecy; and the yeas and nays of the members of either House on any question shall, at the desire of one-fi

    中文: 参众两院应各自保存一份议事记录,并经常公布,惟各该院认为应保守秘密之部分除外,两院议员对于每一问题之赞成或反对,如有五分之一出席议员请求,则应记载于议事记录内。 更详细进入...
    This week China said a conference of the State consul t(Council) approved apropos (a proposed) special measure on the supervision of food safety.

    中文: 这周,国务院通过了一项关于食品卫生监察中采取特别措施的提议。 更详细进入...
    The Second Cultural Festival of the Ecological Chinese Honey Orange was held in Liucheng on Sunday, attracting a great number of visitors to view and degust.

    中文: 当日,广西柳城县举办第二届生态蜜桔文化节,吸引众多游人到果园观光采摘。 更详细进入...
    This ritual is specifically designed for the use of our lineage followers and will be adopted in future group offerings.

    中文: 此仪轨是特别编排以供传承信众们使用的,并且在将来群聚荟供时要采用之。 更详细进入...
    In-depth Analysis based on Dr. HuSongPing's Mastering Integrated Business Supply Chain.

    中文: 结合胡松评博士对采购研发生产库存物流财务等实用性供应链知识,深度分析供应商管理。 更详细进入...
    The committee plans to provide the underground mining industry with industry consensus standards, recommended practices, and technical reports for the design and use of underground mining equipment.

    中文: 委员会计划为地下采矿工业的地下采矿设备的设计和使用提供业界一致标准、操作规程建议以及技术报告。 更详细进入...
    Glass flake coating for internal protection, wire spirall-wound complex pipe or nitridizing technology were suggested to be countermeasures.

    中文: 就试验结果和目前的技术发展来看,建议采用玻璃鳞片涂层或采用钢骨架复合管或渗氮工艺进行管线保护。 更详细进入...
    The geographical (and, where relevant, stratigraphical) place of capture, collection, or observation of the name-bearing type of a nominal species or subspecies [Art. 76.1, Recommendation 76A].

    中文: 采获,采集或观察一个命名种或亚种的具名模式的地理学(以及与该处相关的,地层学的)地点[第76条1,建议76A]。 更详细进入...
    Even if the House and the Senate canpatch a bill together from this mish-mash, the president may yet vetoit.

    中文: 就算参众两院能从这些破烂玩意儿里拼凑处一个议案,总体也可能将其否决。 更详细进入...
    The company advises corporations and political campaigns about using the Internet to communicate with the public.

    中文: 这个公司为企业和政治竞选候选人提供关于使用因特网与公众交流的建议。 更详细进入...
    On the basis of the analysis, the suggestions on the policy for preventing the rent-activities possibly occurred from the agent under the agent system for the project is put forward herein.

    中文: 基于博弈分析的结果,对防止南水北调项目代建制下代建方发生寻租行为提出了政策建议。 更详细进入...
    The candidate demonstrated so much male chauvinism in his speech that he was booed off the stage by the mostly female audience.

    中文: 那个候选人演说时表现太过大男人主义,结果被女性为主的听众喝倒采赶下台。 更详细进入...
    As a representative figure of the Qian Jia Philological School of the Qing Dynasty, QIAN Da-xin was well versed in each Confucian classic, and attained certain achievements, among other things, in the studies of Yi.

    中文: 摘要作为清代乾嘉学派的代表人物,钱大昕博通群经,邃于经义,兼擅众长,在易学领域也取得了一定成就。 更详细进入...
    A contrast diagram was suggested and evidences for possible variation of motility presented and discussed.

    中文: 本篇拟具对照图以供参考采用,并提供若干可能引起动作变化的建议。 更详细进入...
    If Blue Nile acts on this suggestion, customers will be more likely to utilize the individual tabs on the task bar.

    中文: 如果蓝色尼罗河采纳了这项建议,顾客将更乐于使用任务栏里的标签。 更详细进入...

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