When he had travelled a few minutes it would begin a remorseless thump, thump, thump, and then leap up and away in a painful flutter of beats that choked him and made him go faint and dizzy.
中文: 每走几分钟,它就会怦、怦、怦地狂跳不止,然后还要演变成一阵持续的、痛苦的上窜下跳的撞击,几乎让他窒息了,令他感到虚弱而眩晕。 更详细进入...
France has always been fiercely protective of its film industry, fearing that a Tinseltown invasion would overwhelm it.
中文: 法国一直极力保护本国的电影工业,使其不被好莱坞眩目的文化侵袭和吞噬。 更详细进入...
The boxer got his opponent with a hard left to the jaw, which dazed him.
中文: 那拳击手以一记狠狠的左钩拳打到对手的下巴,打得他晕头转向了。 更详细进入...
Major cardiac diseases have relatively few symptoms, including pain; dyspnea; weakness and fatigue; palpitations; light-headedness, presyncope, and syncope; and other symptoms that may be due to the cardiac disease or may accompany it.
中文: 一些主要的心脏疾病症状相对较少,包括疼痛、呼吸困难、虚弱和乏力、心悸、头晕、晕厥先兆和晕厥;其他一些症状,有的可能是由心脏疾病引起的,有的则是伴随心脏病发生的。 更详细进入...
The volumetric light effect is rather strong. The intensity of the Halo can be regulated with the HaloInt slider (Halo Intensity Slider.). Lower values corresponding to weaker halos.
中文: 立方体照明效果更明显。光晕亮度可以通过光晕亮度滑块调节(光晕亮度滑块。) 更详细进入...
Be careful not to get involved in a love triangle or even worse with someone from your past that treated you badly.
中文: 水瓶:切忌为爱冲晕了头脑,陷入危险的三角关系或是对旧爱重拾爱火。 更详细进入...
He's feeling carsick.
中文: 他觉得晕车. 更详细进入...
Heat exhaustion will leave you feeling tired, nauseous, dizzy and headachy. Rest, rehydration, food and a good night's sleep are the treatment.
中文: 轻度中暑将会使你感到疲惫,恶心,头晕及头痛。休息,补充水分及食物,睡个好觉,都可作为治疗的方法。 更详细进入...
Fang 3 fainted like a dead man.
中文: 方三晕死过去。 更详细进入...
These halos, unlike those found above the heads of saints, have a spherical or ellipsoidal shape.
中文: 这些晕体和出现在圣人头上的光环不一样,形状像是圆球或是椭圆球。 更详细进入...
In truth that which you call freedom is the strongest of these chains, though its links glitter in the sun and dauzzle your eyes.
中文: 其实所谓自由正是最牢固的枷锁,虽然它的链环在阳光下熠熠闪光,令你目眩。 更详细进入...
Test your eyesight, pick out 1 of have the snail from four snail hull insides, very dizzy. The mouse control.
中文: 考验你的眼力,从四个蜗牛壳里面挑出来有蜗牛的一个,很头晕。鼠标控制。 更详细进入...
In the other a younger woman perches precariously on a tall stool, neon lights flashing around her.
中文: 另一家门口一个年轻女子摇摇欲坠地坐在一个高凳子上,旁边都是眩目的霓虹灯。 更详细进入...
He was very weak and was afflicted with a giddiness, which at times blinded him.
中文: 他虚弱极了,晕晕乎乎的眼前一阵发黑,随时都会摔倒。 更详细进入...
Five son chesses, need not say much what, BE a 3 Ds only of, some dizzy, however pretty divertive.The mouse control.
中文: 五子棋,不用多说什么了吧,只不过是3D的,有些头晕,不过蛮好玩的。鼠标控制。 更详细进入...
You have more lines of code than actual text and so many nested tables it makes my head spin.
中文: 相对你的实际文本,你有很多冗余代码,还有很多嵌套的表格,这使我头很晕。 更详细进入...
A: If I see blood, I faint.
中文: 我一看到血就晕。 更详细进入...
Rita: Jake gets seasick on boats.
中文: 丽塔:杰克晕船吗? 更详细进入...
Rhett, don't, I shall faint.
中文: 不要啊,我会晕的。 更详细进入...
Blacked out at the podium.
中文: 在指挥台上晕倒 更详细进入...