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    Go up to Lebanon, and cry; and lift up thy voice in Bashan, and cry from the passages: for all thy lovers are destroyed.

    中文: 耶22:20你要上利巴嫩哀号、在巴珊扬声、从亚巴琳哀号、因为你所亲爱的都毁灭了。 更详细进入...
    [NIV] My servants will sing out of the joy of their hearts, but you will cry out from anguish of heart and wail in brokenness of spirit.

    中文: 14[和合]我的仆人因心中高兴欢呼,你们却因心中忧愁哀哭,又因心里忧伤哀22号。 更详细进入...
    Do you have any vacant rooms in your hotel?

    中文: 你们宾馆有空房间吗? 更详细进入...
    Oh, Robin. What a beautiful night!

    中文: 哦!罗宾汉。多美的夜呀! 更详细进入...
    Procedure of handling VIP booking.

    中文: 处理贵宾预订的程序。 更详细进入...
    She was a welcome visitor.

    中文: 她是个受欢迎的来宾。 更详细进入...
    The guests went into rhapsodies over the food.

    中文: 宾客对食物交口称赞. 更详细进入...
    Which hotel room do you like?

    中文: 你喜欢宾馆哪个房间? 更详细进入...
    You are cordially welcome to Qingyu Hotel.

    中文: 上海庆余宾馆欢迎您。 更详细进入...
    And the Amorites were determined also to hold out in Mount Heres, Aijalon and Shaalbim, but when the power of the house of Joseph increased, they too were pressed into forced labor.

    中文: 35亚摩利人却执意住在希烈山和亚雅伦、并沙宾、然而约瑟家胜了他们、使他们成了服苦的人。 更详细进入...
    We provide comprehensive service facilities such as different conference rooms, outdoor relaxation in Jinyuan Garden, business center, shopping center, beauty saloon, multi-functional hall, bar, entertainment rooms, services for ticket booking, post, tour

    中文: 宾馆能为您提供商务中心、商场、歌舞厅、垂钓、棋牌娱乐、美容美发、票务和幼儿看护等特色服务。 更详细进入...
    Captain, round up some guests!

    中文: 队长,召集一些宾客来! 更详细进入...
    How can I get to Sheraton Hotel?

    中文: 往喜来登宾馆怎么走? 更详细进入...
    Many distinguished guests were assembled in the hall.

    中文: 许多贵宾在大厅集合。 更详细进入...
    Hello, again. Today I'm going to tell you about our service station here in Australia. In Australia it's called a service station or a petrol station.

    中文: 今天我打算告诉大家关于澳洲的服务站的事情.在澳洲它叫做服务站或者汽油站. 更详细进入...
    A long, heavy, single-edged machete originally used in the Philippines.

    中文: 菲律宾人用的单刃大砍刀最初为菲律宾人用的长的单刃弯刀 更详细进入...
    The large poodle must be the enlarged and developed reproduction of the medium poodle from which he retains the same characteristics.

    中文: 巨型贵宾与标准贵宾仅仅是体形上的差异,他们有共同的特征。 更详细进入...
    Thomas Henry Huxley or Hebert Spencer——On the influence of the evolution of competition upon China

    中文: 究竟是赫胥黎还是斯宾塞——论斯宾塞竞争进化论在中国的影响 更详细进入...
    But the Amorites would dwell in mount Heres in Aijalon, and in Shaalbim: yet the hand of the house of Joseph prevailed, so that they became tributaries.

    中文: 35亚摩利人却执意住在希烈山和亚雅伦并沙宾。然而约瑟家胜了他们,使他们成了服苦的人。 更详细进入...
    Special and cozy European style executive suite not only has complete facilities, which includes well-equipped laconicum and internet connection, but also provides you with a full view of the green city and a series of favorable and professional room keep

    中文: 宽敞温馨的欧式行政套房,设备齐全的蒸汽浴室,不仅让您尽览绿城风光,更为宾客提供宽频上网等条件,专为宾客提供一系列独享的优惠和个性专业管家服务。 更详细进入...

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