You are cordially invited (which means totally free of charge) to our Happy English 3rd Anniversary &200th Session Celebration Party on May 7, 2005.
快乐英语将于五月七日举行三周年暨200期庆祝活动,能请您参加我感到非常荣幸.本活动完全免费,请以电邮或电话(13983616006)告知您是否参加. |
You are cordially invited to attend Sunshine CFO Salon's event on Oct.15, 2005 in Dongguan .
我们诚意邀请您于2005年10月15日拨冗参加阳光CFO俱乐部东莞聚会的活动。 |
You are cordially invited to attend my birthday.
热忱地邀请你出席我的生日晚会。 |
You are cordially invited to form your own team to share the fun and excitement.
欢迎各界人士组织人力车队伍前来参加。 |
You are cordially invited to the 40th International Symposium on Microelectronics at the San Jose Convention Center, San Jose, California - November 11-15, 2007.
您被诚挚地邀请参加2007年11月11日-15日在加利福尼亚州圣何塞市会议中心举行的第40届微电子国际研讨会。 |
You are cordially welcome to Qingyu Hotel.
上海庆余宾馆欢迎您。 |
You are cordially welcome to pop in and make inquiry.
合格者欢迎加盟公司的翻译团队工作。 |
You are correct , markings, as to wether they have an all white head or patches is irrelevant!! Structure and soundness is what is important.
你是对的,斑点,也就是全白头或者头上有黑色是不相关的。狗的结构和牢固性,才是最重要的! |
You are correct about the -40C miscibility problems. The oil has to have a low pour point in order to flow and still have sufficient viscosity for the compressor lubrication.
你谈到油在-40度的溶解性的问题是正确的。油不得不具有有一个很低的流动点(流(动)点:油或其他液体在规定条件下流动的最低温度),还需要有足够的粘度作为压缩机的润滑作用。 |
You are correct in a way.
在某种程度上你是正确的. |
You are crazy to do such a thing.
你干这样的事真蠢。 |