The Dead Sea basin is facing an environmental decline and if it continues like this it will hit a catastrophe,Jordanian Water Minister Hazem Nasser cautioned.
中文: 约旦水利部长那瑟警告说:死海正面临环境恶化。如果继续照此发展下去的话,灾难就会降临,死海将会消失。 更详细进入...
The Origin and Its Affinity of the Nepalese Flora
中文: 尼泊尔植物区系的起源及其亲缘关系 更详细进入...
Representation and significance of EZH2,Ki-67 in gastric carcinoma;
中文: EZH2和Ki-67在胃癌中的表达及其临床意义 更详细进入...
Anatomical observation and measurement on the foraminal ligaments of human himbar and its significance
中文: 腰椎间孔韧带的解剖观测及其临床意义 更详细进入...
Morphological study of the femur medullary cavity and its significance
中文: 股骨骨髓腔的形态学研究及其临床意义 更详细进入...
The three-dimensional vascular construction of the female breast
中文: 女性乳房的血管构筑研究及其临床意义 更详细进入...
Quantitative assay of complement receptor 1 expressed on erythrocytes and the significance in clinic
中文: 红细胞CR1分子的定量测定及其临床意义 更详细进入...
中文: 跟腱血供的显微外科解剖及其临床意义 更详细进入...
Morphological characteristics and clinical significance of terminal extensor apparatus
中文: 伸指腱器终腱的形态特点及其临床意义 更详细进入...
Comparative Studies on Isozymes of Allogynogenetic Crucian Carp (Qi River) and It’s Parents
中文: 异育淇鲫及其双亲同工酶的比较研究 更详细进入...
The 21rt century is an environmental one in which human beings are facing to the problem of how get rid of the tough-minded plight so as to turn their developmental way to the harmony of them and the nature.
中文: 摘要21世纪是一个“环境的世纪”,人类面临着如何摆脱现实困境向人与自然和谐发展的道路转变的问题。 更详细进入...
It was closely related with the occurrence of clinical symptoms and signs of cervical vertigo.
中文: 其与眩晕的临床症状、体征有密切的关系。 更详细进入...
Angiographic appearance of ovarian artery and its clinical significance
中文: 卵巢动脉的血管造影解剖及其临床意义 更详细进入...
Length polymorphism of cagA genotype in Helicobacter pylori isolates and its clinical significance
中文: 幽门螺杆菌cagA长度多态性及其临床意义 更详细进入...
The morphologic study on left common iliac vein and its clinical significance
中文: 左髂总静脉的形态学研究及其临床意义 更详细进入...
Anatomical structure of atlantoaxial segment of the vertebral artery and its clinical significance
中文: 椎动脉寰枢段的解剖结构及其临床意义 更详细进入...
The Basics of 14-3-3 Protein Family and Research Progress on Therapeutic Applications of 14-3-3 Protein
中文: 14-3-3蛋白家族及其临床应用研究进展 更详细进入...
The applied anatomy and clinical significance of the prevertebral part for vertebral artery
中文: 椎动脉椎前部的解剖研究及其临床意义 更详细进入...
The Anatomical Observation and Measure of the Cecum with the Appendix and its Clinical Significance.
中文: 盲肠和阑尾的解剖学观测及其临床意义 更详细进入...
The morphologic study of retromandibular vein and its clinical significance
中文: 下颌后静脉的形态学特点及其临床意义 更详细进入...