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    The fruit of righteousness will be peace; the effect of righteousness will be quietness and confidence forever.

    中文: 17公义的果效、必是平安.公义的效验、必是平稳、直到永远。 更详细进入...
    1 The EMPLOYEE shall keep strictly secret and confidential and not to disclose to any third PARTY any and all technical, economic, financial, client or marketing information acquired from the COMPANY and or obtained because of his/her activities in the CO

    中文: 该员工须严守公司机密,不得向任何第三方透露自本公司处获得的及/或由于该员工在本公司任职而获得的任何技术、经济、财务、客户或市场信息。 更详细进入...
    The company holds on the enterprise Logos than Shengbao quality runs after the scrupulous and excellence,continually gets forward ,the first desire of Shengbao is to make you satisfied.

    中文: 公司秉持着“盛宝品质,一丝不苟,追求卓越”的企业理念,不断开拓进取,“盛宝”始终不渝的第一追求是使您满意。 更详细进入...
    Having held the corporate culture of traditional idea that “love is the drive power for human to create niceness”, with the idea of “open and creative, prudence and deal with concrete matters relating to work”, we work hard to achieve perfect and excellen

    中文: 深爱秉承“以爱为本”的企业文化传统,吸取其中的精髓,努力贯彻“勤俭务实,开放创新”的理念,追求卓越与完善,信任并尊重个人。 更详细进入...
    C) Calculate exactly how much company money you used improperly, and use your own money over the coming months to pay for business expenses until you have repaid your debt─but do not let anyone know of your actions?

    中文: 精确计算出你曾不当挪用的公款,并在往后的几个月内,用自己的钱支付公司开销,直到欠款全部还清为止──但不让任何人知道你这些举动? 更详细进入...
    To the best of our knowledge, there are no actions, pending or threatened, against the Company and/or its assets and no notice of any litigation filed against the Company and no liquidation or dissolution nor insolvency proceedings have been commenced aga

    中文: 就我们最大限度所知,未有任何针对公司和/或其资产的悬而未决或可能发生的诉讼,且无任何针对公司提出的任何诉讼通知,亦无任何针对公司开始的清算、结算或破产程序。 更详细进入...
    Connecting people has always been the principle of our company.

    中文: 公司一直以来遵循以人为本的原则。 更详细进入...
    No wonder our bus driver is mumbling to himself.

    中文: 难怪我们的公车司机一直喃喃自语。 更详细进入...
    So could you please contact ABC Trading Company directly?

    中文: 所以请直接和abc贸易公司联络好吗? 更详细进入...
    The incumbent will directly report to station Sales Manager.

    中文: 此职位直接向分公司销售经理汇报。 更详细进入...
    Preliminary Plant List of Mountain Yuntai Natural Reserve in Shibing,Qiandongnan

    中文: 黔东南州施秉县云台山自然保护区植物名录初报 更详细进入...
    Bare space: including exhibiting ground, security services, and commonality responsibility insurance, no other facilities.

    中文: 光地配置:展出场地、保安服务、公共标准责任保险、无任何设施。 更详细进入...
    The road go straight across the plain for two hundred kilometres.

    中文: 这条路笔直地穿过平原,长达200公里。 更详细进入...
    If the company cannot pass the assessment by any official institution, all the charges should be refund back, and INWIT will keep on consulting until the final certification objective is realized without additional fees.

    中文: 如因英慧原因,造成贵公司不能如期通过任何一家认证机构的认证,英慧公司将退还所有费用(包括利息),并继续辅导直至通过认证为止。 更详细进入...
    Continue Heritage Conception of Art Creation, Change Life, Trademarks Value, Share with You!

    中文: 秉承“艺术创意、改变生活、品牌价值、与您分享”的理念。 更详细进入...
    High suspicion is essential for early diagnosis.

    中文: 临床医师唯有秉持着高度的怀疑心,方能及时诊断。 更详细进入...
    The term one-person limited liability companyas mentioned in this Law refers to a limited liability company with only one natural person shareholder or a juridical person shareholder.

    中文: 本法所称一人有限责任公司,是指只有一个自然人股东或者一个法人股东的有限责任公司。 更详细进入...
    Is this permissible, and is the individual considered to be a caddie?

    中文: 当比赛进行时,每位选手皆负有使比赛公平公正之责任。 更详细进入...
    I used to get a lot of headhunter calls when I worked as a manager for ABC company.

    中文: 我在ABC公司担任经理时,常接到猎人头公司打来的电话。 更详细进入...
    Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.

    中文: 无论何处的不公正,对于任何地方的公正都是一种威胁. 更详细进入...

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