Washington's 29-year-old Metro system gets hundreds of complaints a year, most about delayed trains, but complaints of inaudible or unintelligible train announcements are among the biggest gripes, with 168 registered from April 2004 through March of this
中文: 有二十九年历史的华府地下铁,每年接获成百上千宗投诉,大多数是关于误点,但听不见或听不懂站名广播,也名列大宗抱怨之林,从二○○四年四月到今年三月,就有一百六十八件登记有案的类似抱怨,地铁发言人坎蒂丝?史密斯说。 更详细进入...
Because of the factors of the epoch and his experiences, he was influenced by kinds of cultures in his lifetime.
中文: 由于时代因素和自身经历使然,中国传统儒道文化、佛教文化、基督教文化及欧美近现代文化都在他身上打上了很深的烙印。 更详细进入...
By the end of the war, 800 people had been saved by the organization, but at a cost of 200 Belgian and French lives.
中文: 大战结束时,八百人被这个组织拯救了,但那是牺牲二百位比利时人和法国人的生命做为代价的。 更详细进入...
In order to encourage the exchange of ideas and mutual respect between different cultures and religions, and thereby to avert war and conflict, the Museum of World Religions was born.
中文: 为了鼓励不同的文化和宗教之间进行思想上的交流,并且相互尊重,从而消除战争与争斗,所以世界宗教博物馆就产生了。 更详细进入...
Irving Berlin also wrote the music for seventeen Broadway plays from the nineteen-twenties to nineteen-fifty.
中文: 柏林也为百老汇戏剧作曲﹐从20年代到1950年﹐一共有17出戏。 更详细进入...
We have the integrative produce line with advanced program control machines from Germany of silicon coated, compounded production, die-cutting.
中文: 工厂位于中国上海宝山,拥有近百亩现代化生产工业园地。 更详细进入...
Religious bodies and religious affairs are not subject to any foreign domination.
中文: 宗教团体和宗教事物不受外国势力的支配。 更详细进入...
Epistolary literal theories in the Ming Dynasty were large in quantity, rich in content, profound in problem consciousness, and flexible in form, thus were a key channel for the various literary schools to spread their ideas.
中文: 明代文人书信体文论数量多,内容涉及面广,问题意识突出,形式灵活多变,成为明代众多文学流派传播文学观点的重要途径。 更详细进入...
The sites previously had been blocked in China only intermittently.
中文: 此前,维基百科的中文网站只是断断续续地被封锁。 更详细进入...
Here, then, is the code for the loader program. You can paste this code into a .PRG file and then build it to an .EXE.
中文: 这里是引导程序的代码。你可以将此代码粘贴到一个PRG文件,再编译为一个EXE文件。 更详细进入...
However, it is disputable whether literary criticism can take the place of contemporary literary studies and becomes a dominating force.
中文: 但是,文学批评是否能够取代当代文学研究,成为支配性的学科力量,仍然存有争议。 更详细进入...
Not only that starting pay for graduates with a liberal arts degree is up just 1%.
中文: 不仅如此,文科毕业生的起薪点只增加了百分之一。 更详细进入...
Search the full text of 1 to 55 books of the Japanese translation of the Pure Land Canon. Web Site is in Japanese, developed by Hongwanji in Kyoto.
中文: 京都本愿寺开发的检索系统,可以同时对一至五十五本的日文译本真宗圣典经书进行文字列检索。 更详细进入...
Yet humanists' emphasis on the values centering on human beings and appreciating the development of mankind as long as their liberty and dignity is rather approved than denied by scholastic theories.
中文: 因此本文的目的即是要指出人文主义者所以反形上学、反宗教乃是由于对士林哲学的不理解所致。 更详细进入...
He believes in theology.
中文: 他信仰宗教。 更详细进入...
This is an homage to the rock bands of the '80s and the culture that surrounded it.
中文: “这是对80年代和80年代左右时期的文化的一个尊崇。” 更详细进入...
Despite the general anti-intellectual flavor of revivalism, Christians understood the need for training their youth.
中文: 尽管宗教复兴主义者是普遍反智识的,基督徒却了解训练年轻一代的必要性。 更详细进入...
Moreover, there have been periods (including most of America's modern history) when the formal practice of religion has been on the increase.
中文: 此外,已有一些时期(包括美国现代史的大部分时间),正式的宗教习惯渐渐升温。 更详细进入...
Although illiteracy is a major problem in America, only on e percent of the Japanese can be considered illiterate.
中文: 尽管在美国文盲是个大问题,但在日本只有百分之一的人可被看成是文盲。 更详细进入...
Written authentic materials can range from magazine articles to public notices to junk mail.
中文: 正宗的书面资料可以是从杂志文章到公告再到垃圾邮件的各种资料。 更详细进入...