The site, including six separate parcels - with a beautiful pond and ocean frontage - went on the market recently, as The Post reported Thursday.
就如星期4邮报所报导的,这个大农庄有6个分开的部分--有一个美丽的池塘和海景--最近被拿到市场求售。 |
The site, therefore, of Fudge stepping out of the fire once more, looking disheveled and fretful and sternly surprised that the Prime Minister did not know exactly why he was there, was about the worst thing that had happened in the course of this extreme
因此,看上去既蓬乱又烦躁的福吉从壁炉里走出来,苛刻地惊讶于首相竟不知道他为何造访的景象,就是这黑暗的一周里发生的最糟糕的事。 |
The sites all provide live streaming radio and instructions for how to listen in.
全部都可以提供全方位的收音机和指示听。 |
The sites contain great species diversity, including the world's largest known variety of salmonoid fish and exceptional concentrations of sea otter, brown bear and Stellar's sea eagle.
景区内物种丰富,除世界现存的最大鲑鱼群外,还集中了罕见的海獭、棕熊和鱼鹰。 |
The sites of obstruction were diagnosed by fibroscopy in 10 cases of small intestinal obstruction. [Conclusion] The colonic fibroscopic examination has an important value in diagnosis of the bowel obstruction.
结肠镜检查在发现肠梗阻病因和部位的诊断过程中具有十分重要的应用价值。 |
The sites previously had been blocked in China only intermittently.
此前,维基百科的中文网站只是断断续续地被封锁。 |
The siting of bosque of Yaupon trees (Ilex vomitoria) immediately outside the main entrance, and preventing full view of the building from a distance, is the first sign that the threshold is not a space merely to pass through.
冬青树阵的种植紧接著主要入口的外侧,在远处即遮挡了建物的全貌,这是第一个暗示:阈不仅仅是一个通道。 |
The sitting gesture like a number 4with two hands on the legs in discussion or debate can give the impression of stubbornness in upholding one's own opinions.
用双手扣住的“4”字型搭腿坐姿,在讨论和争辩中会给人以固执己见的感觉。 |
The sitting position allows both partners to control the tempo of thrusting, as they can each pull back from the other, and push forward toward each other.
坐立性交姿势可以让双方控制插入的节奏,因为他们可以互相向后退也可以互相向前进。 |
The situation about popularizing of rice throwing-seed ling cultivation i n Leshan prefecture was introduced.Some problems and solvable methods in the pop ularizing work have been presented.Based on the characteristics of the weather a nd rice cultivation
对水稻抛秧栽培技术在乐山地区的推广情况作了介绍,指出了推广中存在的问题,并结合本生态区的实际(气候、耕制等)总结出了适合这一地区的水稻抛秧高产栽培技术要点。 |
The situation allows of no delay.
情况不容许有任何延误。 |