干细胞 蛋白质组 癌症 人参 移植 化疗 糖尿病
Class Features: 1st, Psicrystal (sage), ego whip, empty mind, mind thrust, thought shield, tower of iron will; 3rd, mental barrier; 5th, intellect fortress; 7th, psychic crush; 9th, id insinuation; 11th, mind blast.
中文: 职业特性:1级:“智者灵晶仆”、“自性鞭击”、“心灵空白”、“心灵穿刺”、“思维之盾”、“坚固意志”,3级:“精神障壁”,5级:“智力堡垒”,7级:“心力榨取”,9级:“本我暗示”,11级:“心灵爆破”。 更详细进入...
Class Features: 1st, Psicrystal (observant), ego whip, empty mind, mind thrust, thought shield, tower of iron will; 3rd, mental barrier; 5th, intellect fortress; 7th, id insinuation; 9th, mind blast; 11th, psychic crush.
中文: 职业特性:1级:“顾盼灵晶仆”、“自性鞭击”、“心灵空白”、“心灵穿刺”、“思维之盾”、“坚固意志”,3级:“精神障壁”,5级:“智力堡垒”,7级:“本我暗示”,9级:“心灵爆破”,11级:“心力榨取”。 更详细进入...
Class Features: 1st, Psicrystal (hero), ego whip, empty mind, id insinuation, mind thrust, thought shield; 3rd, mental barrier; 5th, intellect fortress; 7th, tower of iron will; 9th, psychic crush; 11th, mind blast.
中文: 职业特性:1级:“英雄灵晶仆”、“自性鞭击”、“心灵空白”、“本我暗示”、“心灵穿刺”、“思维之盾”,3级:“精神障壁”,5级:“智力堡垒”,7级:“坚固意志”,9级:“心力榨取”,11级:“心灵爆破”。 更详细进入...
Consult service: sea &air port names, geography, freight inquiry, design transportation way for those goods which is limited, L/C agency, and other import and export business inquiry.
中文: 咨询服务:国际海空港、地理位置、运价咨询,为有进出口配额及贸易壁垒的货品设计最佳运输线路及方式,以及信用证及其他相关进出口业务咨询。 更详细进入...
To try to capture all that which contributes to deadweight loss under the verbal rubric of “transaction costs” weakens a useful concept without gaining understanding of incompleteness of markets, asymmetries of information, and insusceptibilities of vario
中文: 试图把资源浪费的所有因数用语言归结为交易成本,只能削弱而非增进对有用概念的理解:包括市场缺失、信息不对称、技术壁垒、和分权的定价算法。 更详细进入...
We should vigorously promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation on the basis of mutual trust, further reduce restrictions on export of technologies, and remove trade barriers, so as to create a fair, just, reasonable and open environment
中文: 我们应该在相互信任的基础上,积极推动贸易和投资自由化、便利化,进一步减少技术出口限制,消除贸易壁垒,努力创造公平、公正、合理、开放的贸易环境。 更详细进入...
The Yankees tested the strong arm of Pirates catcher Ronny Paulino, swiping five bags without being thrown out. Damon (11), Abreu (9), Rodriguez (7), Jeter (6) and Melky Cabrera (4) each stole one base.
中文: 洋基测试著海盗的捕手PonnyPaulino的阻杀能力,共盗了五个垒包。大门(11),阿伯(9),AROD(7),帅帅队长(6)and小牛奶(4)每个人各盗了一个垒包。()中为本季到目前为止的盗垒次数。 更详细进入...
The number of forest patches in forest-meadow regions is greater than that in the forest zone and in meadow-steppe regions.
中文: 在森林-草原交错带森林草甸区森林斑块的数量最多,其次为森林带,再次为森林-草原交错带草甸草原区,草原带没有森林斑块。 更详细进入...
He'll continue doing daily sessions at first base and is slated to participate in a simulated game today in which he'll hit and run the bases.
中文: 他将会继续每天的一垒手训练课程,也将会预定今天的模拟比赛中出赛,他将会打击也会守一垒。 更详细进入...
His single to right field as part of a two-run seventh extended the Yankees lead to 4-1.
中文: 他第七局敲出右外野方向带上到一垒,也是洋基第七局两分打点以四比一扩大领先的垒上跑者。 更详细进入...
A stronghold or fortified place; a bulwark.
中文: 要塞一个坚固或得到加固的地方;堡垒 更详细进入...
What is the name of the world governing body of softball?
中文: 垒球的世界性管理机构的名称是什么? 更详细进入...
The murals are scattered in shrines on the wall of the staircase at the third, fifth, seventh, ninth and eleventh floors.
中文: 壁画分布在六和塔三、五、七、九和十一层甬道的壁龛里。 更详细进入...
These are walls much, much larger than the ones that surround my cell.
中文: 这是比围在我牢房四周的墙壁还要厚得多多的墙壁。 更详细进入...
The first area of Northrend we're showcasing is the Howling Fjord, a region of grasslands overlooking massive cliffs at the southeastern edge of the continent.
中文: 我们第一个展示的诺森德区域是嚎哭峡湾(对翻译颤抖吧),俯瞰着峭壁的大陆东南方的草原的地区(才3个的呀)。 更详细进入...
There are three types of wall sticking: half wet materials, materials with low melting point, dry powder.
中文: 喷雾干燥粘壁主要有半湿物料粘壁、低熔点物料的热熔性粘壁和干粉表面粘附三种类型。 更详细进入...
Archaean cell walls lack murein, a common component of bacterial cell walls, and their lipids have ether links rather than ester links.
中文: 古细菌的细胞壁缺乏细菌细胞壁组成的普遍物质-胞壁质,其连接是醚连接而不是酯连接。 更详细进入...
See how the siege ramps are built up to take the city.
中文: 24看哪,敌人已经来到,筑垒要攻取这城。 更详细进入...
The water polo was developed in Europe,it was termed softball water polo.
中文: 水球起源于欧洲,最初被称为“水止垒球”。 更详细进入...
Optimization for ISSR Reaction System of Hopea chinensis by Orthogonal Design
中文: 正交设计优化狭叶坡垒ISSR-PCR反应体系 更详细进入...
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