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The Yankees tested the strong arm of Pirates catcher Ronny Paulino, swiping five bags without being thrown out. Damon (11), Abreu (9), Rodriguez (7), Jeter (6) and Melky Cabrera (4) each stole one base.

The Yankees reached the break with a 42-43 record, tied with the Blue Jays for second in the AL East. 洋基以42胜43败的战绩进入明星赛休兵期,与蓝鸟队并列东区第二。
The Yankees second baseman said he didn't know Andy Pettitte but presumed he would help the club. He had not been following the Johnson talks and had no comment. 这位洋基二垒手说他不认识派提特,但是认为他对球队将会有帮助,他没有密切注意老怪的交易谈判,并且对此没有任何评论。
The Yankees side of this equation has been easy to deduce beyond just adding more high-level pitching prospects. 洋基队这方面的问题很简单,就是想增加优秀的年轻投手。
The Yankees spent $46 million to bring Igawa over from Japan in the offseason and expected him to fill a spot at the back of their rotation. 洋基在季后花了4千6百万美金把井川庆从日本买来,并希望他能挹注战力在后段的先发轮值表。
The Yankees still maintain their initial projection of four to six weeks on the shelf for Hughes, who suffered the injury while working in the seventh inning of a no-hitter on Tuesday at Texas. 洋基仍保持对休斯最初的四到六周归队的预期,休斯在星期二对上游骑兵第七局投球的时候拉伤了腿。
The Yankees tested the strong arm of Pirates catcher Ronny Paulino, swiping five bags without being thrown out. Damon (11), Abreu (9), Rodriguez (7), Jeter (6) and Melky Cabrera (4) each stole one base. 洋基测试著海盗的捕手PonnyPaulino的阻杀能力,共盗了五个垒包。大门(11),阿伯(9),AROD(7),帅帅队长(6)and小牛奶(4)每个人各盗了一个垒包。()中为本季到目前为止的盗垒次数。
The Yankees will act like they're in cost-saving mode, then out of nowhere appear with $100 million, or close to it, and win the winter. Don't bet against them now. 洋基将表现得好像他们处于「节流模式」,然后突然间他们带著一亿美元(或接近一亿美元)出现,并且赢得这个冬天的竞赛,现在可别赌他们会输喔。
The Yankees will also have the services of Hideki Matsui, who missed four months with his own wrist injury, for the entire season. 洋基队也有松井秀喜的效力,他也因为手腕受伤缺阵了四个月。
The Yankees will wait to see how Johnson's back reacts on Monday morning, and he will throw another side session Wednesday, but neither is considered a major hurdle for Johnson before the playoffs. 洋基队将会等到观察巨怪的背部星期一早上的反映如何,他将会在星期三再进行另外一次的练投,但是在季后赛前巨怪的两次练投之前球队都没有考虑过。
The Yankees wouldn't let the anxiety creep any further, not on this day. 洋基不想自扰,至少现在不要想这些鸟问题。
The Yankees' 2007 payroll is already over the luxury-tax threshold of $148 million, so every dollar that they spend going forward will cost them an additional 40 percent. 2007年奢侈税开徵标准1亿4千8百万美元,超出的金额要交40﹪的奢侈税。

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