Where you were 4 years old , she gave you some crayons . You thanked her by coloring the dining room table .
中文: 你4岁时,她给你彩色蜡笔,而你却以把餐桌画得乱七八糟表示感谢。 更详细进入...
Where the depository keeps money deposit, it may return money of the same type and quantity.
中文: 第三百七十八条保管人保管货币的,可以返还相同种类、数量的货币。 更详细进入...
I think right now I feel a little confused with my mechanics and my slider,he said. I'll be OK.
中文: 我觉得现在我的投球动作和我的滑球简直乱七八糟。他说:我会很好的。 更详细进入...
As you watch, you will see the girls grow up right before your eyes; from tiny 7-8 year olds in Volume 1 to big 12 year olds.
中文: 你们可以看到四千金渐渐的长大﹔由小小七/八岁到现在的十二岁少女。 更详细进入...
The benchmark finished 159.41 points weaker at 16,282.7 on a turnover of $13.51 billion.
中文: 瓻?跌一百五十九点,收市报一六二八二点七,成交金额一百三十五亿元。 更详细进入...
The room had been thoroughly ransacked and the contents of drawers and cupboards lay in confusion on the floor.
中文: 房间已被彻底洗劫过,抽屉和橱柜里的东西都乱七八糟地摊在地板上。 更详细进入...
Flaked and broken rock littered the floor, and the air smelled of dust and crumbling stone.
中文: 地板上满是丢得乱七八糟的石头,空气中也弥漫着尘土和碎石的味道。 更详细进入...
The garden was soon littered with chunks of metal which had once made up a lawn mower.
中文: 一会儿工夫,割草机便被拆成一个个金属零件,乱七八糟地堆在花园里。 更详细进入...
FREE GIULIANA. The teams are on the pitch at the Friuli Stadium, with an appeal for the liberation of the Iraq hostgae before kick-off.
中文: 乱七八糟~~~在开球前还要先搞一个什么解放伊拉克的申明~~~谁想出来的? 更详细进入...
Give portions to seven, yes to eight, for you do not know what disaster may come upon the land.
中文: 2你要分给七人,或分给八人,因为你不知道将来有什么灾祸临到地上。 更详细进入...
The sugery consists of complete evacuation of hematoma, curettage repair of the ruptured tuuica albuginea.
中文: 外科手术包括彻底的血块清除与破损阴茎白膜的搔括及修补。 更详细进入...
Against their two largest rivals, the Mets and the Red Sox, the Yankees have gone just 1-7.
中文: 面对著这二场系列赛,大都会及破烂红袜子,洋基目前是一胜七败。 更详细进入...
The Licensing Committee of Macau Jockey Club has granted Japanese Jockey Makoto Okabe a Visiting Jockey's Licence to ride in Macau for the period 30 May to 28 July 2007.
中文: 澳门赛马会牌照委员会签发客串骑师牌照予日本籍骑师冈部诚,有效期由二○○七年五月三十日至七月二十八日。 更详细进入...
Article 187 A People's Court of second instance shall form a collegial panel and open a court session to hear a case of appeal.
中文: 第一百八十七条第二审人民法院对上诉案件,应当组成合议庭,开庭审理。 更详细进入...
From zero o'clock, in Fujian, the telephone numbers for the fixed local telephony in Fuzhou and Quanzhou were extended from 7 digits to 8 digits.
中文: 8月8日0时,福建福州、泉州固定本地电话网电话号码由七位升至八位。 更详细进入...
The benchmark finished 159.41 points weaker at 16,282.7 on a turnover of $13.51 billion.
中文: 恒指跌一百五十九点,收市报一六二八二点七,成交金额一百三十五亿元。 更详细进入...
And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.
中文: 11那先前有,如今没有的兽,就是第八位。他也和那七位同列,并且归于沉沦。 更详细进入...
At the height of the panic in mid-August the Nikkei 225 index fell by 9% in a single week, dipping 16% below its July peak.
中文: 在八月中旬的惊慌之中,日经225指数单周下跌9%,较七月份的顶峰下跌16%。 更详细进入...
Back-to-back eight-strikeout games preceded a 13-strikeout gem over seven shutout innings April 29.
中文: 连续两场八次三振的比赛超越了他四月十九日七局十三次三振的纪录。 更详细进入...
It would take more than seven people to encircle the tree with outstretched arms.
中文: 树高19米,树干下围10米,中围6米,俗语称它“七楼八扎半,疙里疙瘩不上算”。 更详细进入...