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    You shall not wrong a stranger or oppress him, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt.

    中文: 出22:21不可亏负寄居的、也不可欺压他、因为你们在埃及地也作过寄居的。 更详细进入...
    Article 22 The private enterprise, according to the provisions of laws and regulations of the State, may set up Sino-foreign joint ventures, Sino-foreign cooperative enterprise with foreign company, enterprise and other economic organizations or individua

    中文: 第二十二条私营企业按照国家法律、法规的规定,可以同外国公司、企业和其他经济组织或者个人举办中外合资经营企业、中外合作经营企业,可以承揽来料加工、来样加工、来件装配,从事补偿贸易。 更详细进入...
    No way, Im hoping to fail, So I can become an official dropout. I cant wait. No more school, no more homework, no more early mornings.

    中文: 不行,我希望不及格,那麽我就可以正式变成中辍生。我等不及了,不用再上学、不用再做功课、也不用再早起。 更详细进入...
    Article 47 Where the partnership agreement does not prescribe an operating term for the partnership, a partner may withdraw from the partnership if such withdrawal will not adversely impact on the conduct of the partnership affairs, provided that the othe

    中文: 第四十七条合伙协议未约定合伙企业的经营期限的,合伙人在不给合伙企业事务执行造成不利影响的情况下,可以退伙,但应当提前三十日通知其他合伙人。 更详细进入...
    No matter your businesses are built in China, Hong Kong or Taiwan, small offices or large international enterprises, we will go all out to let you enjoy the most cost-effective and reliable services.

    中文: 不论您的业务奠基于中国、香港或是台湾,是小型办公室或是大型跨国企业,我们都会悉力以赴,让您享用最具经济效益及可靠的服务。 更详细进入...
    The enterprise of younturn hardwares corp. offers you Cap nuts, Nuts and Dowels as well as the further Cap nuts and nuts.

    中文: 是一家闷盖螺母范围内,以及外加螺母、锁紧螺母、核桃、小滑轮和销钉范围内可靠的工业型企业。 更详细进入...
    Penhui (excluding hazardous materials), graphic design and production (including advertising and construction), light box cloth, Penhui material sales (excluding dangerous goods dangerous drugs) [above the operating permits covering operating with permits

    中文: 喷绘(不含危险品),图文设计及制作(不含广告及建筑),灯箱布,喷绘材料的销售(不含危险品,有毒品)[以上经营范围涉及许可经营的凭许可证经营]。 更详细进入...
    In China, only people realize that the enterpriser's image is crucial to marketing intergration, could the marketing of enterpriser brand see a new landscape.

    中文: 在我国,当人们真正认识到企业家形象包装是企业整合营销的需要,企业家品牌营销就可能在中国开创一个全新的局面。 更详细进入...
    The article analyzes the existing problems in the development of the SMEs and furnishes some strategical solutions in this regard, such as expanding the SME group, improving prefectural financial service, developing special markets with Yanbian characteri

    中文: 但是中小企业在发展过程中存在很多问题,只有通过发展中小企业集群,提高延边区域金融服务能力,建设具有延边特色的专业市场以及加强创业教育,才可以促进延边中小企业的发展壮大。 更详细进入...
    Their business covers the following: auditing for the listed and ultra-large state-owned enterprises group and enterprise account-checking; taxation affairs surrogating, consultation and planning; asset evaluation for listing of enterprises and its overal

    中文: 公司在上市公司审计、特大国有企业集团审计、企业查帐验证;税务代理、税务咨询、税收筹划;企业上市资产评估、企业整体资产评估、银行和资产管理公司清理资产的评估、无形资产和商标评估、国有企业经营绩效评估、土地评估;大型工程预决算的审计、特大型工程造价投资控制、工程招投标代理;企业管理咨询、财务咨询、资本运营、股份制改组及各类投资项目的可行性分析论证;企业的改制重组、兼并、清理、歇业、注销的咨询及代理服务;企业信息化咨询(ERP),企业形象策划(CI);质量认证咨询;科技成果的评估及转让、科技咨询及服务;各种培训 更详细进入...
    The enterprises as a legal person may henceforth have its official seal made, open a bank account, sign contracts and conduct business operations by dint of its Business License.

    中文: 企业法人凭据《企业法人营业执照》可以刻制公章、开立银行帐户、签订合同,进行经营活动。 更详细进入...
    Assist HR Manager in fostering company culture and team spirit.

    中文: 协助人力资源经理进行企业文化及团队建设。 更详细进入...
    Many in these countries are looking at this process and worrying: Won't the wave of business concentration turn into an uncontrollable anti-competitive force?

    中文: 这些国家的许多人面对这个浪潮开始忧虑:“企业合并的浪潮会不会变成一股不可控制的反竞争的力量?” 更详细进入...
    Nonferrous metal mineral resources are limited and non-renewable resources, and the lifeblood of the nonferrous metal mining enterprises.

    中文: 摘要有色金属矿产资源是不可再生的有限资源,也是有色金属矿业企业的生存命脉。 更详细进入...
    If an advanced technology enterprise invested by foreign merchant are still advanced technology enterprise after expiry of the period of “Two-year Exemption and Three-year Half Reduction”, the half deduction of corporate income tax can be extended by 3 ye

    中文: 外商投资举办的先进技术企业,“二免三减半”期满后,仍为先进技术企业的,可按现定的税率延长3年减半征收企业所得税。 更详细进入...
    Many home enterprises do not know clearly about the importance of marketing, which is the basic of enterprise profit, so we fall behind because we have less sense on it.

    中文: 不管任何时候,企业营销的大旗是不能倒的,因为这是保证企业获得利润的根本,但是国内很多企业似乎还没有清醒的意识到这一点。 更详细进入...
    A designated enterprise without production task for two years may be nullified of its designation.

    中文: 两年内没有生产任务的定点企业,可以取消定点。 更详细进入...
    Companies many retire their bonds payable before maturity.

    中文: 企业可以在债券到期之前赎回他们的应付债券。 更详细进入...
    Other potential victims also seem well-prepared.

    中文: 其他可能受害的企业看来也做好了充分的准备。 更详细进入...
    Aftering analyzing the relation ship between the small and medium enterprise culture construction and the core competence of the enterprises, the authors put forward the research of the importance to the small and medium enterprise cultural construction a

    中文: 摘要从中小企业文化建设与企业核心竞争力之间的关系入手,分析了企业文化建设的重要性以及建设中所存在的问题。 更详细进入...

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