A SURVEY on the Nitrogen-Fixing Legume Resources In the Dinghushan Natural Forests
中文: 鼎湖山自然林豆科固氮植物资源的调查研究 更详细进入...
As the fining pot for silver, and the furnace for gold; so is a man to his praise.
中文: 箴27:21鼎为炼银、炉为炼金、人的称赞也试炼人。 更详细进入...
It makes DING LING rubber roller have a higher competitive edge at the same industry.
中文: 使鼎联胶棍在同行业中具备了较高的竞争力。 更详细进入...
Sincere service and cooperation are our effective and influential word pledge.
中文: 真诚服务和双赢合作,是我们一言九鼎的承诺。 更详细进入...
中文: 湖南棉鼎点金刚钻(Earias cupreoviridis Walker)生物学特性的研究 更详细进入...
Distribution of carbon storage in a lower subtropical monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forest in Dinghushan Nature Reserve
中文: 鼎湖山南亚热带季风常绿阔叶林C贮量分布 更详细进入...
Population biology and genetic diversity of Macaranga sampsonii
中文: 鼎湖血桐种群生物学及遗传多样性初步研究 更详细进入...
In the Screen Saver list, click the screen saver you want to use.
中文: 在“屏幕保护器”清单中,单击你想使用的屏幕保护器。 更详细进入...
Q. My current screen saver has switched from EON to the default screen saver (a blank screen).
中文: 问:我屏幕保护由EON跳转到默认的屏幕保护程序了。 更详细进入...
Then enjoy the beauty of the temporal world, with light smiles rising.
中文: 淡淡地,淡淡地笑着,欣赏这一幕连一幕的人间美景。 更详细进入...
A horse that will not carry a saddle must have no oats.
中文: 不想驮鞍的马,没有燕麦吃。(不劳动不得食。 更详细进入...
Does anyone know why our caps are in this shape, just like swallows?
中文: 有人知道我们的帽子为什么是燕式的吗? 更详细进入...
Dynamic of IAA Produced by Nitrogen Fixation Bacteria around Oat Root System
中文: 燕麦根际固氮菌分泌IAA的动态变化研究 更详细进入...
Gong and drum sound s of diction old years olds, joyous song return by cheerful chatting winter jasmine, December 30 school of our school auditorium seething with people, have no empty seat, Celebrating New Year's Day in 2004, the joint performance of lit
中文: 锣鼓声声辞旧岁,欢歌笑语迎春归,12月30日我校校礼堂人声鼎沸、座无虚席,2004年庆元旦文艺汇演在这里徐徐拉开帷幕,来自13个县市的学生家长应邀前来观看。 更详细进入...
Alimony is like buying oats for a dead horse.
中文: 给离婚妻子的赡养费,等于给死马买燕麦。 更详细进入...
Tonight's party is a black-tie affair. You have to wear a tuxedo.
中文: 今晚的舞会是正式场合。你必须穿燕尾服。 更详细进入...
Effect to the Water Level in the Three Gorges Reservoir to the Population Size of Sand Martin
中文: 三峡库区水库蓄水对崖沙燕种群的影响 更详细进入...
中文: 中侏罗世燕辽昆虫群结构与古生态分析 更详细进入...
Incubation Rhythm of Asian House-Martin in Wuyishan
中文: 武夷山烟腹毛脚燕孵卵节律的初步研究 更详细进入...
Our main range of imported seafood includes frozen White Shrimp, black tiger Prawn, King Prawn Banana Shrimp, South American White Shrimp, Ribbon Fish, Cuttlefish, Sole Fish, Pomfret, Croaker, Seabass, Salmon, Greenland Halibut, Greenland Halibut(whole ro
中文: 主要经营范围:进口冷冻白虾、草虾、王虾、香蕉虾、南美白对虾,带鱼、墨鱼、鲳鱼、姑鱼、银雪鱼,舌鳎、三文鱼,比目鱼,比目鱼头,比目鱼身,比目鱼尾,鳐鱼翅等。 更详细进入...