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    He lives close by and runs in whenever he likes .

    中文: 他住在附近,高兴就到我家来坐坐。 更详细进入...
    This tractor utilizes the mechanism of air pressure to pull the lumbar at the position of lying, standing and sitting straightly.

    中文: 该牵引器利用气压原理进行腰椎牵引,用于仰卧位牵引和站立位或端坐位牵引。 更详细进入...
    Please lie on your back (stomach, right side, left side).

    中文: 请仰卧(俯卧,右侧卧,左侧卧)。 更详细进入...
    You're such a fidget!

    中文: 你真是个坐不住的人! 更详细进入...
    A. Sit upright or elevate head of bed 45 to 90 degrees for bedridden client if possible.

    中文: 可能时,卧床病人可取端坐位或将床头抬高到40-90度。 更详细进入...
    Do you like to take a local train or an express?/Have you reserved your ticket?/I have bought a ticket for a sleeper.

    中文: 你想坐扑通车还是特快?/你订票乐吗?/我买了张卧铺票。 更详细进入...
    I always get the fidgets during long meetings.

    中文: 会议开得长我就坐不住了. 更详细进入...
    If you can do 100 sit-ups every day, you will have a six-pack look soon.

    中文: 如果你每天都可以做100个仰卧起坐,你很快就会有六块肌。 更详细进入...
    Likewise, some “way out-of-shape” individual (i.e. unable to do even a few pull-ups, push-ups, abdominal crunches, etc.) would be better off engaging in a period of standard circuit training to improve general conditioning.

    中文: 同样的,一些“没有体型”的个人(例如,甚至不能做几个引体,俯卧撑,仰卧起坐等)进行一段时期的为改善整体身体状况的标准训练循环会好起来的。 更详细进入...
    Are flying mounts worth it? How about the Epic Flying Mount?

    中文: 飞行坐骑有用么?史诗飞行坐骑呢? 更详细进入...
    For children that can sit and crawl, select toys made of cloth, are brightly colored, and can produce sound to provide visual and auditory stimulation.

    中文: 可为已学会坐卧与爬行的婴儿挑选颜色鲜豔、有声响的布制玩具,以刺激其视觉与听觉的发展。 更详细进入...
    A small sleeping compartment, especially within a dormitory.

    中文: 小卧室小卧室,尤指宿舍内的小卧室 更详细进入...
    Blood Pheasant Behaviour during the Breeding Season in Wolong Nature Reserve,China

    中文: 卧龙血雉繁殖期行为特征分析 更详细进入...
    They were even going to fire him once because he came to work with a boozy breath.

    中文: 他们用该死的小小分号和分数弄得他坐卧不宁,他常常把它们搞错。 更详细进入...
    Period Activity Rhythm of the Wolong Giant Panda in Captivity

    中文: 卧龙圈养大熊猫的周期行为节律 更详细进入...
    Not long after starting the classes I was able to move from a stuffy room that I shared with a roommate to a condominium with high ceilings and two bedrooms.

    中文: (开学后不久,我便从和室友共住的闷热宿舍搬出来,住进了一个高顶双卧的公寓套间。) 更详细进入...
    He stood right beside me, and held on to the railing with his left hand.

    中文: 他紧挨着我坐了下来,左手握住扶手。 更详细进入...
    We live in this house that upstairs had a hallway with bedrooms coming off of it.

    中文: 我们住在楼上有走廊的屋子里,走廊上还有床铺.我们住在有一条走廊通道的楼上卧室. 更详细进入...
    I'd like to apply for a two-bedroom apartment/a low-rent house provided by the university.

    中文: 我想申请一套两卧室的公寓/一套由大学提供的低租金住房。 更详细进入...
    Bundled up Sulawesi children sit in front of intricately designed dwellings.

    中文: 裹着布的孩子坐在设计复杂的住所前。 更详细进入...

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