So, I need to get thought this unbeliblevable days, and having a flirt or relationship with you.
中文: 所以我要好好过这些不像话的日子,接著跟你产生暧昧或是更进一步的关系。 更详细进入...
Emilia. O, fie upon them! Some such squire he was That turn'd your wit the seamy side without, And made you to suspect me with the Moor.
中文: 爱米利娅哼,可恶的东西!前回弄昏了你的头,使你疑心我跟这摩尔人有暧昧的,也就是这种家伙。 更详细进入...
NO. Offered vague, indirect, and personal apologies by its Prime Minster, but not its Emperor or its Parliament.
中文: 否。日本首相以私人身份、暧昧不明而间接的方式道歉,而非由日本帝国或其国会提出正式道歉。 更详细进入...
O Arjuna, the mode of goodness overpowering the modes of passion and ignorance, the mode of passion overpowering the modes of goodness and ignorance; similarly as well as the mode of ignorance arises over the modes of goodness and passion.
中文: 阿诸那啊,善性的知觉觉知可以压倒欲望情感和愚昧无知而占上风,欲望情感也可以压倒善性的知觉觉知和愚昧无知而占上风,同样地愚昧无知也可以居于善性的知觉觉知和欲望情感之上。 更详细进入...
Second, you must remember to bring an uneven number (except that 12 is unacceptable, but never the unlucky 13), avoid chrysan themums (funeral only), red roses (which signify you are having an affair with your hostess), and yellow flowers (they imply your
中文: 其二,你必须记住所送花的朵数要是奇数(除非12朵是可接受的,永远不要送13朵这个不祥的数目),不要送菊花(仅仅参加葬礼时才送),不要送红玫瑰(这意味着你和女主人有暧昧关系),也不要送黄色的花(这暗示你的主人和某人有暧昧关系)。 更详细进入...
Second, you must remember to bring an uneven number (except that 12 is acceptable, but never the unlucky 13), avoid chrysanthemums (funeral only), red roses (which signify you are having an affair with your hostess), and yellow flowers (they imply your ho
中文: 其二,你必须记住所送花的朵数要是奇数(除非12朵是可接受的,永远不要送13朵这个不祥的数目),不要送菊花(仅仅参加葬礼时才送),不要送红玫瑰(这意味着你和女主人有暧昧关系),也不要送黄色的花(这暗示你的主人和某人有暧昧关系)。 更详细进入...
Libya has the largest oil reserves in Africa, safely distant from the Persian Gulf, and has historically cosy relations with American oil firms.
中文: 利比亚是非洲最大的石油储备国,因远离海湾地区而又十分安全,并且历史上与美国诸多石油公司关系暧昧。 更详细进入...
The earth becomes much warmer.
中文: 地球比以前暧多了。 更详细进入...
During the oracular sessions, the Pythia spoke in an altered voice and tended to chant her responses, indulging in wordplay and puns.
中文: 皮媞亚会以一种不同于平常的声音传达神谕,并倾向以吟咏的方式回应,说出的尽是暧昧的文字游戏与双关语。 更详细进入...
It is morally ambiguous and purposefully divorced from the thrill-seeking flamboyance of the director's glory-glory days.
中文: 该片在道义上是暧昧不清的,并且刻意背离这名导演在其以荣耀为主题的鼎盛时期的那种追求刺激的华丽风格。 更详细进入...
It's getting warmer and warmer.
中文: 天气是越来越暧和了。 更详细进入...
Is the conviction of those to be in goodness, passion or ignorance?
中文: 他们是具有善性品德,欲望情感还是愚昧无知呢? 更详细进入...
One of the greatest joys know to man is to take a flight into ignorance in search of knowledge.
中文: 人类已知的最大乐趣之一是投身蒙昧之境去寻求知识。 更详细进入...
What the wise do in the beginning, fools do in the end.
中文: 智者在开始就做的事情愚昧的人往往最后才去做。 更详细进入...
A further angle worth considering is that this “Real Madridgate” is all part of the political game that a lot of clubs play during this cut and thrust period of transfer dealings.
中文: 我们应该更深入的考虑到,这次的“皇马门”事件纯粹是政治斗争中的一部份,许多俱乐部都会在这个暧昧的时期玩这种“转会把戏”。 更详细进入...
One of the greatest joys known to man is to take a flight into ignorance in search of knowledge.
中文: 人类已知的最大乐趣之一是投身蒙昧之境去寻求知识。 更详细进入...
People use coal to heat the house and generate electricity.
中文: 人们使用煤炭来给房子取暧和发电。 更详细进入...
The proverbs of Solomon. A wise son maketh a glad father: but a foolish son is the heaviness of his mother.
中文: 1所罗门的箴言。智慧之子,使父亲欢乐。愚昧之子,叫母亲担忧。 更详细进入...
Hsiao Li-Hung said that the reason to create Kuei hua hsiangand A Thousand Moons on A Thousand Riversis to sigh the transiyion of times, and the lost of cultural spirit. Native Writingis her self-examination of modernity, her works are not only presented
中文: 萧丽红自陈,她之所以写作《桂花巷》、《千江有水千江月》,皆与感叹时代变迁、文化精神源头失落有关,其「乡土写实」是对西化的反思,而其作品中所呈显的「文化中国」(父国)与「地理台湾」(母土)之暧昧纠葛,更表徵了一种时代语境。 更详细进入...
Now you can display your skill to all your potential customers, without having to work in cramped quarters.
中文: 你现在可以展示你超凡的技巧,用以吸引你的顾客,不再需要在工艺室内搞什麽「暧暧内含光」了。 更详细进入...