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    That could lead to unnecessary treatment or excessive medication.

    中文: 这样可能导致不必要的治疗或者过度的治疗。 更详细进入...
    In fact, radios failed to work, medical supplies were lacking, some ambulances arrived inexplicably late and traumatised people were left to wander off.

    中文: 事实上,广播失灵,医疗供给紧缺,救护车晚点,以及把伤者置之不理。 更详细进入...
    Ultimately it may compromise the quality of medical care and ominously even result in premature death!

    中文: 最终会降低医疗服务的质量,甚至可能导致患者因丧失抢救时机而早死。 更详细进入...
    Doris: Let Toby go, you, horrible...Help, help, Kevin, help.

    中文: 桃瑞斯:让托比走,你,可怕的……救命啊!救命啊!凯文,快救救我! 更详细进入...
    Fire and EMS personnel were directing walking wounded to a single ambulance (second on scene unit).

    中文: 消防与紧急医疗服务人员指引可步行的伤员前往一辆救护车所在的位置(是第二辆到达现场的救护单位)。 更详细进入...
    Doctors in Moscow were reportedly not aware of what ailed the rescued hostages, which stymied their efforts to treat them.

    中文: 据报导,莫斯科医生不知道获救人质的病因,妨碍了他们的治疗工作。 更详细进入...
    No medical institution is permitted to dispense pharmaceutical preparations without the Pharmaceutical Preparation Certificate for Medical Institution.

    中文: 无《医疗机构制剂许可证》的医疗机构,不得配制制剂。 更详细进入...
    We're telling the truth. Central government, please save us. Save the hard-earned fruits of our labors! Save the homes in which we so tiredly live!

    中文: 我们用事实说话。请中央救救咱们吧、救救我们来之不易的劳动成果、能守着累了倦了可以靠它来栖身的家! 更详细进入...
    He is faced with the fact of an irremediable marital breakdown.

    中文: 他面临着不可挽救的婚姻破裂的事实。 更详细进入...
    Georgia: Everyone's savable. That's the rule.

    中文: 乔治亚:每一个人都不是不可救药的,这是规矩。 更详细进入...
    Conceit is the most incurable disease that is known to the human soul.

    中文: 骄傲自满是精神上最不可救药的顽症。 更详细进入...
    So give all the help you can,beacause first aid can save lives!

    中文: 要竭尽所能地救助伤者,因为紧急救援可以挽救生命。 更详细进入...
    Ban on women being treated by male doctors.

    中文: 女性不可以接受男性医生诊疗。 更详细进入...
    For health emergencies, an ambulance is sent to your location and takes you to the hospital's emergency room.

    中文: 要是事关医疗紧急状况,急救车便会派往你所在的地址并且把你带去急救室。 更详细进入...
    Conventional salvage chemotherapies have been used with limited efficacy and significant toxicity.

    中文: 常规的化疗补救方案效率有限并且毒副作用大。 更详细进入...
    It is hoped that these lines of research will result in a set of lifesaving therapies for sepsis and shock.

    中文: 希望这些不同的研究方向会引领出一套针对败血症与休克的救命疗法。 更详细进入...
    In many cases, infertility can be treated.

    中文: 很多情况下,不育也是可以治疗的。 更详细进入...
    China save sb.’s life ,give first aid ,lifesaving mechanism will buy helis!

    中文: 救助,救命界机构类将可能购买直升飞机! 更详细进入...
    China save ***.’s life ,give first aid ,lifesaving mechanism will buy helis!

    中文: 救助,救命界机构类将可能购买直升飞机! 更详细进入...
    A process for sorting injured people into groups based on their need for or likely benefit from immediate medical treatment. Triage is used on the battlefield, at disaster sites, and in hospital emergency rooms when limited medical resources must be alloc

    中文: 伤员鉴别分类将受伤人员按轻重缓急或立即治疗的可能性进行分类的过程。伤员鉴别分类用于战场、灾难发生地和医院急救室,有限的医疗设施和人员不得不进行分配 更详细进入...

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