英文: And through all this we are supposed to believe Dumbledore has never suspected you?asked Bellatrix. He has no idea of your true allegiance , he trusts you implicitly still?
中文: “就凭你说的这些,我们就应该相信邓布利多从来没有怀疑过你?”贝拉特里克斯问,“他不知道你实际上为谁效忠?他仍然毫无保留地相信你?”
英文: Harry, you must have misheard Professor Sinistra,says Hermione on page 300 of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Europa's covered in ice, not mice!
中文: 在“哈利波特和凤凰教”的第300页上,赫毛尼说:“哈利,你肯定误解了斯尼思特教授,覆盖欧罗巴的是冰,上面不可能爬满老鼠。”
英文: They are a good technical team but they didn't have the firepower to kill us off,explained Sir Alex. Our attacking play was always a great threat and the speed of our play was very good.
中文: 对于两周前的那场比赛,弗格森爵士说到:“哥本哈根队的打法很有技术性,但他们并没有一击致命的武器,而我们的进攻队员则不断地给对手制造麻烦。
英文: Yubengbrand butter pump adopt national inventing patent technology Multi-grade high-pressure coaxial connecting structurepatent No. 20042005191.X. Blooey rate reduces and improves using time.
中文: “玉泵”牌黄油泵采用了国家发明专利“多级高压泵同轴联接机构”技术,专利号200420005191.X。运行故障率大大减少,提高了使用寿命。
英文: 13 Lü WZ, Zheng FX. Clinical observation on Fangliao Huanjie decoction in treating 32 cases of enterocolitis after radiotherapy. Sichuan Zhong Yi. 2005; 23(2):4748. Chinese.
中文: 吕文增,郑芳霞。中药放疗缓解汤治疗放射性肠炎32例临床观察。四川中医。2005;23(2):4748.