英文: A positive relevance was found between the antero-posterior diameter and depth of the Sella turcica and serum TSH(r =0.7 and 0. 88,P<0.0l and P<0.0) and a negative relevance with serum and a T(r = 0.9 and-0.0, p<0.00) .
中文: 克汀病蝶鞍前后径和深径均与TSH呈正相关(r=0. 和0. 88,P<0.0和P>0.0)、与T_呈负相关(r=-0.9和-0.0,P<0.00)。
英文: Clinical analysis of sella turcica fracture
中文: 蝶鞍骨折临床分析
英文: Results The lesions were located at clival region (n=, .7%) or sella turcica region (n=, . %).
中文: 果 颅底脊索瘤发生在斜坡 例 ( .7% ) ,鞍区 例( . % ) ;
英文: Sella turcica could be divided into three types such as elliptical type,rounded type and flat type the corresponding incidence of each type was 88%,8.%and .9%. Sella turcica sagittal diameter was .7±. mm,while deep diameter was 9.±.9mm.
中文: 蝶鞍形态为椭圆形的占 88% ( 7例 ) ,圆形的占8.% ( 例 ) ,扁平形的占 .9% (0例 ) ,蝶鞍前后径 .7± . mm ,深径 9.± . 9mm。
英文: The tumor of case accompanied with slightly enlarged sella turcica and invisible pituitary gland,was located in suprasellar region and extended to splenium of corpus callous,which manifested high signal on T_WI and T_WI.
中文: 例 肿瘤位于鞍上,突向鞍内并延伸至胼胝体压部下方,蝶鞍稍增大,垂体未显示,TWI和TWI均为高信号;